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I had enough

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About the same spot I put mine, Usually plays terrible 

Did have a couple good games yesterday, but from about 180 full matches, I've had like 5 good connections

Now my Netduma is turning off my whole internet.

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now after the tenth time rebooting my router my host filtering page want come up once again wtf I'm going 2 twitter Facebook and post my experience that i been having with this company and its not going to be a good review either how can you be a paying customer but yet you have to post on a website ur problems that u are with they product then you have to wait for them to respond back to you i don't think thats good customer service but yet and still I'm still waiting

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I think they have been very busy lately tbh. What with all the follow up from the recent update and things and iain working on the next smaller update.


I am sure they will get around to helping you dude, but with them being a small company and trying to do big things, as well as being based in london and you in the U.S, that will make the window of catching each other during business hours quite small i would imagine, but i am sure they won't be ignoring you purposefully.


Maybe try leaving a polite pm for Iain or Fraser to get back to at a mutually convenient time for you both :)


chrome and firefox are deffo the recommended browsers.


and its 2am here in the uk :)

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Also after looking at your screenshot did you upgrade the firmware on the ri? I don't have a legend on my geo map anymore since I upgraded. maybe I somehow turned it off but just wanted to check dude.

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Go into Chrome and clear your cache from "the beginning of time", make sure you are on the latest firmware and you have Playstation/Xbox selected not PA. Check VPN is turned off and make sure under your selected console service you have it Enabled, it should say Disable when you have it Enabled. Try all this and see what happens.

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Are you refering to me?


I offered a you a one 2 one,I do not work for Netduma, I just wanted to help you out.


When I got in to chat you were being helped by someone else  and you were told to factory reboot, which is not what I was going to do.


I was going to go through all the settings and sort them out for you.


You left the chat and I sent you another pm to come back to chat for me to check, which you did not reply too.


Please do not blame the dev's :)

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Ok u offer 2 help me and u don't even work for netduma thanks for trying 2 help me but yet I been having this problem since I up graded this router and nobody from netduma help me fix this problem yet so thank u very much for trying 2 help not the dev

Im sure Zen could sort it for you if you follow his instructions, i know you feel a bit let down by support from the Netduma team but the ratio of them to people with the Netduma is just insane so please give them a chance. Have you sent Iain, Frazer a PM ? also did you try all the stuff i mentioned above.

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Ok u offer 2 help me and u don't even work for netduma thanks for trying 2 help me but yet I been having this problem since I up graded this router and nobody from netduma help me fix this problem yet so thank u very much for trying 2 help not the dev

If I were you I'd take Zennons help,he's helped a lot of people on here and get you to where you want,the guys at netduma are busy all day and I doubt they are checking this forum every minute,guys like Zennons Crossy etc are here for us literally all day and know what they are doing.

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I do have to set off for work for the late shift, but I do have access to our work machine and can still help out.


If I do not respond right away I am busy, but I will get to you sometime this afternoon GMT.

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I set my correct location geo-filter 1000km , strict on , PA 0 and cant find any games , it only shows me that im blocking 2 dedis from Ireland and 2 from USA . is it just me ? arent there more dedi servers ? when i boot up the game it shows me 100 of them but when i search for a game its only those 4 ? and btw they are horrible to play on 

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Are you encompassing any of Europe such as Germany? I don't think there are dedicated servers in the Norway/Sweden region

i did i tried finding any other server , yea theres is one dedi in Stocholm but its only Ireland and US that actualy work , could this be that its just bo3 is not running all their servers ?

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