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Bo3 no matter what I do

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Please update in a day or two as throttling hard has worked for me but afraid to say its a cure, as it could be temporary.


For sure, just to add I've played all day with the most hardcore rage boiling inside me, the switch to wireless and combined throttling is the major changes I've made, i hope to god this is the key i deserve a break with all this bs and rage inducing vomit gameplay.

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I applaud the ingenuity, but this is pretty bad if we have to resort to gimping our connections to resemble playing on old school DSL, or 56K.


Fraser said he and the crew are going to release some videos where they tested latency by artificially manipulating it to have higher ping, but he insists the closer the ping, you should still have an advantage. I look forward to these videos, but I am wondering about these "conclusive" results he's foreshadowing considering a lot of us are having the exact opposite of what should be the logical set of parameters e.g. a lower ping does NOT mean having an advantage in BO3, or CoD in general.

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I applaud the ingenuity, but this is pretty bad if we have to resort to gimping our connections to resemble playing on old school DSL, or 56K.


Fraser said he and the crew are going to release some videos where they tested latency by artificially manipulating it to have higher ping, but he insists the closer the ping, you should still have an advantage. I look forward to these videos, but I am wondering about these "conclusive" results he's foreshadowing considering a lot of us are having the exact opposite of what should be the logical set of parameters e.g. a lower ping does NOT mean having an advantage in BO3, or CoD in general.


I totally agree with you, i'm all about optimising. Gimping my connection is not a road i wanted to go down, but at this stage i think its acceptable to try and level the playing field.

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So essentially you have mimicked the play set up of the average gamer?


Wireless, throttled connection, throw in an OEM controller and play on your big screen and you've replicated day one of just about every casual that got tired of getting "bunny hopped" and started to do research. LOL


I've said a couple of times the hardcore group here is over analyzing the hell out of this issue because we have too much Intel at the moment.


Interesting that Pre-Emptive is your choice as most of us have been running Reactive. Have you tried both settings by chance?


As for low ping and it NOT leading to CoD success, I have to completely disagree. The logic doesn't hold up to a simple real world eval. There would be zero reason for the headaches and costs of any LAN event if that were true.


Because this version hasn't been cracked yet, doesn't mean you throw out perfectly sound logic.

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i agree, sounds like the average gamers connection, my nat did change from open to moderate upon going wireless which had no adverse effect, only ran the pre-emp on this new setup i


tried cause it was a case of aint broke its rather good so don't touch that dial anymore! i'm not contesting the ping debate as my in game ping stayed roughly the same as wired. i'm open to  


what ian is going to say regarding ping in his upcoming vids. i'm not going to get too carried away with how well and different it played tonight more testing required, chasing that elusive 



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As for low ping and it NOT leading to CoD success, I have to completely disagree. The logic doesn't hold up to a simple real world eval. There would be zero reason for the headaches and costs of any LAN event if that were true.


Because this version hasn't been cracked yet, doesn't mean you throw out perfectly sound logic.


What's the main difference between a closed LAN, and the wide open internet? Think about that for a minute ;)


Yes, there are things completely out of our control like congestion, bad routing, weak hardware (on the route), etc. However, why is it BO3 is not consistent from match to match whereas other games are? Same set of uncontrollable variables, yet BO3 (CoD) produces illogical results compared to other games like BF that have a lot more going on in a match compared to CoD?


Why is it that when we hobble our high bandwidths it produces better results than just going full-throttle? Why can a slower player kill us when we have the drop on them and fire first (send the kill commands to the server)?


I'm waiting for Fraser's videos just like the rest of us, but from what I have experienced first-hand and knowing (the basics) of how client-server interactions work, my gut keeps telling me there is something amiss in CoD's netcode that is giving higher ping, or bad ping players some kind of advantage. It might not be intentional, but it's unfair in its basic form if it gives an advantage to players with poor (higher ping, packet loss) connections over players who are closer and have a better connection overall.

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all I know is Im a beast at 60ms ping at 30 and below I am a second behind. I don't know why, re or pre makes no difference for long. I just want a final solution but Treywhatever keeps us guessing. I may try using my phone at this point LOL

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The game is made up of lag compensation. It's coded into the game you got players with 10 ping and 300 ping being compensated to try to create a virtual experience at 100 ms or some crap. The host doesn't matter but for everyone else it seems like activision is trying to play God by pushing the laggers forward and the low Pingers back.


