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BO3 Beta Netduma Reports


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New update was waiting for me this morning ( and it's been shit since I signed on.  Every lobby is worse than the last one, and I haven't finished a game yet because of the bullshit.  Every game is on the Seattle Dedi and that shit is has the biggest blackhole for my bullets that I can find.  Even the server in Kansas City (70ms ping) seems to have better hit registration than this Seattle bank.


I've decided to order a BBC for the PS4.  The BBC has been fantastic and I love using it, but everything seems to be pointing to Playstation being the way to play this game.  Everyone that has played both Beta's agree that the PS variant has played better, was more enjoyable, and had less sweaty players.  I don't know who to believe, so fuck it, I am going to test it myself come November.


I do like the game, but if XB1 and the Seattle Dedi is my only option, I wouldn't be playing this version and just stick with the XB360 P2P.

Hey Dill,

Do you think you could be less "wishy, washy"  I mean say what you mean and stop holding back!


Seriously, I agree with you about the Seattle server - like I said before it is 2031 miles away from me and my bullets are going by Canada Post and US Mail!  I have half a mind (that's not an exaggeration) to buy a PS4 and end this misery.  I know I am just venting so ignore me, it will make me feel like I am married again....


I went on this AM through until about 2:00PM and bet I only finished about a 1/3 of my games and even then a few I should have exited.  I know I am not a good player, therefore I am used to having a lot of deaths but this laggy, jittery game play is frustrating.  I hope as they upgrade it will get better.  My next gripe is the graphics I feel like they are too soft and not sharp enough - heard they are better on PS.  A minor thing is I think they have problems with the game summary as players scores disappear - several times mine was gone and I was still in the game.  Also I had one game that I entered at the end and got a score k/d of "0/0" but when I looked at the summary it recorded my last four games as "0/0".


My last bitch is the paint shop as I mentioned in an earlier post I spent some time painting one of my guns and next time I started a game it was gone so I went into the paint shop and pulled up my save data and it was blank.


I would love to pass my observation on to Treyarch - is there a forum, or some other place to do so.  I want them to get this working right and If I can pass on my observations in an effort to help I will.  Man I hate sounding so negative - I do like the game and look forward to more maps and playing when the near perfect final version is released.


Have good one all...



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Been playing again tonight uk plays fine for me the odd wtf moment but been in top 3 most of the night it beats advanced warfare any day that game is soooo broken

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Hey Dill,

Do you think you could be less "wishy, washy"  I mean say what you mean and stop holding back!


Seriously, I agree with you about the Seattle server - like I said before it is 2031 miles away from me and my bullets are going by Canada Post and US Mail!  I have half a mind (that's not an exaggeration) to buy a PS4 and end this misery.  I know I am just venting so ignore me, it will make me feel like I am married again....


I went on this AM through until about 2:00PM and bet I only finished about a 1/3 of my games and even then a few I should have exited.  I know I am not a good player, therefore I am used to having a lot of deaths but this laggy, jittery game play is frustrating.  I hope as they upgrade it will get better.  


LOL - Sorry DB, I got carried away with my rant.


I'm not a great player, I am a little better than average on a good day.  I know my reflexes are nowhere near as good as most of the players in these lobbies.  But I do study a lot of map play, lane control and I try not to make unnecessarily risky moves, so I am not completely inept either.  <_<  If I know where a guy is coming and I pre-fire, FIRE mind you, the guy is WALKING INTO A HAIL OF BULLETS how the hell does that guy have time to 1)Boost, Jump or slide, 2)Acquire me as a target (probably done together) and Kill me?!?  


It took you longer to read that and picture it in your mind than the amount of time this happens, and it happens ALL the time.  I am not talking about the pre-aim deaths. You know, where you are just hard sighting an alley and the guy comes into view, raises his gun and wipes you off the map.  WTF?!


I don't know where those bullets are going, but there is an entire world war worth of my bullets just hovering in cyberspace there, so when that patch comes through - LOOK OUT.

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The hard truth, from my perspective, is the beta is pretty close to the final product sans a few tweaks, buffs and nerfs.


It's going to play this "bad" come November, and if it gets better it will be around January, if that, when the first patch comes out.


So, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but not expecting miracles.


