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Bo3 no matter what I do

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The big problem for many... including myself... Is the game isn't consistent across two different matches with the same exact players.


None of us expect the Netduma, to make us CoD Gods, or eliminate all the various factors that make up WAN gaming on the internet. 


I can't speak for anybody else, but like I wrote earlier, I probably play more than most (adults), but I'm still getting robbed... no other word for it... Of kills that should be mine due to the lag "overcompensation" as I call it.


The basic, logical formula is the closer you are to a server / host = the lower the ping is and that should = an advantage over others with higher pings who are farther away. In BF, this holds true. In CSGO, this holds true since a lot of my friends stream CSGO with the lag meter running in the bottom corner of the screen. The ones who do well are usually 30ms-60ms from the server. The bad ones are those with pings in the upper 70s to 100s. This is how it is in 90% of the games people play... Including Halo, but... This is not what I (and many others) are experiencing with BO3, and CoD in general.


We have witnessed first-hand, players with two yellow bar and even one red bar connections at the top of the leader board for the match. This should be an anomaly, but it happens far too often to be an isolated incident e.g. the connection reads "bad" because the game is ending and there is always a latency spike for everybody. 


It's this counter-intuitive...a.k.a. illogical... Real world result many of us are experiencing that goes against everything we've been taught and expect to happen in a MP game.


There are countless factors, but the big one may be the netcode itself and / or the flinching mechanic that seems to effect others more or less at different times to the point it is not random per say.


I don't expect you guys to answer all of these questions, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... It's probably a duck in that there is something "off" about how BO3 and CoD plays these days on WAN (vs. LAN).

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Secret face have you moved ISP or do you still have the jitter issue I saw when I did a 1 to 1 on you machine while i ran tests?


ISP congestion, some days will be better than others when other users are not streaming downloading, Holiday season will be bad.

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Secret face have you moved ISP or do you still have the jitter issue I saw when I did a 1 to 1 on you machine while i ran tests?


ISP congestion, some days will be better than others when other users are not streaming downloading, Holiday season will be bad.

I did say I have no option but the current but what I did was raise hell and have not had any jitter issues that I can see running ping ploy or pinging cmd. Not that I wouldn't doubt some kind of problem with the ISP, I believe it has something to do with the game itself. I am not the only one having the exact same issue. Thank you though. Last night I can tell you all issues were player based, I had maybe one person in every lobby with 4 bars most were a red dot but something odd was going on last night as I couldn't connect to any server in the US all PvP. Though other than one match that I left cause I thought I was going to have motion sickness from the screen bouncing around it played more or less good with a bunch of red dotters.

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I think the majority of us are not having wtf moments. Its all night or day long sometimes for a week. If not months of entire playing time of being behind a few moments. And you want us to just be happy with that? Well WTF did we buy this router for then? If its just expected to be on the ass end of lag all the time? 

Damn dude you seem to be so angry,it's a fucking video game.Maybe you should find a different hobby if something that's suppose to be fun causes you this much grief,might be time to move on.


And I don't know why you bought the router,you'll have to answer that question yourself as each of us bought it for our own reasons.And I hate to break it to you but everyone is on the ass end of lag sometimes,you.me,all the YT's but nobody post bad gameplay so you don't see those vids.


If I had the magic answer I'd give it to you but just like you I'm still trying to find consistence gameplay on a daily basis.


And if you have a jitter issue with your ISP,that's the first thing I would address as that can trash your gaming experience.

