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I think I finally give up.

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My test speeds are just too inconsistent using the Netduma. My gaming still lags. I think it's about time to move onto another router. I've tried every setting, reset CC, reset the entire router, tried the newest update and nothing seems to help. Set everything to 100/100, I barely break 50Mb/s download. Even with nothing else connected. Go to my modem, 110-120Mb/s almost every time. It just doesn't seem to work for me.

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What's that? lol.


Sorry buddy, it was just a test to see if you read everything that Fraser mentioned in his original post  :( 

its here: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/9124-major-router-upgrade-now-available-v-1035/


I'm just trying to see if everyone who posts has actually done a bit of research before posting  ;)

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Does your isp use PPPoE ? I know this is a random question off topic but I find this interesting that no matter what some users do, nothing changes


I copied this from dslreports.com:



For PPPoE, your MaxMTU should be no more than 1492 to allow space for the 8 byte PPPoE "wrapper," but again, experiment to find the optimal value. For PPPoE, the stakes are high: if you get your MTU wrong, you may not just be sub-optimal, things like UPLOADING or web pages may stall or not work at all!



Once you have completed reading Frasers OP and completed all steps maybe look into it ?

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I checked everything. A small difference, but not much. Ping still bouncing quite a bit, usually no lower than 60. I actually asked my ISP about PPPoE before and they acted clueless, so who knows. lol.



I don't know what to say then tbh mate... try your mtu at 1492. I have ps4 so not sure how to do it on xb1  :unsure:

You could do it from the Duma in Settings> Lan & Wan then hit apply.

Worth a test...   :rolleyes:

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isp operators use scripts for any technical questions, they are not technicians at all.ive been stunned how little they know about anything myself.


some modems don't work with the netduma, perhaps that's the problem. what type of modem and model number is it?

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check your congestion control and see what takes priority over everything else.  if there are devices that takes priority more than others and their on while taking a speed test, that might be your problem.turn off all devices and then run a speed test and see how that goes

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If you are using PPPoE and turbo mode it uses a lot of CPU which gives you low speeds.


Is the R1 going direct to a modem or ONT or have you plugged the R1 into another router ?


- Tom  


Arris CM820. Came from my ISP. Might be ok, might be junk. No idea, really.


check your congestion control and see what takes priority over everything else.  if there are devices that takes priority more than others and their on while taking a speed test, that might be your problem.turn off all devices and then run a speed test and see how that goes


Xbox One takes priority over everything. Even reset where nothing else was connected, it was still slow. Just ethernet cable from modem to router, router to my Mac.

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Make sure you have the cable we provided connecting the Duma to your modem or a high quality cat6 cable.


Ensure you have done the following: 


Settings > miscellaneous: 

  • Disable Deep packet processing.
  • Disable link local IPv6.
  • Ensure turbo/super turbo is un ticked.

Settings > WAN:

  • Disable IPv6.

Settings > LAN:

  • Disable IPv6.

Congestion Control:

  • Set bandwidth - Put your correct speeds in & apply.
  • Choose Reactive algorithm
  • Wiggle the anti-flood sliders down and then put them both to 100%.
  • Reset device distribution & apply distribution.

Once you have done all of that ensure you do a wired speed test from your Mac. 

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Make sure you have the cable we provided connecting the Duma to your modem or a high quality cat6 cable.


Ensure you have done the following: 


Settings > miscellaneous: 

  • Disable Deep packet processing.
  • Disable link local IPv6.
  • Ensure turbo/super turbo is un ticked.

Settings > WAN:

  • Disable IPv6.

Settings > LAN:

  • Disable IPv6.

Congestion Control:

  • Set bandwidth - Put your correct speeds in & apply.
  • Choose Reactive algorithm
  • Wiggle the anti-flood sliders down and then put them both to 100%.
  • Reset device distribution & apply distribution.

Once you have done all of that ensure you do a wired speed test from your Mac. 


I tested (WiFi) and I pulled 64.73 out of my 100 down (Not bad at this time of day) and 11.10 of my 10 Mb/s upload. Hopefully this sticks. Is there anything I can do to reduce ping in games? I almost never get below 60'ish. That's my biggest (gaming) problem.

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Great news! What is your base ping? You'll need to know that first so you know what you can realistically get.


Even testing from my house to my ISP (maybe 15 minutes away) on their speed test site I get about 20 ms. On Xbox, I seem to always be right near 65. It can fluctuate up to about 85 though pretty consistently with the rare spike up to about 115.

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When you say ping on XBOX, is that the test done from the XBOX One network settings section?


If I ping bbc.co.uk using a terminal session on my mac, I get 14ms ping to the BBC server.


If I use the test within the XBOX One network settings section, I get a ping between 154 to 168ms. No matter what connection I use. I have three VDSL lines, each with a different ISP. And always get 14ms using my mac on any of those lines, and always between 154 to 168ms.


This is due to the fact that the server used for testing the network connectivity within the XBOX One network settings is using a US based server, I am in the UK, so I would expect to see a much higher ping to a US server, rather than a server in the UK such as the BBC.


Just something to consider if your testing from the XBOX One.

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When you say ping on XBOX, is that the test done from the XBOX One network settings section?


If I ping bbc.co.uk using a terminal session on my mac, I get 14ms ping to the BBC server.


If I use the test within the XBOX One network settings section, I get a ping between 154 to 168ms. No matter what connection I use. I have three VDSL lines, each with a different ISP. And always get 14ms using my mac on any of those lines, and always between 154 to 168ms.


This is due to the fact that the server used for testing the network connectivity within the XBOX One network settings is using a US based server, I am in the UK, so I would expect to see a much higher ping to a US server, rather than a server in the UK such as the BBC.


Just something to consider if your testing from the XBOX One.


Sorry, should have given more details on that. In BO3 theres a network meter that tells you your current ping while in a game. That's where I measure ping. It's to whoever is host in the room. I always set my Netduma to only connect within 300 miles or so.

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I find the ping graph in the BO3 menu to be completely inaccurate to be honest.


It usually seems pretty accurate to me. Maybe not the exact number, but the feel of the game based on how high/low the bar shows. I'll be having a good game, check ping in the middle of it.. 30ms. Having a bad game and then check it... 80ms. I can usually guess where it's going to show based on my one on one gun battles. I did have one time where it felt like 400ms and it showed 60ms though, so who knows.

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If I'm pinging 15/20ms to a dedi with the duma the bo3 ping shows me 34 everytime,my friends too get the same bo3 ping as me,my friend who is with Virgin says when he does a speedest via speedtest.net he gets 8 ping but on bo3 he cannot get under 50 no matter what he does its all rubbish that bo3 ping

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