If you want to speak to Vondeharr directly, Tweet him. I've done it twice now. I don't know if he (or the company) actually reads them, but it makes me feel better AND because they claim they listen to people a.k.a. kids, on Twitter in regard to game feedback. I mean, SHG did and is why they screwed up DOM by changing the scoring to promote killing vs. objective play.


Also, as far as tryhard lobbies...


I've found I do better when I DON'T try hard at all. 


These kids are hunched over, hands tense and sweaty, while I just sit back and actually don't rush around corners. I ADS and having a stable (slow moving) firing platform allows me to nail  targets who are dashing towards me nine times out of ten. This is why I don't ever equip "stock" even when  it increases ADS movement. It's more of a disadvantage than advantage, IMO.


In other words, it's just a game, so treat it like a game. You win some, you loose some and this goes for gunfights, too. If you're winning more gunfights thanks to the Netduma, be happy and keep doing what you're doing. If you're not enjoying the game, don't play because there are a lot of other things you may enjoy that don't cause you distress. Gaming is supposed to be fun, but YT, Twitch and MLG have turned it into a false hope meat grinder where kids think if they play their hardest every single time in public matches they will magically be noticed by the pros and recruited to Optic, Faze, etc. We're old enough to know that is not going to happen, and treat the game for what it is: A video game. Not a way to make money, or become famous.

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Last update I saw was ( e) and appears that was pushed some time today as I had a ton of resets and boots.  It may have updated at some point and I didn't catch it, but the morning model didn't have the additional "e".


I'm really hoping with the Beta going live for everyone on XB1 today that the influx of players will be to the point to force p2p overflow, or change something to matchmaking for how the dedi's handle local versus distant hosts.  That, or that the complaints go nuclear 10 fold and attention is brought to bear on the packets being lost in the dedis.


Either way, I am taking tonight off.  I can't take the gameplay right now, so I hope an influx of new players will diversify the player base and somehow allow for better lobbies.

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Last update I saw was ( e) and appears that was pushed some time today as I had a ton of resets and boots.  It may have updated at some point and I didn't catch it, but the morning model didn't have the additional "e".


I'm really hoping with the Beta going live for everyone on XB1 today that the influx of players will be to the point to force p2p overflow, or change something to matchmaking for how the dedi's handle local versus distant hosts.  That, or that the complaints go nuclear 10 fold and attention is brought to bear on the packets being lost in the dedis.


Either way, I am taking tonight off.  I can't take the gameplay right now, so I hope an influx of new players will diversify the player base and somehow allow for better lobbies.


From my perspective, it's the MM itself that allows 200 ping players to play with sub 60 ping players that screws everybody over. This is one reason why ping numbers on the scoreboard look like a Vegas slot machine on hyperdrive. The game / code is trying to compensate for the high ping player(s), but it can't do it fast enough, so it does the best it can which isn't good enough to be blunt.


All games where I did poorly there was at least, one player with close to 200ms ping, or more. All games where I am tearing it up were sub 60, or sub 80 pings. This is what it should be, but Activision does not seem to care and wants everybody to play.. Even if they shouldn't be... To maximize profits. We, as knowledgeable gamers, who invest in things like the Netduma, BB and Scuf controllers, etc. are a niche market and we get screwed over because they want Joe Bob Jr. in the middle of Bumble Fuck, Kansas who has two tin cans and a string for internet to be able to play with us. It's ass-backwards, but it's what we have to deal with because there is noway in our lifetimes they are going to move to a new engine. Sad, but true, IMO.


To alleviate the stress of playing with such shoddy code, I limit myself to three matches of TDM, and then three matches of DOM and log off. That's all I can take. It's not just because of the netcode, but because as an older gamer, our biggest thing is recovery vs. stamina. We need more time to recover between gaming sessions versus being able to keep up with the kids half (and more!) our age. Knowing this, I pace myself for the evening and play for about an hour, hour and a half and then go do something else. Come back an hour, two hours later and resume and at the end, it's time for bed. So, I'm having fun, I'm not stressed out and the game is what it is: A game. Not some e-test of manhood or auditioning for Optic Hit squad.

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Well, I have been on for a few hours and can't believe the difference.  They must have made an upgrade as the new snow map was there and the lag was all but gone.  Great games and I didn't have to quit any.  This sure feels much better - not my play just the game.  I really enjoyed the play this evening.


Think I will get a scotch and see if it lasts...