Every now and then I'll see that 300 ping guy move 5 feet freeze move 5 feet freeze, I'll shoot him a hundred times, the hits register, he will 9 times out of 10 have a shotgun, kill me and be the best player on his team. In any other game this player would die, immediately. In this game the way it is designed is to give that player an advantage via lag compensation.


This is the only possible explanation for all the problems were all having. Although on a much smaller scale like 10 ms and 60 ms it's less extreme but still noticeable. I mean come on let's face it we all have netdumas and can alter every aspect of connection from our side of things to no avail.

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The game is made up of lag compensation. It's coded into the game you got players with 10 ping and 300 ping being compensated to try to create a virtual experience at 100 ms or some crap. The host doesn't matter but for everyone else it seems like activision is trying to play God by pushing the laggers forward and the low Pingers back.


Every now and then I'll see that 300 ping guy move 5 feet freeze move 5 feet freeze, I'll shoot him a hundred times, the hits register, he will 9 times out of 10 have a shotgun, kill me and be the best player on his team. In any other game this player would die, immediately. In this game the way it is designed is to give that player an advantage via lag compensation.


This is the only possible explanation for all the problems were all having. Although on a much smaller scale like 10 ms and 60 ms it's less extreme but still noticeable. I mean come on let's face it we all have netdumas and can alter every aspect of connection from our side of things to no avail.


This is what I've been saying for a few years, now.


The way long-distance gaming works, the sever has to "even out" the different pings, but in most games the player(s) with the higher ping will be at a disadvantage. Not so in CoD. This might not be intentional, but there is further evidence of their aggressive lag compensation... we can even call it lag overcompensation... Because during MW3, people were doing the exact same thing we're doing now by throttling and adding latency to help "even out" the game play experience.


In slower games and game modes, latency isn't that big a factor due to LESS data having to be sent back and forth. CoD, however, is a modern day UT and Quake-style arena shooter that relies on a constant flow of data due to the fast-paced nature of the game. There are going to be mistakes given the infinite amount of latency in a particular match, but far too often players with bad connections seem to have the advantage over those with good connections.

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Yes, the Netduma does what is says it does and allows console players to "choose" the server(s) they want to play on... Just like most PC games (although, one of the most popular ones, CSGO, does not with its SBMM. Hmm...).


The game (netcode) is just broken, IMO.


It was so broken on XB1 today that I saw a Cerberus rolling around IN THE AIR at what looked like 10' above the players heads! It was getting kills and nobody could stop it - LOL. It wasn't my Cerberus, but it was just too damn funny... In a pathetic way... To witness. I know video games will always have glitches, but this was due to netcode because the damn thing was also skipping around the sky instead of just rolling smoothly, too.


I'm forcing myself to finish the last few levels of tier one, but after that, I'm hanging up BO3 and CoD for good on both consoles. These issues aren't going to get any better. I'll see what happens when more patches are released along with DLC, but I'm not holding my breath. I think CoD is meant for millennials now who don't realize how unfair / unbalanced the game is?


Dillinger wrote we are over analyzing it, but that's why were are all here, though. We knew something was "off" before we bought the Netduma, but now it's at the point where we've done all we can do on our end because the rest is up to Activision and the CoD devs to do the rest... Which they won't because they are still stuck on the Quake III engine from 16 years ago!

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I wasn't directing my post at you, just that the R1 is beast.

Yeah, I probably would have stopped playing the game by now without it.. It does its best to make the game atleast playable while Treyarch keeps messing it up more and more.. but this week has been a crapshoot anyways..Christmas Noobs, fun to play against, but a pain to have on your team..when you think you're having a great game cause you started off 14-0 and then the game ends... and the score is 75-22 and you've lost, yeah that just happened today.. how 5 guys go 8-75 is beyond me...lol

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I played with a friend last night (my time) the Duma even made his games better as I was the party leader, even he was getting high k/d rounds and he usually doesn't.


This game has a weird way of pairing people up with you if you play solo, which I do regularly, it relies on you to carry the team and these days I have one good eye and the other is still healing from surgery.


The backpack match making is real.

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how 5 guys go 8-75 is beyond me...lol


That's the whole crux of what is bothering most of us.


I work from home, so I can play whenever I want on the platform (PS4, XB1, PC) of my choice. The constant between all of them is I have put more time into this game (and others) than most people due to them having jobs away from the home. I have about 200 of hours in MP since launch, so you would think I know how to play this game, right? I may not be as fast as the younger players, BUT I have also logged more time perfecting strategies to counter their reflexes... Except those go out the window thanks to the lag compensation that screws me (and many of you) out of what should be legitimate kills.


