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Kind of mis-leading when the forum post here says "incompatible" when they really are don't you think? Just saying. I never had the 6141, however I know the 6121 and 6183 works just fine with the R1. At least for me. I have had no issues with these modems. Maybe you could re-define your initial forum post that Arris modems could work, however you suggest using a TP-Link for "BETTER for gaming". If TP-Link is supported with the ISP.


I agree with you that if TP-Link works better than Arris, then of course, gamers should get one. However again, not all ISP support the many various brands of modems. Or I'm sure everyone would have a TP-Link modem. 

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I'm running a the TP-Link TC-7610 and can say it has been a night and day difference over the Cisco DPQ3212 it replaced. Although I seem to have developed some line issues, which are now being resolved by Cox. Hopefully I can get back to beasting and feasting with the TC-7610 + R1 once these line issues are taken care of.


Most likely your lines were messed up when you had the Cisco connected and probably needs better signals to run good and the tp link has better operating tolerances so that's why it ran better. I Wonder how the Cisco would perform after you get your lines fixed...

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What is different about the 7620 vs the 7610 hardware wise besides the 16x channel bonding?  Also curious as to why you say the 7620  is not compatible with Netduma?



Anyway, I encountered more lag and some of the worse games I have played in Titan fall 2 using the 7610.  I reactivated the Cisco DPQ-3212 and connection was back to normal, no lag and my stats started to immediately go up.  However with that being said, my son said he did not notice any difference good or bad with the 7610 playing Destiny PVP but at the same time I don't recall of him ever complaining about lag with Destiny.  Not saying he does not experience lag, just I don't think he is the type to complain about it unless it is glitching out.


As for running ping plotter and line quality (ping) test, and buffer bloat on DSLreports.com on the two different modems.  The results areis only marginal, Minimum ping overall is the same.  The ping plotter graphs on the Cisco look to have less spiking though.  As for line quality test and buffer bloat tests. Possibly a slight edge to the TP-link but that is going off memory however it was difference of get 3 A+ rating on the ping test VS 1 A+ and 2 A's.  Now for buffer bloat, the down load pings were better with the TP-link and the Upload pings wre pretty much the same.


Anyway,  as of right now, I feel the the Cisco outperforms the 7610 gaming wise but only tested it for a week but I think that should be enough.  I may test again but I am also getting tired of swapping out hardware.


Anyway just my findings so far.

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Suggestions for a good VDSL (v1 and v2) modem?


I'm currently using an ISP provided SMAR/RG sr510n and am unsure if it's actually working properly. Suggestions for testing?

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Question for the user that own the TC-7610, what gaming system do you have and what games are you playing that you noticed a night and day difference with?

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Question for the user that own the TC-7610, what gaming system do you have and what games are you playing that you noticed a night and day difference with?

On the PS4 and most of the COD's but more importantly I notice it on my Ping Plotter results.


I tested it thoroughly overly the course of 2 weeks at all different hours off the day and night,settings on up and down stream from modem were excellent and done on a quiet network for 2 weeks then did the same set of test's on a busy network.


And all I can do is speak from my experience on my network but the difference in the plots were night and day.


To me the best and most accurate way to test the stability would be by ping plotter on both a quiet and busy network.


But again this is my experience on my network and I have cable (spectrum) which we all know is the worst and least stable you can get.

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Thanks fuzzy!


Why do you say the 7620 is not compatible with the Netduma?

What tests did you run, etc?

16 channels is more attractive than having 8 so curious of your test results or anyone else who tried the 7620.

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Thanks fuzzy!


Why do you say the 7620 is not compatible with the Netduma?

What tests did you run, etc?

16 channels is more attractive than having 8 so curious of your test results or anyone else who tried the 7620.


Tell me why is 16 better? What are you going to get from it? Not what some website or spec sheet says the theoretical benefits are, but what are you actually going to get from it?


Ask http://forum.netduma.com/user/354-pharmdawgg/if the 7620 works lol

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Tell me why is 16 better? What are you going to get from it? Not what some website or spec sheet says the theoretical benefits are, but what are you actually going to get from it?