Well I can't believe the difference.  I left the game, and had a call with my X and her hubby and when I came back to the game I was connecting to the same server (Chicago I think) and the lag was so bad I left two games and stayed through one but with much frustration.  It seems like they are having some consistency problems.  Still like the game and when it is working it is great...


That's it for me for tonight it is after 10:00PM and I have been at it a lot again today so I will watch some TV with my best friend (Rebus the Pug) and then hit the rack until tomorrow.  Hope you all have some great gaming tonight...



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When is it opening to pubic? On PC, dying to wreck some k/m players.




On the same note...


Just for shits & grins I placed my Home Location on the Seattle dedicated server and the PC game plays like butter... Even though I am on the other side of the country - lol.


My Netduma ping is 69, but the in-game ping... Well, that is just fucked up because it can spike to 400, then down to 60, then back up to 200, etc. Point is, though, it plays just as smoothly no matter where I put the HL. Good for me, but everybody's mileage will vary, of course. The bad thing is there were some players with 600 ping in the game! They had to be from Asia (and beyond) because that's the only logical explanation. Even pings to Hawaii, aren't that bad (normal 60-70ms).

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played xbox one last night. p2p was fine. Game on the belgian server  was just a waste of time for me. Couldnt get a kill ha haha


Same old story as Advanced Warfare. I wont be buying this game is been ruined since mw3 for me.

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Bo3beta is really bad...ive never played worse! I get like 5 kills and 10 deaths... Its laggy and the Xim does not work at all..the aim is off and also gunfights... Same as before i get lag cause i live in sweden... And i set the CG to 10% and that does not even work... LOOOOL

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Bo3beta is really bad...ive never played worse! I get like 5 kills and 10 deaths... Its laggy and the Xim does not work at all..the aim is off and also gunfights... Same as before i get lag cause i live in sweden... And i set the CG to 10% and that does not even work... LOOOOL

Yup. That is actually good. Like I said in my previous post, this game is like back in MW2. If you have a McDonald's connection or you have a high ping to the host/dedicated server even though you are close to the server, all you have to do is get better internet. Else, you deserve to lag instead of causing better ping players to get Lag Compensated.


What I can recommend you is this. Try to put your Netduma's Bandwidth to 200 for both upload and download, and then put both your congestion controls to 100%.

It really helped me to get a much more fairer gunfight in most matches. But if most of the players are from the same country as the Dedicated Server, you might experience lag.


This is the perfect time to make use of the Netduma to limit the player base to areas outside of the Dedicated Server and then turn Strict Mode off.

You'll be collecting people from neighbouring countries to play with you on that Dedicated Server. So you will all lag equally making it a much more fairer game.

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I hate to be that guy who said "It's gonna be ass" and was right about it but looks like that's the case.And my guess is people are gonna go back to connecting thru their smart phones,like in MW3 and nerfing their connection,streaming and downloading while playing etc. and the game is gonna be really bad connection wise.


I'd like to believe they'll have shit sorted by launch but I'm really doubting it.The keep adding more bells and whistles and are forgetting what made the game great in the first place...SIMPLICITY forget all the wall running,exo bullshit and give us good balanced weapons,good hit detection,good matchmaking and maps that aren't 3 f**king lanes of travel.If they went back to basics and try fixing the real issues at hand (connections and match making) IMO they would bring back a lot of the people that left the game to play something else.


Again this is just my opinion

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That was Ghosts... And people whined about it. I loved it. I guess maybe some smaller maps with initial release but I really never had issue with that either. Lots of guns to choose from. Lose the IED and make dog higher killstreak, or just way better kill streaks. Movement was perfect. Hit detection was spot on. Lag was not noticible 90% of the time.

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I hate to be that guy who said "It's gonna be ass" and was right about it but looks like that's the case.And my guess is people are gonna go back to connecting thru their smart phones,like in MW3 and nerfing their connection,streaming and downloading while playing etc. and the game is gonna be really bad connection wise.


I'd like to believe they'll have shit sorted by launch but I'm really doubting it.The keep adding more bells and whistles and are forgetting what made the game great in the first place...SIMPLICITY forget all the wall running,exo bullshit and give us good balanced weapons,good hit detection,good matchmaking and maps that aren't 3 f**king lanes of travel.If they went back to basics and try fixing the real issues at hand (connections and match making) IMO they would bring back a lot of the people that left the game to play something else.


