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Game Lags for about 2 seconds every match

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Ok I've got a question so let me lay it out and get some feedback from you guys on this. 


This issue happens on all 3 of my Consoles.

PS4, Xbox one, Xbox 360


Games played where this issue happened.  BO2 on 360, BO3 beta on Xbox One, AW on both Xbox One and PS4.  


I live in NY

Internet speeds 120 Down / 40 Up


Firmware is 1.03.4


In congestion control I set it to 70%/70% and give the console I'm using about 60-70% of the network.  Normally when I game there is nothing else using my network.


Geo Filter settings: Strict mode on, Auto-ping host on. Depending which cod I play determines how big I gotta go on the geo filter so distance varies. Sometimes I use Ping assist sometimes I don't. Using or not using ping assist doesn't seem to have any effect on my issue.


Using Auto Cloud and Bleeding edge


The Issue:  Pretty much every game I play this occurs.  Geo filter is on, I get into a game and within the first 2 minutes of a game on Xbox One and 360 my game will lag and if I check the scoreboard I'll have a 1 red bar connection. It last for about 2-3 seconds max. It only happens once per game. Can't remember it ever happening more than once per game.  After that it's fine until the next game.


On PS4 it doesn't lag for 2-3 seconds instead the game freezes for those 2-3 seconds. It's all fine after that until the next game.


If I don't use the Geo filter this issue doesn't happen.  This only occurs when I use the geo filter. Any ideas of what causes this and possible ways around this.  Like I said it only last 2-3 seconds but seems I normally get killed when it happens.


If I use the Geo filter, get into a game then disable it after the game loaded it doesn't seem to happen.


Am I doing something wrong here?  Am I supposed to disable the Geo Filter once I'm in a Game?


Thanks in advance for any feedback on this

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A strange issue but one you've already got a fix for, disabling the Geo once in the game. So keep that in mind, however to prevent that I would try with strict mode off, also as lukasz says ensure the cloud is ticked and applied

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A strange issue but one you've already got a fix for, disabling the Geo once in the game. So keep that in mind, however to prevent that I would try with strict mode off, also as lukasz says ensure the cloud is ticked and applied

And you leave Geo Filter disabled through the rest of your gaming session?

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I should have mentioned I already use auto cloud and bleeding edge so that's not part of the issue here.  I added that info to my original post as so people don't suggest that as a fix.

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A strange issue but one you've already got a fix for, disabling the Geo once in the game. So keep that in mind, however to prevent that I would try with strict mode off, also as lukasz says ensure the cloud is ticked and applied


Its a real pain to have to disable it every match. That process makes gaming too much like work.  It's almost like the Geo Filter is causing a massive lag spike once every game.


Also doesn't turning off strict mode kind of defeat the benefits of the geo filter? 

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I would suggest downloading pingplotter software https://www.pingplotter.com/


Type into the target name and press the green go button, it will carry on as long as you let it showing pings and spikes in a graph.


Do not surf or download while testing and it will show you if there is any congestion.


Then show us the results.



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I would suggest downloading pingplotter software https://www.pingplotter.com/


Type into the target name and press the green go button, it will carry on as long as you let it showing pings and spikes in a graph.


Do not surf or download while testing and it will show you if there is any congestion.


Then show us the results.




Not sure how running this on my PC will find me the answer to my issue that only pertains to my consoles when Geo Filter is enabled.  My devices have no issue. My consoles have no issue. The problem only comes from the geo filter being enabled.  Like I stated it's a very small 2-3 second lag/freeze and that's it. It's not something that keeps happening ever minute of the game. It happens early in the game once and that's it but it happens every new lobby/game.  Without Geo filter enabled this never happens.

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And you leave Geo Filter disabled through the rest of your gaming session?


Can disable when you get that game, then once out of that game, wait for everything to clear then get your filtered lobby and disable when in game. Can be a solution to booting issues, I wouldn't worry about doing that normally though. 



Its a real pain to have to disable it every match. That process makes gaming too much like work.  It's almost like the Geo Filter is causing a massive lag spike once every game.


Also doesn't turning off strict mode kind of defeat the benefits of the geo filter? 


Strict off can still get you good games, it will allow close dedicated servers through. 


When the lag occurs can you look on the Geo-filter and see if anything is getting blocked - strict on for this please

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the late reply on this but I actually resolved this issue about a week after I posted this and totally forgot to update this.


The problem was on my end with the wiring in my home. What threw me off was this never happened before I had the duma so I had to work my way backwards. Took me some time to figure out. Had to do some rewiring and all is good now.

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