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Bo3 unplayable. Frame issues and severe lag?


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Hopped into a quick game as been playing zombies in the hope MP was a little bit better than day 1 release and it was unplayable haha, it's like I was suffering from severe packet loss? I was skipping forwards and especially at the times I was engaged in gun fights? Serious wtf moments but everytime? Jumped out ran a test on the r1 and had exceptional? What's going on with this game? Is anyone getting the same? Thanks in advance, matt

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This was playing fantastic for me this morning and then I got kicked out for a settings update and ever since then, constant host migration, severe lag, terrible spikes. I just don't get what they're doing over at Treyarch. Do they even test these updates?

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I haven't had a smooth game since release, I really don't want to not play this haha, are you finding most of your games to play well?

I am on the xbox one in the UK and I do have to back out when I see the ping bars going up and down but the next match is always fine.

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This was playing fantastic for me this morning and then I got kicked out for a settings update and ever since then, constant host migration, severe lag, terrible spikes. I just don't get what they're doing over at Treyarch. Do they even test these updates?

Happened to me as well, beasting in the morning couldn't buy a kill in the afternoon.

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I am on the xbox one in the UK and I do have to back out when I see the ping bars going up and down but the next match is always fine.

I hit the start button to look at the blops3 ping bar and it was 33 spiking to 240 back to 90 then 300 then 33 again haha I was getting smashed couldn't do a thing,backed straight out and found a better game straight away

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I have definitive proof... Not like it's hard to obtain... Of how messed up the matching making and Lag Compensation is in this game. I recorded this not less than an hour ago, and I made it a point to showcase what happens when people with bad connections are allowed to play with players with normal (30-60ms) connections:





WARNING: This video is NSFW.


I curse. A lot. Because while I enjoy the game, it's the Goddamn lag compensation that is giving people with horrible connections the advantage over players with good connections. That is ass backwards - lol!


You don't have to watch the whole thing. I think the first 10, 15 minutes is enough? It clearly shows the top two players in three matches with the weaker connection being at the top of the leader board for the match.  I'm tempted to Tweet David Vondaharr a link to this VOD, but I know it wouldn't do any good.

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Like I been saying boys it's BO2 all over again,same shit different game.


Really sucks as people will be throttling like a mofo when they figure this out again.


And if your not swearing your not playing COD.


JD and myself have been running together the last couple of days and we have a deep fondness for swearing and yelling...having a blast rolling with him even thou the game is running like ass.

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My theory suggests that the Black Ops 3 Beta was also a marketing ploy where they buy a lot more servers and make you think the game plays better than expected.
Ever since this game is released, my experience has been the opposite of the Beta most of the time.
I hardly get to the nearest (though it's still a faraway server) from me which was Japan server but I get thrown to US West Coast, East Coast, Australian and Europe servers which gave me high pings of about 230ms+ all the way up to 400ms (based on BO3's ping which make sense based on my location) but it ruined my gaming experience for me.

It feels like the matchmaking is set to 'Any' instead of 'Normal' or 'Tight' options that were given for BO2's matchmaking.

So I'm sorry to say this, but yes, I am one of those that benefit from the 'Lag Compensation' that is very much present in this game or else, I wouldn't stand a chance with my 200+ms connection to those non-regional servers. But that is not to say I win all the time too. I HATE the experience. It is never constant unlike that of the Beta.
Sometimes the Lag Compensation is beneficial, other times it is horrendous. But I just hate seeing my games always above 100+ms overall even when I do get into the Japan servers which used to be 80+ms on BO2.

I just cannot swallow this kind of pill anymore. It is definitely not good for my health and my overall leisure experience. I am staying away from BO3 as much as I can if I want to keep my sanity intact and not burden the other players like JConner that like me, just wants a balanced and fair game.
Now where are my South-East Asian servers?!

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It's not your fault, AsNCo.


It's Activision's.


All they have to do is deny, or group certain ping ranges together. So, if you (people in general) have a high ping, you are put on a server with others with similar high pings. It's not rocket science, but it's obvious they don't want to invest money into doing something like this. Typical corporate greed. They have 100x the money and resources to do it, but they don't want to because it might cut into their obscene profits. The reality is while upgrading and adjusting servers on a worldwide scale is not "free", the goodwill they would gain for providing a top notch online gaming experience FOR EVERYBODY would pay for itself in terms of corporate reputation and philanthropy, IMO.

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Honestly, the game plays terribly for me.. It's NOT the Netduma's fault. I'm getting hosts in NYC which is 150 miles away. The ping is usually fine, sometimes it'll jump up to 100-140.. But it just plays like I'm 0.5 seconds behind. The only thing I can think of is the lag compensation is WAY too strong. They've penalized good connections and I literally can't get a shot on people. It's so frustrating.

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Like I been saying boys it's BO2 all over again,same shit different game.


Really sucks as people will be throttling like a mofo when they figure this out again.


And if your not swearing your not playing COD.


JD and myself have been running together the last couple of days and we have a deep fondness for swearing and yelling...having a blast rolling with him even thou the game is running like ass.

I had a few with JD for a few nights running blops 2 and 3 and I can confirm he has some colorful language. makes me laugh as he usually comes in the top of the leaderboard. Shame we ping 150 - 200+ MS to each other.

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I can't be the only one finding this game super smooth at the moment,I got a game with that xr2 one burst weapon and I was one burst killing people at serious range last night I almost felt bad for it

Nah, it's running good for me too for the most part. Even my accuracy stats are 5-10% better than previous cods.

Now if only I could string some long killstreaks together.

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Running spot on here on a great gaming ISP :)


Don't use cable if you want to have smooth gaming, use fibre or adsl with an ISP that does not over subscribe and doesn't use packet queuing.

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I have been having a blast playing hc modes, the hit detection is spot on most of the time. I do have to bounce around between servers during busy hours but 80% of games play great!


What is funny is I was just about to mention the very same thing RE: peak hours vs. non-peak.


I work from the home, so I can hop on during the day when most people are at work, or school and the games are like playing on LAN even with a 30-45ms ping. However, if I go on later in the day either my ISP (Time Warner) throttles and/or there are a lot more people on since they are home from school and returning from work. So, time of day definitely effects game performance from my experience.


The other thing I have noticed is a lot of the day time players are more mature (across all platforms) than in the evening. This correlates to the above conditions when most of the kids are getting home, eating dinner, doing homework and then hoping on BO3. This experience might not be universal, but I've noticed this over the last couple of weeks since the game launched, for better or worse.

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why i didnt bother with this game... these threads are amusing.


It's one thing to not like the game play, but I am sure you've tried everything in your power to make the game playable for you and/or your son, correct?


The Netduma does it's job, but for BO3... Until the update... You have to work with it. Since you are in NC, I'm guessing the closest dedicated server might be either Florida, or Missouri? Put your home location over a dedicated server and see if that changes you / your son's in-game experience?


One thing that helped me across the board was getting faster internet. I know games don't require much upload, but I first had 16/0.1 up. I now have 30/5.9up (for streaming), but I have noticed having faster upload improved the experience for me since I had what amounts to almost zero in the grand scheme of things. If you have something like 50/20up, then this is why you need to work with the Netduma until the update is released as well.

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