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As much as I hate to admit it I have more play time on this title than any other. Right now I'm level 123 master prestige with over ten days played, I'm semi-retired don't judge lol. I've played almost every mode there is, mastered all but one specialist. I found for me hard core is where it's at with this game, core mode introduces to many problems imo as far as gameplay goes. I would say I've had about 80% great gameplay thanks to the Netduma, it took some tinkering but I've found a few servers that play extremely well for me. Don't get me wrong it's not perfect, but thanks to the R1 I love playing this game. I live in the far northwest U.S. and my base ping is around 25-30ms and average ping in game is around 60-70ms which I consider to be around average. My KD is only 1.4 and SPM is only 270, I really only play HC TDM any more and consider myself an average player. I really do believe if you have any decent ISP there are settings that will get you good gameplay it's a matter of figuring it out. As much as I love to blame the "lag" honestly most of my deaths are my fault, maybe playing core mode with a bunch of young try hards and tons of scorestreaks flying around isn't for you. I would recommend anyone with connection issues try a game or three of HC TDM on your favorite server and see if it doesn't feel a little better to you. Best of luck and happy gaming.

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Damn dude you seem to be so angry,it's a fucking video game.Maybe you should find a different hobby if something that's suppose to be fun causes you this much grief,might be time to move on.


And I don't know why you bought the router,you'll have to answer that question yourself as each of us bought it for our own reasons.And I hate to break it to you but everyone is on the ass end of lag sometimes,you.me,all the YT's but nobody post bad gameplay so you don't see those vids.


If I had the magic answer I'd give it to you but just like you I'm still trying to find consistence gameplay on a daily basis.


And if you have a jitter issue with your ISP,that's the first thing I would address as that can trash your gaming experience.

Not angry at all. Some stuff just dosen't translate when typing out quickly. I was trying to state that we bought the router to try and better our chances of having a better gaming . I thought someone was suggesting we should just sit back and not try and do that. Which is why I said why did we buy the router then. I already answered the jiter question so won't go there. If I were angry I would be throwing bad words around like calling people Dicks or a fucking video game but I'm not you are. Again I'm not angry.

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Not angry at all. Some stuff just dosen't translate when typing out quickly. I was trying to state that we bought the router to try and better our chances of having a better gaming . I thought someone was suggesting we should just sit back and not try and do that. Which is why I said why did we buy the router then. I already answered the jiter question so won't go there. If I were angry I would be throwing bad words around like calling people Dicks or a fucking video game but I'm not you are. Again I'm not angry.

No I'm not angry either,just tired of hearing you bitch about the same shit day after day after day.Your never gonna be happy with the duma or gaming IMO.I'm not the polite mod,I just call it how I see it.And the issues you're having aren't duma related.So I would try finding out what your network problems are,that's how you get things fixed.Your bitching about stuff that the duma has no control over,maybe start with your ISP as you've had issues with them in the past,maybe you have severe node overload (as I do),maybe it's something else but it's not the duma.

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Hey guys chill. I think this is a classic case of tone not being communicated via text. It happens all the time :)


Fuzzy is right make sure to run "Internet Diagnostic" tests often secretface if you ever see a bad result then let us know here. Could be last mile issue :) 

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No I'm not angry either,just tired of hearing you bitch about the same shit day after day after day.Your never gonna be happy with the duma or gaming IMO.I'm not the polite mod,I just call it how I see it.And the issues you're having aren't duma related.So I would try finding out what your network problems are,that's how you get things fixed.Your bitching about stuff that the duma has no control over,maybe start with your ISP as you've had issues with them in the past,maybe you have severe node overload (as I do),maybe it's something else but it's not the duma.

Hmm in my previous posts I said that I started with my ISP. I also in no way am blaming the Netduma router. I am however trying to find a way of bettering my gaming as are many on here, if thats bitching then so be it. I'm not the only one with this issue, there are people with settings that work for them posted on here, some of them had worked for me including the post I made with settings that work. So your saying that if someone is having some kind of issue, any in life in general, not to try and get the problem fixed or better it?

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Hmm in my previous posts I said that I started with my ISP. I also in no way am blaming the Netduma router. I am however trying to find a way of bettering my gaming as are many on here, if thats bitching then so be it. I'm not the only one with this issue, there are people with settings that work for them posted on here, some of them had worked for me including the post I made with settings that work. So your saying that if someone is having some kind of issue, any in life in general, not to try and get the problem fixed or better it?

