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Geofilter is off


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As Crossy said, a little misunderstanding of Ping Assist.


With the Geo Filter AND Ping Assist it will allow hosts within the circle AND also hosts from outside of the circle IF they have a ping under 50ms (or whatever number you set).


Ping Assist ONLY affects what is OUTSIDE of the circle. They are independent from one another.

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Others have explained ping assist but the answer to why it is 70ms instead of 50ms is because it doesn't limit the pings inside the radius. You could still get a host within the radius higher than your PA limit. In this instance your host is inside the radius.

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you could minimize your circle to it's minimum and use ping assist instaed, as stated above they are independent of each other!



That is why some players place their circle in the ocean at minimum and use ping assist instead!

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  • Netduma Staff

But I'm getting ppl with 70 ping instead of 50 screenshot 1


I don't know which circle you were pinging but I imagine it was the host which was within the GeoFilter - therefore ping assist won't have any effect on it.

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I don't know if this is for bo3 or not but that particular server if it is bo3 is terrible for me in Oklahoma. I see in game pings as bad as 83ms. Even my buddy's from north Florida and Alabama say that particular server is laggy for them and they have lower pings around 40ms. Where are you located? The best thing to do for southern to mid US is set the geofilter to the smallest setting, place it in the Atlantic Ocean, and set PA to the best range for your service. I use 34 and it is perfect. With one service I get Dallas dedis at 17-32ms and the other service Chicago 33ms solid.

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