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fuzzy clam

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fuzzy clam last won the day on May 22 2018

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About fuzzy clam

  • Birthday November 4

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  • Location
    US - Michigan
  • DumaOS Routers Owned
    Netduma R1
    Netduma R2
    EE WiFi Enhancer
    Telstra Internet Optimiser


  • Gamer Type
    Console Gamer
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  1. Fraser...could you please check your Pm's and get back with me. I know you're extremely busy and may have overlooked it, appreciate it man
  2. Well basically the R2 wouldn't let me stay connected in any lobby or chat when I tried to run it on Safari. I didn't think it was a port forwarding issue that was preventing the R2 from running correctly but an OS issue. The OG Duma never would function for me on Safari either. I tried it again yesterday to run Apex and COD on Safari and same thing it won't keep me in a lobby without booting me out and then disconnecting me from the game. And yesterday it was only letting me connect to lobbies about half the time, so it's strictly a Safari thing in my case. I run it through Chrome and it runs just fine, exactly as it should. So basically the R2 doesn't function for me anyway when on Safari. Not exactly sure what the issue is but maybe it just doesn't play well with Mac's and doesn't like Safari.
  3. The new R2 is really solid IMO, I love the features that duma has always offered. Even though I had to only use ISP equipment for about 10 days...it was horrible. We recently moved and I had to get a new modem and router due to a speed increase, so I used a new ISP Modem with the dreaded Puma 6 chipset and it was absolutely horrible, huge spikes and latency. So after I got my new modem my R2 showed up and it's everything I expected it to be. It's nice to use my own equipment again and it's great to see you added 5g to the router, so cool. I can simply use one modem and router as opposed to my old set up which was modem, duma and my netgear in AP mode..so much simpler this way, less equipment,less wires which takes up less space. And just to find out for myself I set it up and tried to run it through Safari on my mac and it wouldn't run for me. It would load up a game and let me get into a lobby and then I would lose the chat and then I would get booted from the game (Apex) but that was before I did any port forwarding, so Might have to try it again now that I have all the ports forwarded. It shouldn't have did that just because of the ports but as soon as I ran it on Chrome it ran like butter. I always ran it through Chrome on the R1 but wanted to see what would happen on Safari. I would say a great job by the testers and the team, the new features are really helpful and the old features are solid as ever, great router boys.
  4. This is really great news. I'm trying to read all the info I can find on 3.0, I know everyone is looking forward to seeing the progress that has been made.
  5. I have pointed so many people to the article you posted Z about the Puma chipset and the issues with it. And the thing is pinned for all to see but people continue to either A... ignore it or B...don't believe it. It's to bad when MoD is just trying to give people the heads up and share his experience with all the modems he's used and the issues he's had with said modems. It would be screwed up to have to lock this HELP thread due to people getting out of hand...it's a helpful thread to most from a legit guy sharing his experiences and trying to help others...SMH
  6. On the PS4 and most of the COD's but more importantly I notice it on my Ping Plotter results. I tested it thoroughly overly the course of 2 weeks at all different hours off the day and night,settings on up and down stream from modem were excellent and done on a quiet network for 2 weeks then did the same set of test's on a busy network. And all I can do is speak from my experience on my network but the difference in the plots were night and day. To me the best and most accurate way to test the stability would be by ping plotter on both a quiet and busy network. But again this is my experience on my network and I have cable (spectrum) which we all know is the worst and least stable you can get.
  7. Technically NO,not an official list but this forum is different than most.The Admin,Mods and members don't just spew BS,we all actually help each other out and try to provide good solid info based on facts and or our own personal experiences. Here's a great article that Z posted awhile back in regards to the Intel Puma 6 chipset and it's a good read Intel's Puma 6 chipset suffers from latency & jitter, fix soon. But I can speak for the amount of modems that MoD and PharmDawgg went thru until they found one that was compatible.I also am a TC 7610 owner, which I purchased after reading the article and talking to MoD and can say night and day difference in the stability of my ping plotter results with the modem. We all still try to help each other out and find solutions to issues that may come up and when we do find them we post them as more than likely they will help someone else down the road.
  8. MoD and PharmDawgg have done all the hard work for us going thru a pretty impressive amount of modems before finding the TC-7610 and I'm glad people are getting night and day different results by switching from their old modem to one that's compatible,myself included. We're not saying you can only use the TC-7610 but for how well it preforms and the price point it's kinda hard not to suggest it if your in the market for a new modem. I wish more people would listen when we give suggestions when troubleshooting and trying to help them and we bring up their "modem" as they usually rule it out rather quickly.Just because it's new doesn't mean it works well with the duma or well in general. But IMO the TC-7610 is / was a great find again thanks MoD and PharmDawgg...
  9. Intel Puma 6 but I'm sure that's not the info your looking for, but I just wanted to be part of the conversation...
  10. Yeah kevo I'll give them that, they do deliver the advertised speeds and above.I think since Spectrum took over they are trying to improve their service on my street they have red and yellow flags and trucks in just about every yard.I live on a lake and it's a dead end street with only 10 houses or the right side and 10 houses on the left sides you can get a pretty good view of what's going on in the neighborhood And I talked to one of the guys last week and they are running all new line in my area (was hoping for fiber) and doing the same in a large area which is great if it helps with the jitter on the line as I'm hoping it will. As much as I don't like Spectrum as you know their known for a lot of jitter being a cable ISP,but I think that they are trying to improve as they use to be the only game in town but now there are other ISP's coming into the area.Which hopefully will make them step up their game and I notice it really depends on your location people like you and I have issues and people like looney have a great connection and no issues...SMH
  11. Would second what MoD said makes a world of difference on cable internet.
  12. Yeah that's about the same exact speeds I get also on the same package, speeds fine just the quality I'm not impressed with at least in my area.
  13. It's Charter in disguise LOL,I have had Charter / Spectrum for the last 7-8 years and I can say in my experience (just my experience) as some may have great success with them but I have not.In my neighborhood it is dramatically over saturated as they are the only game in town for any kind of speed, no Comcast,no fiber, no nothing.The only other option is AT&T and where I live it's ADSL 12 /1 and don't get me wrong I used that as a dedicated gaming line for a year and then after the introductory price of 21.99 a month, the price went to 79.99 plus 8 dollars a month for rental of there modem/router combo which you have to use.And those speeds are not enough to run a 3600 sq ft house not including the basement.So I had to get rid of them or should I say I chose to get rid of them and I miss my dedicated gaming line but I digress... So I've been back on Spectrum for about 2 weeks now and I can say I enjoy the speeds for downloads etc but cable lacks the stability that online gaming needs IMO.But I will say that they seemed to improve over the last year in regards to customer service.I know they have acquired TWC and are putting a ton of money into their lines and have fiber available all around me and soon to my neighborhood but they have a business package also that they didn't before and that could be an option and there isn't much of a price difference but you have to use their equipment,which I won't do as their modems they use all have the Intel Puma 6 chipset which will cause you nothing but issues,Buck and MoD have been thru this issue with Comcast with the same results. But I wouldn't hesitate to call them is something isn't right but remember all they are required by law is to get you 80 -85 percent of your speeds and that's considered ok due to all the other variables with regards to the internet,inother words they have lots of loopholes.But I would still call if you have any issue and see what they can do.
  14. Sorry I'm late to the party CB,I'm kinda broken at the moment again but congrats on your new gig. You and I just have to be nice and polite to the small number of angry folks that think our job is to be yelled at (if that's possible thru a post) run down and insulted. If you need further guidance just refer to the "Fuzzy's fun facts about being a moderator" in the HQ section... Again congrats CB
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