Nope not at all just saying I think your looking in the wrong spot.


And everyone settings are gonna be different,including yours and mine.Here are my settings that use to work cc set at 50/50 nothing changed on device prioritization.Had great games for about 2-3 weeks and now those settings don't work for me anymore,so I'm tweaking my settings again.


You just act like your the only one with issue and that's not the case,most of us have the same issues,we just don't bitch about it as much as you do.

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Nope not at all just saying I think your looking in the wrong spot.


And everyone settings are gonna be different,including yours and mine.Here are my settings that use to work cc set at 50/50 nothing changed on device prioritization.Had great games for about 2-3 weeks and now those settings don't work for me anymore,so I'm tweaking my settings again.


You just act like your the only one with issue and that's not the case,most of us have the same issues,we just don't bitch about it as much as you do.

I must not be typing what I'm thinking and I am sorry if its coming across wrong but I know that there are many of us having this issue and I am sorry if somehow it came across as I am the only one with this issue. Did not mean for it to be that way.

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Tonight was actually my worst night, so much BS and the rage I had would make Elpressador tell me to calm down, but it cleared up and things smoothend out.


​I think I'm going to start playing day time a little.

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Omg what a read! I haven't played this game since b4 crimbo. I've barely played any at all tbh, had a few home probs to sort. But have been visiting the forum from time to time.


From what I can tell from the reading, this game for some plays really well A7, PI, Raddy to name a few, for others its inconsistent some gd some bad like me for instance! And then there are peeps who's games seem more bad than good Kevo and secretface for instance!


I don't think I have a bad connection but like jconnor has pointed out common logic doesn't seem to apply to this title in particular, amazing router or not!( "Fuck me, I'm glad I bought this router, just because I like coming to the forum lol, I spend more time reading on here than any other website :)") but my local dedi in UK I'm always behind and struggle, my gameplay quality doesn't change! I move geo over France and we'll I finish more games with a plus to my kdr so a server further away gives me better results, don't make sense!


Bottom line is its the game! It's a shame really. But that's the way it is very random.


My solution if I could have it would be to have iian speak to the dudes at treyarch and have a look at some of their code and maybe swap theories or facts on how to improve the gameplay for the majority (not just duma owners).


In reality highly unlikely but would be so cool. For me, I'm having a break from cod right now, but I'm sure as hell still gonna be running everything through my r1 even though it's hard not playing cod lol.


I guess I really empathise with peeps who only really play cod because its not like there are many other titles to turn too to fulfill that thirst! Happying gaming peeps and let's not infight! It is always hard constantly hearing negativity, but compassion really is the greatest tool.

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The netduma is the only reason I still play this game. I wish I could figure out how to edit games onto here I'd show you what I'm going through.


Unrelated question but from what I can tell even when my speeds are really low during peak hours and stuff, my ping is never effected. I've seen my connection go from 30 down 5 up to 1 down 50kbps up. I have an Internet guy coming out today to check out my line. My question is what is the minimum bandwidth, upload specifically needed to have a good experience with call of duty?


Let me just say this in no way applies to my problem as I mainly only play during the hours when my line isn't stuttering

