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Cod mw2 beta 60hz


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Any body else notice that on ps5 the beta only rant ot 60hz for the 2 weeks it was live

No matter what i tried  i couldnt get a single game running 120 hz on netdumar

You can see your ingame ping on psn  by enabling telementry settings   

Its the same method on olderd cods as well

 I  logged onto vanguard to see if maybe somthing was wrong on my setup  

 But on vanguard  120hz was working great



Somthing elses i noticed watchin a few pc players streams of the cod mw2 beta was weird if they had enebled telematry setting to show their latency in top left corner of screen

 The  latency in top left corner of the scrren displayed a diffrent lateny on the score board

 The score board latency was always around 10ms lower on scoreboar 

I di makes me think as well that the game on pc wasnt running above 60hz ss well

 I cant understand why it ws showing two diffrent latenys even though in top left it was showing some streameers were runninhg at  240hz  the conndction showec 2 diffrent results

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For the latency one is probably showing without processing delay and the other with, the telemetry settings are for those who want to get details on their connection and people using the scoreboard just want a quick idea so it makes sense the scoreboard would be without processing delay

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Thats what i was thinking 

 But it was till showing in telemtty  that pc was running over 60 hz  upto 240 hz


 Its  weird  either pc was running   berta at  upto 240 hz and psn upto 60 hz giving pc players a massive advanage  i really dont think thats the case

 I think   maybe

 I m confused with that part

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On PS4 in game latency showed 70ms for me while PC showed 40-50ms and 37 ms scoreboard.


Also noteworthy is that I had a lot less BS deaths on PC over PS4. There is an issue with processing at the older consoles. PS5 was closer to regular PC as far as I know, I asked my friend with PS5 and he was also showing 40-50ms top left screen.


As far as I know for 120Hz on PS5 you need to enable a few settings like performance mode etc.

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I'm not a console player and I played the Cod beta on PC. Normally I play with 200 fps or a little below, for me it is an energy saver since doing so many tests it works well with a 6 ms return to the monitor, it seems excessive to push further. However it is important that the whole system works well ... It is not just the monitor. Latency must be the lowest for the entire game system otherwise it makes no sense. Just yesterday I discovered that I had a latency problem in my operating system due to a Corsair mouse driver and I was unable to kill in game. So lowering the latencies is something difficult to achieve, to give you an example it could happen that the Firmware of your Pad does not work as it should and the whole game system would draw the consequences ....

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Sorry for the confusion  but what i  was trying to say is this

 On my netdumar gui   the ping was normally 8ms


The ps4  adds around 16ms to it as a delay  that is 60hz in processing  as  in game in telemtry this showed my latency of around 24 to 27 ms around this is 100 percent correct  ass far as i know the ps4 maximum hz is 60hz

Example 2  

My ps5   my geo fileter ping was agaimn around 8ms but on my ps5 the ingame ping was showing again  latency of around  24ms to 28 ms around 

 This means it addding a delay of 60hz to it

If the ps5 was running at 120hz  the added deley would only be around 8ms around

 So my in game ping should have been only   16 ms around    this is my ping is 8ms  the 120hz delay is 8ms around =ingame ping of 16ms around


 Btw  on my ps5 it showed me the game was runnin 4k at  120hz on the ps5 system but the serveers eerent running at  120 hz for me  

So when i log into vanguard it shows the game is running at  120hz  4k on ps5 system   and in game it shows its correct latency as well

 In netdumar gui geofilter  ping was 8ms again

Ingame  ping was showing lateny as  around 16 to 18ms deley this is correct if game is running 120 hz

 My ping 8ms add 8ms 120hz delay= 16ms delay around

 So what i was trying to say for my testing on my  ps4 and ps5  mainly ps5  120hz wasnt working on the cod servers side

 Even though my ps5 showed the game was running at 120hz at4k it wasnt on server side

 Hopefully i might have explained myself a bit better


I just think they capped the servers to 60hz fir the beta   or my cod mw2 beta copy was bugged



 I did see the servers were running at over 120hz  every   now and then  frim watching auto ping  but it never showed it to be working for me ingame   and im always watching out on these stats 


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You was probably playing on 60fps mode if you had 4K enabled. Screen Hz is just the refresh rate of the screen. It's not the same as fps. For 120 fps you probably need to be in 1080p mode.

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I tried   3 diffrent settings 1080p   no 120 hz  on    cod ingame display latency 

 I also tied 1444p   still no 120 hz ingame  network display 

 An 4k   still th same

 I  forgot to mention i did tty the difrent display settings 


 Also i did notice  the cod mw2 beta  was native  running  at 1444p  by default

 If i set my ps5 to auto resulution it would cholse  1444p  by default 

 So makes me think running  4k woulsd upscale it

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On Xbox serie S in 1440p and 1080p 120 Hz on the beta of MW2, I obtained between 90 and 105 FPS maximum. (Based on my screen's FPS counter)

This is not the case on VG which has a stable in-game FPS rate of 120 FPS!

Which means that the beta was not optimized on console and in particular on Xbox serie s...

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I just wanted to update  my pevious   thoughts  on the beta

Im pretty sure i was wrong saying the beta ran at 60hz for me on ps5

Im now playing the game on full release  

And i am now totally confused to how mutch delay  the game adds


From my testing so far  on ps5  its strange   behavior


My base ping on dumar os is around 8 to 9 ms on geo filter

In game this show as 26ms latency  a dealy of around 16ms this is at 120hz

 When i play on  a base ping of 8ms  and on 60hz the ingame ping is around 42 ms a delay of around 34ms


In van guard the delays were a lot lower 


 Base ping 8ms on geo filter   ingame ping was around 16ms at 120 hz a delay of 8ms = 120hz

Base ping is 8ms ingame ping was 24 ms around on 60hz  a delay of 16ms= 60hz delay

The delays sound right to me on vanguard 

 But on mw2  the delays dont add up to me


Can sombody explain  to me whats wrong

 Or what im doing wrong i just dont get it

 From my understanding  120 is 8ms  

 And 60hz is 16ms around far as im aware

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