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bo3 aim assist


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anyone else noticed the aim assist seems to be much stronger? its so strong if im shooting one guy that its pulling me away if someone crosses my path but stronger than its ever done in the past and i feel i have to fight to stay on target

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Aim assist stronger, since when? Are you on the PS4 using the latest patch with the DLC maps? Or are you on the Xbox One?

It's simply broken. Oh and if you have 100 ping like I do then you should probably turn it off cause it gives you wrong aim.

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I'm having issues with my aim just shooting up for no reason when my stick is just fine.

I noticed it does it on another game too so its must be my controller but it's only a year old and I take care of my stuff.

Could be a controller update issue from microsoft, you never know.

I dont really want to open up my scuf one controller and break the seal but if I have to I will.

For now i just lowered my sensitivity all the way down to 4 for the vertical and left horizontal at 20. (I'm used to using the highest setting in all COD's)

This seems to work for now but its still annoying that I have to do that to patch the issue I'm having.

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I'm having issues with my aim just shooting up for no reason when my stick is just fine.

I noticed it does it on another game too so its must be my controller but it's only a year old and I take care of my stuff.

Could be a controller update issue from microsoft, you never know.

I dont really want to open up my scuf one controller and break the seal but if I have to I will.

For now i just lowered my sensitivity all the way down to 4 for the vertical and left horizontal at 20. (I'm used to using the highest setting in all COD's)

This seems to work for now but its still annoying that I have to do that to patch the issue I'm having.

that sounds like stick drift, i needed a new controller

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even if you turn off aa its still there so don't listen to people who say aim assist doesn't kick in multi-player coz it bloody does

i have been shooting at some1 and another enemy has come behind them to the right and it pulled my reddot between

the both of them. there should be a raw mode were aim assist is totally disabled like on pc

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Yes, the aim assist in BO3 is stupidly high.  They need to recode aim assist to only be active on the enemy you are targeting/shooting.  I know they have the ability to do this because when an enemy is using Active Camo, you don't have aim assist against him, so that right there tells me they have the ability to disable it against certain players.

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I'm still curious as to what console you guys are playing on? I'm on XB1 and haven't noticed any Aim Assist issues and i'm using a XIM4 (Mouse/Keyboard adapter) so it's easier for me to feel aim assist because I have finer micro aim then you do.

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anyone else noticed the aim assist seems to be much stronger? its so strong if im shooting one guy that its pulling me away if someone crosses my path but stronger than its ever done in the past and i feel i have to fight to stay on target

Time to kill 'em both! :D

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trent is that with both target assist off an aa off?

i am on ps4 and some times you get pulled towards a target before you see it


i dunno what zombies is like now but with aa an ta off, when a line of zombies is coming towards you

you have to fight with aa to shoot the zombies coz its pulling your aim to the zombies to the right and left that are behind the closest zombies, fricking daft if u ask me

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I play with Target Assist and Aim Assist on. To my understanding Target Assist is for single player or zombies only. It has no effect in Multiplayer matchmaking.


As far as the aim before the actual person comes around the corner that's because of lag. Either you, or the person/zombie you're shooting is lagging (assuming you're playing online).

The aimassist box lags behind the target. I have no idea how to explain it without sounding like i'm full of poop but i'll try.


Everyone knows about the broken netcode. Player A gets to see player B first coming around a corner. Now when you have a ping of over 80+ ms you can feel this aim assist lag. Think of it this way the game dividing the players camera + the model + the aim assist in three different ways. if they're at 30ms and you're at 90 they're REALLY going to see you first. (Assuming you're not host). So on there screen (player camera) they're really infront of there player model. So on your screen you're shooting at a ghost image of where they used to be. That's why you die around corners. So you're shooting at there player model, but the aim is dragging behind them? Thank lag for that bullshit. Since the aim assist box and the playerbox isn't syncd with YOUR client and it's done by network you're shooting at where YOUR xbox thinks the player is.


This game is a piece of garbage and the damn engine needs to be fixed. Amazing how over all these years they "improved the FISH AI" and "improved the graphics" but never once did they say "FIX THE DAMN NETCODE" on the back of the box.

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People still play this garbage? ;)


Seriously, though, it's so imbalanced in terms of aim assist and target assist because sniper rifles don't have any, yet every other weapon in the game does.


Treyarch did this to curb Quick Scoping, but now nobody uses snipers... Except for the Noob Sniper Drakon.... Because they can't  The added vertical movement makes sniping impossible without aim assist which makes the game nothing but a run & gun, SMG fest and this gets boring very fast. You can't even snipe like you are supposed to because of the lack of aim assist compared to every other weapon in the game. 


This is why I don't play this crap anymore. It's designed for Timmy No-Thumbs who plays on Mommy and Daddy's Wi-Fi when he gets home from school with a ping of 150, and thinks he is a CoD God when he goes 30-5, further encouraging him to spend his parents money on what amounts to legalized digital gambling (Black Market, CoD Points), etc.

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I don't know man, are we playing the same game?

small maps will allways be smg dominated but the weapons in this game, on the whole, are superbly well balanced, and you can run with pretty much anything you like and do well with the right playstyle. Also Im seeing a fair few quickscopers in my games usually using the svg. In fact some really annoying ones who I would like to find out where they live and speak to their parents.

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I don't know man, are we playing the same game?

small maps will allways be smg dominated but the weapons in this game, on the whole, are superbly well balanced, and you can run with pretty much anything you like and do well with the right playstyle. Also Im seeing a fair few quickscopers in my games usually using the svg. In fact some really annoying ones who I would like to find out where they live and speak to their parents.

apart from the confetti gun ie the haymaker lol

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ye still plenty of quickscopers about the only difference is they have the skill to do it but the lack of aim assist has weeded out all the wanna be's

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You know why these QuickScopers are so "good"?


The lag compensation.


It's the new form of aim assist. 


We know how messed up the netcode is, but even with a good connection, all they have to do is aim in your general direction (torso), and they kill you. It's a joke...

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You know why these QuickScopers are so "good"?


The lag compensation.


It's the new form of aim assist. 


We know how messed up the netcode is, but even with a good connection, all they have to do is aim in your general direction (torso), and they kill you. It's a joke...

This is absolutely true, as the most deadly snipers I have ever faced are usually on a 3 bar and get hits by just aiming in your general direction.  I turn tail and run in their presence. I know my limits, and my Smg is no match at close range to a lagging sniper ..lol

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The thing I find funny is you guys all act surprised by this...it's BO3 for fucks sake


JD and I debate this often while gaming,he loves trey arc and I hate them.But the point I always make is BO2 got famous or infamous for QS or NS,always having to carry a launcher and the sky always jam packed with score streaks.


And the game was extremely successful,so I ask you why would you expect something different if the last version was so profitable ?


I hated BO2 and IMO BO3 is just the same shit with a new title and some new characters but the same game mechanics and connection issues,so BO2.5

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