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netduma lags alot

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So ok maybe I'm asking the wrong question here. What game do I need to own to feel the "duma" effect? Dillinger? Cause it ain't ghost or AW. Please tell me? I need to know this. What game is it? Sorry getting frustrated again.....


Well that is the question here.  You are on XB One.  Most players who were serious enough about gaming to purchase the NetDuma have experienced problems when connecting to Seattle for AW on the XBLive network.


I have seen some great results from Ghosts gameplays with the Duma, but I haven't played it and I personally hate that game.  There is a guy named "procreate" who plays (played?) a lot of Ghosts and the guy is a beast.  He might be able to recommend some settings for that game, since you already own it, that might make your experience a little more pleasurable.  


If AW is your game, maybe try putting your home location just around Kansas City (like just Kansas City and that's it) with Strict mode ON and Ping Assist Off, THEN turn on the XBOne and AW, see if that can lock you into some games on that server.  


East Coast guys, can you help this fellow Army member out with some dedi locations for AW that don't suck like The Seattle Black Hole does?


I was a DIEHARD Xbox guy until about 6 months ago.  I have owned all three iterations and I still have both my first original Xbox and the White 360 (though it did finally give up the ghost and get the RROD).  Once I was able to see the performance problems myself with what was going on in Seattle, I decided to move to Playstation because I am really looking forward to Black Ops 3 and I don't want to play it in the Seattle Black Hole.

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Like Dillinger said don't be afraid to move your home location around.I'm from Michigan and I have a bank of servers 81 miles from my actual home and out of that bank only 2 play well for me and so far I've counted 10 in that bank.So  that should tell yo something about the servers in AW,Ghosts is a completely different story 90 percent of my games are P2P and it plays smooth.also BO2,MW3 run pretty well with the duma.


To me it's about your location and you're settings but IMO AW is just a really bad game with a low player base so who know's who's connecting to the same dedi's as you are but more than likely there are a few players from South America (Brazil for me) in your lobby and that will trash your gaming really quick.

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new modem speeds average 16ms ping, 132 down and 12 up on speedtest. 

@Dillinger, I have two xbones but am strongly thinking of trading one in on a PS4


Try this for me sf.


Turn your gaming system off and then get the Duma software set up as follows:


Radius around NJ/Philly, where you live, but give it a little range

Ping Assist all the way to the left at "0"

'STRICT' Mode ticked


Wait two minutes (anti-cheat feature)


......and THEN turn on your game system and join online.


You SHOULD be able to force a host connection to a dedi bank near you for AW.  This will take a bit to find a match, so try to play a more popular game type where the player count should be higher (TDM, DOM)  This SHOULD make it so you can play in your neck of the woods and see if it helps.


If not, well, the PS network for PS4 is a pay to play and seems to be okay with the little I have played it.

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Dillinger. Thank you for your help. Though last time I tried a small geo filter I was waiting forever and never got in a game. I think they shut off all but two servers lol. I will try as you suggested. Today I had a dude from argentina in my lobby, total bullet sponge. I think the lag comp helps them with dial up too much. I may just buy a ps4. I heard the players on there suck! That my friends was a joke. But I may get one.

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To going back to what dill said about playing more popular game modes I played nothing but 6v6 tdm last night with tight geo filter strict and 0 ping assist and the games were super smooth I got some great games last night,the people are really casual so put it this way I dropped 2 60+ kill games on tdm lol it was awesome last night I even played til after midnight which hasn't happened in a very long time #Dumasmooth

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It a bit sad that the most posted in thread at the moment is named Netduma lags alot, when this is untrue and could turn possible buyers off.


Maybe I should change it to AW dedis lag alot as this is the truth? Lol ;)

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It a bit sad that the most posted in thread at the moment is named Netduma lags alot, when this is untrue and could turn possible buyers off.


Maybe I should change it to AW dedis lag alot as this is the truth? Lol ;)

I agree the netduma is a god amongst routers and does not lag the sticking game aw does

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My last few days of AW have been great,my ping is 12 and so I've thrown home location in the ocean with geo 111k set my PA to 40 with strict enabled and played some great games,peak times I can find domination games and can find tdm any time of the day,ive had my sliders set at 70for down and 40 for up with reactive algo,hit detection has been glorious for me

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Here is a question, last night, it was late for me anyway i noticed on the duma that is only showed like 4 circles on the map. But was in a full lobby. Does that mean the others were from way outside the filter range?

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@secretface Do you use power-save mode on your XBO or the instant-on?  I've noticed that if you don't exit the game (killing the application) before going into "standby" in instant-on mode, then the next time you play the game, it plays misserably (and is horribly laggy).  On the other hand, it always plays smoothly when using power-save mode, which allows console to completely shutdown, or if I kill AW and re-launch it when using it in instant-on mode.  We have a couple of XBO's, one which is older from when XBO first came out and another which was purchased within the last couple of months - they both exhibit the same behavior.


Not saying this is the cause of your issues, but may be worth a shot in case it is contributing to it :)

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I have to completely exit out of that game to play or I get some weird frame issues, it like skips or something don't know how to explain it. But I usually am starting from scratch with the game.

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