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Can't find a game with Strict Mode enabled

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Using xbox 1 

playing CoDAW

Open NAT

covering all of USA

PA at 20ms

Strict mode On

Bleeding Edge On and applied


Can't find a single game


I can find a game if Strict Mode is Off



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I can't believe this is a player count issue.  Not the whole US.  Try this if you haven't already.  Go to Setting>Misc and make sure Enable auto cloud/Bleeding edge has not been deselected and Click Apply Cloud Setting to reset the servers.  


Also reboot the R1 and restart the web browser you're using.  

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Still not able to find a game. 

Find it really difficult to believe that I must include these Locked Hosts to play this game.


I understand those Hosts are probably in the wrong location but why do I have to include those Hosts to find 1 game?



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What game mode are you trying to play?I only cover the uk and manage to usually find 2 groundwar games even though AWs dead now,it happened to me the other week and I just reaplied the cloud settings and found a game straight away,I also leave my PA at around 50ms at all times

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I usually hit Apply when I start a game under the Misc Setting Auto Cloud and Bleeding Edge. That sometimes helps to show the servers.


I also turn Strict Mode off when it says No Games Found and it may take a minute or so before searching for games. But if it is AW I am sure the population is low.

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Hey Fraser, 


I am finding games now. It just takes a long time.

I had to Factory Reset the R1 a bunch of times to get it to work.


I tried to reflash the current firmware but couldn't because I get the error Firmware Already Installed. Is there any possibility that in a future update that we could reflash the current



A lot of times firmwares might not be cleanly installed so a reflash is in order. I'm not sure if just Factory Resetting the device is working. 

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  • Netduma Staff

I think if you uncheck 'check version' you can re-flash the same FW. But Iain has said in the past not to do it and also that if a flash had gone bad the router wouldn't operate at all - so I don't recommend doing that :)

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Thanks for the help fellas.


You can close this post. 


Several Factory Resets seems to have cleared everything up.

Setting the sliders at 70% also seems to be helping. 

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