If I "camp" -- post up behind a waist high box -- And I see a guy running toward me, ADS, fire and get hit markers... He should die, but that doesn't happen a good 70%(?) of the time. We've read this same scenario over and over until we're sick of it, but it's the God Damnest thing considering *I* should be awarded the kill, but 7 out o10 times (est.), the other guy shoots me with two shots and keeps on going. Or my personal favorite, I'm unloading on somebody, they get one shot off, the stupid flinch kicks in, my weapon goes toward the sky and then they kill me even when they should have been dead long before the flinch kicked in.


I just wish there was a shooter were there was no random B.S. like flinching, or cone fire (CSGO) where actual skill meant something because most of these competitive games are anything but, IMO. 

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I'm not really the best to give advice but after ready through this topic i would agree that it must be Treyarch's side of things as my connections have gone really poor the last 2 days with no changes to my settings.. I should not that everything was running fine beforehand so i'm unsure what may have caused my issues

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Netduma is the perfect choice for gaming router.
But for Black Ops 3 even this genius of engineering idea can't do anything, because of Treyarch's side of things. Every day, every match in every playlist is unbelievable laggy. Spikes every second. In other games my connection is perfect (17-40 ping) but in Black Ops 3 is unplayable.
Since 11.06.15 until this moment, we can't normally play in Black Ops 3((( Because in Russia (and, how I know, in Australia, New Zeland, Scandinavia and South America) we have connectivity issue from the launch of BO3.

P.S. One of the BEST (I'm serious) connection in bo3

P.P.S Sorry, for my bad English))

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Netduma is the perfect choice for gaming router.

But for Black Ops 3 even this genius of engineering idea can't do anything, because of Treyarch's side of things. Every day, every match in every playlist is unbelievable laggy. Spikes every second. In other games my connection is perfect (17-40 ping) but in Black Ops 3 is unplayable.

Since 11.06.15 until this moment, we can't normally play in Black Ops 3((( Because in Russia (and, how I know, in Australia, New Zeland, Scandinavia and South America) we have connectivity issue from the launch of BO3.

P.S. One of the BEST (I'm serious) connection in bo3

P.P.S Sorry, for my bad English))


Sorry but I love to see that someone else is having the same issues as me, the rubberbanding I get too and reminds me of the video proof I sent to lagovision that they never responded too after asking me for proof. Hope it gets better for all of us!

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It's part of online gaming.And it's been like this for the last 5-6 years and the funny thing is you guys expect it to change.Everyone thinks and hopes the "next" title will bring back the glory days of old but those days are long gone boys and they ain't ever coming back.


I just like others experience the WTF moments...shoot someone 5-6 times in the back and he turns around and drops you in one shot at least that's what we see on the kill cam,which is for fun and not accurate in any way shape or form.The rubber banding,the invincible 3 bar players,matrix bullets etc.


This is what COD is at the present time,we all hope for improvement but history is telling us something else.

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I had a relatively 'not so good' night in BO3 tonight.


Although my settings work regardless of the host, ping or jitter I have, it's not as sweet as the night before.






I can imagine how much worse it would have been if I didn't have the Netduma R1.


I love this fu**ing router man, it's like crack for my soul.

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It's part of online gaming.And it's been like this for the last 5-6 years and the funny thing is you guys expect it to change.Everyone thinks and hopes the "next" title will bring back the glory days of old but those days are long gone boys and they ain't ever coming back.


I just like others experience the WTF moments...shoot someone 5-6 times in the back and he turns around and drops you in one shot at least that's what we see on the kill cam,which is for fun and not accurate in any way shape or form.The rubber banding,the invincible 3 bar players,matrix bullets etc.


This is what COD is at the present time,we all hope for improvement but history is telling us something else.

I think the majority of us are not having wtf moments. Its all night or day long sometimes for a week. If not months of entire playing time of being behind a few moments. And you want us to just be happy with that? Well WTF did we buy this router for then? If its just expected to be on the ass end of lag all the time? 

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I think the majority of us are not having wtf moments. Its all night or day long sometimes for a week. If not months of entire playing time of being behind a few moments. And you want us to just be happy with that? Well WTF did we buy this router for then? If its just expected to be on the ass end of lag all the time? 


Honestly mate the fact that people who complain still use this router is a testament to how good it is. From a technical point of view there is no argument, we reduce ping more than anything on the planet, period. It's not my personal opinion it's a fact.


