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Destiny - Quail, Beaver, General Network Errors

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Recently, I am getting kicked from Crucible games in Destiny a lot. Issues are:
  • Longer than usual matchmaking times (searching + evaluating)
  • Getting kicked while match is loading (flying in, all game modes, especially Trials of Osiris)
  • Getting kicked from the Tower
  • NPC's not loading in Tower
  • Quail errors
  • Beaver errors
  • Kicked to title screen with no error
  • Kicked to orbit with no error
I can reduce the frequency of these issues by turning Host Filtering off. However, this results in:
  • Laggy games
  • Getting shot around corners
  • Poor hit registration
  • Shoot first and die scenarios
The reason I purchased my Netduma was to eliminate these problems.
Is anyone having the similar problems? And can anyone from Netduma help please?


15 ms, 55 down, 19 up. Routers restarted regularly. Netduma 1.03.4.
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Hey, just created an account to join in with this topic (sorry to post in your thread dai.hop!)


I've been having the exact same issue for the past couple of days now. The problems can be reduced when switching off Geo Filter, but I obviously don't want that as a solution. I'm near constantly getting disconnected when flying in for a crucible match (Beaver), and if try to play with friends as the host it is always a Rabbit error.


I have followed all the advice posted here already. My setup has been perfect for months until now. I haven't changed anything in the settings. It's really annoying

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey, just created an account to join in with this topic (sorry to post in your thread dai.hop!)


I've been having the exact same issue for the past couple of days now. The problems can be reduced when switching off Geo Filter, but I obviously don't want that as a solution. I'm near constantly getting disconnected when flying in for a crucible match (Beaver), and if try to play with friends as the host it is always a Rabbit error.


I have followed all the advice posted here already. My setup has been perfect for months until now. I haven't changed anything in the settings. It's really annoying


Do you see any padlocks/triangles on the GeoFilter when you get disconnected?

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I think i've got the same issue.

I've noticed yesterdy that i'm getting kicked of trials of Osiris but not on a simple match in the crucible.

I think there is an issue with dedicated servers and not on the Netduma.

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Do you see anything getting blocked on the GeoFilter when you get kicked? :)


I've not noticed anything getting blocked when I get kicked. There are sometimes hosts located outside of my radius though. I would assume this has something to do with dedicated servers and my Strict setting being disabled.


Have you followed everything from here http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=destiny_crucibleand using fast search?


I haven't. I've read the article and will consider making the changes, however I have reservations about setting up my router specifically for Destiny. What happens if I want to play a different game?


Thanks for working on it guys. Maybe it's something to do with the recent maintenance Destiny had.


Super frustrating though


The timing of the server side maintenance fits. As well as the launch of the new dash. If I were a betting man I'd bet the server side maintenance would be to blame. Hopefully Netduma will be able to overcome this with an update.

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