Ask http://forum.netduma.com/user/354-pharmdawgg/if the 7620 works lol

Future proofing, if i ever wanted to increase my Band with. Plus i just found out my isp requires 16x channels for speeds above 150meg, which i have now. I know the 7610 can do 343meg but the 7620 can do twice as fast.

Also, i did some research and the more channels the modem has, the better your modem will peform cuz it can pick the best channels to use.

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Future proofing, if i ever wanted to increase my Band with. Plus i just found out my isp requires 16x channels for speeds above 150meg, which i have now. I know the 7610 can do 343meg but the 7620 can do twice as fast.

Also, i did some research and the more channels the modem has, the better your modem will peform cuz it can pick the best channels to use.


Future proofing for what? We are at the limits of Docsis 3.0 and now we are moving on to Docsis 3.1 which will change the entire infrastructure of the cable systems we use. Will we be kicked off our old 8 and 16 channel modems? Not right away, but eventually we will be.


Ask yourself this, do you actually use 150+ Mbps download speeds? Not a single service requires those speeds. The ONLY thing it is good for is downloading large files such as games or illegal torrenting. If anything, upload is more important. Right now I have 240 down and 10 up. I'd much rather pay the same price for 150 down and 150 up.


As for your ISP putting artificial limits on your modem's speed, that's on them and there is no reason to do it except to waste people's money.


Also, more channels does not mean better performance at all. Most of it is a marketing gimmick, the rest of it is just theoretical. For example, if your modem is on for 3 months without being rebooted and 3 months ago channels 1-8 were perfect but now channels 7 and 8 are shit the modem will not just switch channels. It stays locked on those channels until you manually reboot it. So now say you have a 32 channel modem and you're connecting to all 32 channels. But channels 1-24 are shit, now your connection is bad and you're stuck on all 32 channels with no way to avoid it and bye bye ping times. That might seem like a far fetched example, but that's exactly what I had to deal with for 2+ years until Comcast gave in and fixed the problem. My only solution was to keep rebooting my modem until I got on the decent channels 24-32

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The 7620 doesn't work well with the Duma.

I find this totally odd, i can't find any in depth hardware specs on either of these tp link modems. I would like to know why exactly there are issues with the 7620..

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I find this totally odd, i can't find any in depth hardware specs on either of these tp link modems. I would like to know why exactly there are issues with the 7620..


Just an incompatible chipset, probably because of EEE, not that much to question really. TC-7610 works fine so there's no need for more.

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Just an incompatible chipset, probably because of EEE, not that much to question really. TC-7610 works fine so there's no need for more.

I just like to understand things. However that's just it, i can't find anything on what chipset either one uses. I read on forums the 7610 uses a broadcom chip but no reputable source just hearsay or assumptions. Also the EEE bug is supposedly fixed with arris with the new firmware update that lets the user disable it now.

Does the 7620 even use EEE?


As for the 7610, i returned mine. It performed worse with game lag then my Cisco. When i get time i am going to write up a more detailed report on how it performed with my set up.



Anyway i'm surprised tp link does not have more hardware specs on these 2 modems.


I just might buy the 7620 just to test it out in my set up as it seems there is not just one modern that works for everyone. For example the 7610 did not work all that great in my set up but every one else it did.


Why is that? Is it because the Cisco i have works really well and actually better? Is it because everyone else who tried the 7610 was going from some crap modem?

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I just like to understand things. However that's just it, i can't find anything on what chipset either one uses. I read on forums the 7610 uses a broadcom chip but no reputable source just hearsay or assumptions. Also the EEE bug is supposedly fixed with arris with the new firmware update that lets the user disable it now.

Does the 7620 even use EEE?


As for the 7610, i returned mine. It performed worse with game lag then my Cisco. When i get time i am going to write up a more detailed report on how it performed with my set up.



Anyway i'm surprised tp link does not have more hardware specs on these 2 modems.


I just might buy the 7620 just to test it out in my set up as it seems there is not just one modern that works for everyone. For example the 7610 did not work all that great in my set up but every one else it did.


Why is that? Is it because the Cisco i have works really well and actually better? Is it because everyone else who tried the 7610 was going from some crap modem?