So the only argument would be that ping doesn't make a difference. Well every article and game developer on the planet will tell you that it's the most important thing. But even a simple thought experiment will tell you why it is. If you have a high ping the information of your actions (e.g. shooting) does not reach the host of other players till its too late. They can't invent/imagine/guess your actions that information has to travel from your console to the other ones somehow. The lower the ping obviously the quicker it gets there. Hence why people play on LAN for tournaments. 


We are going to do videos proving this stuff, covering lag comp in ways you can replicate.


Even if you don't beleive that and you believe high ping helps, or bad connections or players with awful distance connections have advantage. Well if that's the case the Netduma gives you the tools to do that you can move your home miles away from your real home and throttle your connection so it simulates those said bad connections. You have full control, again you can't do this on any other product out there (and it's patent pending). I don't personally believe these theories but you can if you want.


Finally, I understand where people are coming from. I hate lag probably more than anyone on the planet. I dedicated second half of my 20s to the problem with massive risk while all my friends had high paying jobs and were enjoying themselves. I dedicated myself to the problem so I get it, believe me I do. Online you will get weird moments, you're playing on a massive infrastructure called the Internet it's insane when you think about it. But the point is it helps so much there is no comparison.  I would never consider playing without the Geo-Filter & Congestion Control if I had the choice the difference is massive.


In my humble opinion people should just find settings they like then focus on their game. As the saying goes "you see what you look for" and this is no more true then with lag. I've experienced it myself maybe you have one actual WTF moment, maybe 2 but now suddenly you blame everything on lag. If you watch theatre and are honest with yourself most of the time you got outplayed. I've seen people post videos of WTF moments on youtube and they are completely legitimate but there so clouded by rage they can't see it.


Anyway hope I didn't come off too preachy or holier-than-thou because believe me I emphasise. 

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Honestly mate the fact that people who complain still use this router is a testament to how good it is. From a technical point of view there is no argument, we reduce ping more than anything on the planet, period. It's not my personal opinion it's a fact.


So the only argument would be that ping doesn't make a difference. Well every article and game developer on the planet will tell you that it's the most important thing. But even a simple thought experiment will tell you why it is. If you have a high ping the information of your actions (e.g. shooting) does not reach the host of other players till its too late. They can't invent/imagine/guess your actions that information has to travel from your console to the other ones somehow. The lower the ping obviously the quicker it gets there. Hence why people play on LAN for tournaments. 


We are going to do videos proving this stuff, covering lag comp in ways you can replicate.


Even if you don't beleive that and you believe high ping helps, or bad connections or players with awful distance connections have advantage. Well if that's the case the Netduma gives you the tools to do that you can move your home miles away from your real home and throttle your connection so it simulates those said bad connections. You have full control, again you can't do this on any other product out there (and it's patent pending). I don't personally believe these theories but you can if you want.


Finally, I understand where people are coming from. I hate lag probably more than anyone on the planet. I dedicated second half of my 20s to the problem with massive risk while all my friends had high paying jobs and were enjoying themselves. I dedicated myself to the problem so I get it, believe me I do. Online you will get weird moments, you're playing on a massive infrastructure called the Internet it's insane when you think about it. But the point is it helps so much there is no comparison.  I would never consider playing without the Geo-Filter & Congestion Control if I had the choice the difference is massive.


In my humble opinion people should just find settings they like then focus on their game. As the saying goes "you see what you look for" and this is no more true then with lag. I've experienced it myself maybe you have one actual WTF moment, maybe 2 but now suddenly you blame everything on lag. If you watch theatre and are honest with yourself most of the time you got outplayed. I've seen people post videos of WTF moments on youtube and they are completely legitimate but there so clouded by rage they can't see it.


Anyway hope I didn't come off too preachy or holier-than-thou because believe me I emphasise. 

I in no way am trying to blame this router or say it dosen't do what it is supposed too. I am only saying it is a constant anymore with this game to be a second or ms or whatever behind. I had a setup that worked better than any game I have ever played before with BO3. Then something changed and puff or would that be poof anyway. The delay is back and like every 20th game it is gone. Its like the old fisherman on the gieco commercial holding the dollar bill just out of your reach. As for the wtf moments that just happen because yes the internet is not perfect. I do understand I also am probably the only person who plays cod who is like "oh nice shot " because there are probably a couple million people better at this game than me. If all I had were some WTF moments I wouldn't change anything in my settings. ever. There would be no need too. Im rambling sorry. I just don't think I can explain this anymore only way is for someone to play on my connection and see.

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