Again this is just my opinion

I absolutely agree with you Fuzzy.  I just quit playing because the lag was so bad, I would venture to say it was the worst I have ever experienced in all my years of gaming and that goes a long way back.  It was so bad that in one game I was waiting for someone to come out of a building (saw them on the map) and all of a sudden he appears right in front of me and of course I don't even get a shot off.


Get rid of all the wall running, Exo stuff and go back to what made the franchise great in the first place.  Like Procreate said Ghosts was great IMO!




I have real mixed emotions about this game and now wonder if I did the right thing by per-ordering it.

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The Definition of Irony in gaming on the Black Ops 3 Beta - Logging on for a new day with a software update ( - a sizable jump in my limited understanding) and getting a little hope.


Log in to the first game, match in progress and almost over, I go 0-2, but both gunfights felt fair, my aim was shit as I haven't warmed up.  Game two I go a decent 9-5 on the new stronghold map and the game feels like it's playing okay for me.  Third match is hunted and I do love this map.


I am 4-1, but on a 3 kill streak, my bullets seem to be hitting and then this shit happens......... 69,000 without power.


Ain't that about a bitch?


Luckily I have a back up generator, so I am warm, dry and just waiting to see the generator normalize before going back on and trying it again.  


"The black ops 3 Beta test, under a black out condition"! - Fuck you Drift0r, this one's mine..... :P

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I like the game other than rejack. I honestly can't believe they put that shit in the game


They nerfed it last night, I haven't heard or seen otherwise in today's surfing.  You no longer keep your scorestreak, so basically it's respawn without the lone death on your K/D.  In a Beta.... yeah, not a great move there 3Arc  :blink:

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Well shit. The game was playing really good there for about two hours on generator (thread coming there) with the new patch. Even the deaths I had were real and fair-adjacent, while playing on the Seattle dedicated and I was having some real fun.


It was playing really well and I would like to be playing right now, except the power outage has caught up with the Comcast internet power cell, which is deader than fried chicken.

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Well shit. The game was playing really good there for about two hours on generator (thread coming there) with the new patch. Even the deaths I had were real and fair-adjacent, while playing on the Seattle dedicated and I was having some real fun.


It was playing really well and I would like to be playing right now, except the power outage has caught up with the Comcast internet power cell, which is deader than fried chicken. Called Compost, had to jump through about fourty hoops to get a live human, tried to tell him the exact location with their own identifier, picture taken, and I was told they have no personnel working in my area today. 226,000+ people are out of power, along with normal Scheduled Saturday work and you have No One working in my area to get my information!?! Sigh.

That really sucks!!!!!

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That's not a nerf, Damn thing should be taken out of the game.



All the none killing specials should be outlawed.


About the only useful thing for rejack would be if you happen to fall into a spawn a trap and dam sniper keep picking you off.


Im betting and i dont know as i never tested but if you use rejack do you continue to capture a flag in dom or hold the hard point, if so thats op as hell.


No one should have a second chance.

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So unfortunate. This game has such a potential to be just grate. But those connections......


If you think about it thats the main thing if this game can provide consistent connection. as thats what is the spine of MP twitch shooter. You can have all of this grate  stuff packed in to the game etc. yet if you dont deliver a solid ground to it it wont work. sort of speak.


Now this game had been in development for 3 years so lest say 2 and 10+ of development. On the top of that 3arc ist a studio that had developed 2 COD titles on 2 years dev cycle each which gave them 4 years of experience in COD world plus those its totall of 6 and 10 months. Looking at the bigger picture its not acceptable that beat connections are so unstable these should be up and running like a butter by now and by the time they actually are in this business. 


Again i dont think that will get any better in terms of consistency. 2 months its to late to work on the spine of the game( main factor at lest ).


If you ask me beta schould be there to tweka wepons sepcialst map exploits etc but not the funcionalty of network inflastucture of the game. Not after almost 7 years of COD creation.

I totally agree Lukasz


After x amount of yrs you would think online mp and lag comp would have been improved apon but yet every release it appears to have the same issues, im begining to think now it is not possible to get it right, simply close enough is good enough.


I think alot of it boils down to ping fluctuations to be honest. No one has a steady consistant ping with some varing alot more then others, the poor old compensation code just can not keep up. Especially with big 50-100ms+ jumps in ping.

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