The EEE "bug" is hardware related, so no software fix will fix it. If the hardware supports it then it's there causing a problem. I would never buy another Arris/Motorola modem again.


As for why the 7610 didn't work for you? Probably a line issue. If I remember correctly you're using splitters and an attenuator besides changing internet plans. There's so many things at work here that could be a problem.


The DPQ3212 uses a 8x4 Broadcom BCM3380. I'm sure there are TONS of other modems that work fine also. But judging from past experience I can say that you seem to be the only one who is having success with the DPQ3212 so I'd say it's safe to assume either it's working fine because of your unique setup and able to handle a bad signal better than other modems OR you just had some bad luck with your TP Link.


You even said it yourself that the TP Link performed better in almost all ways, except for spiking was better on the cisco which is down to your line quality...



As for running ping plotter and line quality (ping) test, and buffer bloat on DSLreports.com on the two different modems.  The results are only marginal, Minimum ping overall is the same.  The ping plotter graphs on the Cisco look to have less spiking though.  As for line quality test and buffer bloat tests. Possibly a slight edge to the TP-link but that is going off memory however it was difference of get 3 A+ rating on the ping test VS 1 A+ and 2 A's.  Now for buffer bloat, the down load pings were better with the TP-link and the Upload pings were pretty much the same.

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I was able to get specs directly from TP-Link support. Just has to ask is all:

"Bonnie"8:07 pmfor 7610, the chip is BCM3383D+BCM3413

8x4 Modem

data rates up to 343Mbps download and 143Mbps upload speeds 


for 7620, it's BCM33843D+BCM3413

16x4 Modem

data rates up to 680 Mbps for downstream, and 143 Mbps for upstream


for 7650, v1, it's BCM3384DU + BCM3184 + BGU7045

24x8 Modem

data rates up to 1029Mbps for downstream, and 206Mbps for upstream


Seems that there all Broadcom based modems. Even thought they might all have this supposed problem with EEE, even if it was HW, if it was disabled. It wouldn't pose a problem. I haven't seen any issues with my Arris SB6183 and my R1. EEE is disabled since day one and gaming have been great one Bo2 and Bo3. Again, just my experience for those who can't use TP-Link on there ISPs. There is other modems that work. 


IF TP-Link is supported then by all mean, use what is best in your experience. You make the determination what works and what doesn't. 

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Yes that is correct on my first initial testing and had similar results when i tested the 7610 again. But now i have more data that I'll will post later with more detail fundings, ping plotter charts, line quality tests, buffer bloat tests and most importantly in game lag.


Oddly enough lag was worse with the 7610 which in the end is all i care about.

I'll try posting my tests and my set up (splitters) etc in the next couple of days.

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I was able to get specs directly from TP-Link support. Just has to ask is all:

"Bonnie"8:07 pmfor 7610, the chip is BCM3383D+BCM3413

8x4 Modem

data rates up to 343Mbps download and 143Mbps upload speeds 


for 7620, it's BCM3383D+BCM3413

16x4 Modem

data rates up to 680 Mbps for downstream, and 143 Mbps for upstream


for 7650, v1, it's BCM3384DU + BCM3184 + BGU7045

24x8 Modem

data rates up to 1029Mbps for downstream, and 206Mbps for upstream


Seems that there all Broadcom based modems. Even thought they might all have this supposed problem with EEE, even if it was HW, if it was disabled. It wouldn't pose a problem. I haven't seen any issues with my Arris SB6183 and my R1. EEE is disabled since day one and gaming have been great one Bo2 and Bo3. Again, just my experience for those who can't use TP-Link on there ISPs. There is other modems that work. 


IF TP-Link is supported then by all mean, use what is best in your experience. You make the determination what works and what doesn't. 


The 7610 and 7620 can't use the exact same chips because one is 8x4 and one is 16x4. So they don't know what they're talking about or you just found some information online and are posting it.


I'm not going to start another discussion about the SB6183 working for only you with no problems.

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Well I tend to believe what TP-Link says since they have the data. I can reconfirm with them. So can anyone. 


Just saying. Arris isn't a problem with the R1. It's not for you, it's for others who can't use TPLink modem with there ISPs. 


I don't see TP-Link models being supported here with this ISP:


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