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I did a little experiment yesterday 12/28 Eastern Standard Time between 9:30pm and about 1:30am. I decided to leave everything "stock" Geo Filter off, CC both at 100, share excess with a Reactive algorithm. I have Verizon FIOs 50/50 plan and live about 20 miles from NYC. With FIOs I have a fiber wire to my house and from the box outside I have a Cat5 wire to my Verizon router/modem and my RI is off that (in DMZ of course). Upon playing I got into a server right away in NJ, viewing the map the other players were scattered, a few in the north east one in North Dakota, Texas, Cali, even St Lucia.. My host ping "according to the router" was idling around 6-8 with solid spikes up to 80 every second or two.. BUT, I had ok games, we'll say 75% rating of the game... (hit detection, smooth player movement and lag compensation).. A few hours later 10:30-12 area the players got "closer" to me, the spikes began to die down to 30-40s and the game got better we'll say 90% rating and a few 100% games. I left to get some water and came back in, I was only playing with people within 100 miles from me, I was a solid 4-6ms ping and the game went to GARBAGE, still hosting off the NJ server, but it was like the close people were hurting my game? I then started messing with the R1 settings hoping to get the games I had from earlier in the night and no such luck. Grrrr. I think we should all just admit the game is broken, yes the Duma will give you "closer" players, but does that help or hurt you? Maybe the games I had earlier, playing off the NJ server, the other players being far away made the game playable? Maybe if I put my "home" in the ocean and set my ping slider to 50? or leave my home where it is and get geo to the lowest and ping slider to 50, so I can tell how far the host is from me? Maybe in their next update they can make your "Filter by Distance" reach zero so you only search by ping? Thanks for listening... Ohh PS4 user name KAC1023

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Just to clarify, all competitions have a small percentage of randomness in them.


The QB who throws the ball down field has a small chance of wind effecting the balls trajectory. That's expected, but the QB and WR know how to adjust for those things to maximize the outcome... Similar to what we do when we bought the Netduma.


As another poster wrote, we're not mad at the Router, or Netduma crew. We're pissed at the game because most of us believe at this point in time, both the game series and our own experience with the games things should be getting better and not worse. For some it is better, for some it's just the same and for others it's worse and/or inconsistent to the point it makes playing a crap shoot as far as connection/hit detection/lag compensation goes.


I left to get some water and came back in, I was only playing with people within 100 miles from me, I was a solid 4-6ms ping and the game went to GARBAGE, still hosting off the NJ server, but it was like the close people were hurting my game? I then started messing with the R1 settings hoping to get the games I had from earlier in the night and no such luck. Grrrr. I think we should all just admit the game is broken, yes the Duma will give you "closer" players, but does that help or hurt you? Maybe the games I had earlier, playing off the NJ server, the other players being far away made the game playable? Maybe if I put my "home" in the ocean and set my ping slider to 50? or leave my home where it is and get geo to the lowest and ping slider to 50, so I can tell how far the host is from me? Maybe in their next update they can make your "Filter by Distance" reach zero so you only search by ping? Thanks for listening... Ohh PS4 user name KAC1023


I'm wondering if this Buffer Bloat rearing its ugly head on the part of the closer players? Closer means lower ping, but that ping may be "too low" where a lot of BB is occurring because they are so close to the server?

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I play from N.E. Florida. I have found that if I have my home location too close to where I actually live I will get a ton of players in the lobby from South FL, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. These games are absolutely terrible. I will have good ping to the host but the latency induced from the players far away kills the game for me. Right now I have my geo-filter set to Ohio, ping assist at 0, strict mode on with a 580 mile radius. This puts me into the Jersey/DC servers and the KC server with an occasion game on the ATL server. I find that even though I am pinging in game at 50-60ms, the games play solid and consistent for me. Does it make me a better player? Not in the least, but it is playing very well for me.


I ran with a full party last night, all but one was in the south east. We dominated, and it was epic. Then we had a game on the ATL server with players from the south with the high ping internet. Most of the team I was with quit halfway through the match.


The Netduma is a tool to use to get the lobbies that will play well for you, and you can camp the servers that best suit your needs. It isn't a set it and forget it type of thing.

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A7 and pie, good stuff, I think we can find ways to use this router to our advantage, NOT CHEATING, not capping upload or adding lag to our connections. I want to upgrade my PS4 hard drive and I honestly been debating on going SSD to make the console faster, lol. I think if we could set our search distance to 0 (leaving our home where it is) and putting the ping slider to 30-50, we should get good games?

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