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Halo Infinite: R2 Settings


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I don’t see any other threads on here regarding Halo Infinite so here goes…

Obviously the Halo Infinite servers or game code (or both) are total garbage so probably not much we can do our end about the desync or the other weird crap going on in games.

With that being said, does anyone have any recommended settings for the R2 that could improve things from a player perspective whether it be Geo Filter, QoS, TP or anything else we can configure on the R2?


@Netduma Liam @Netduma Fraser  Please move this thread if it’s not in the correct forum. Thanks 👍

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1 hour ago, K0NSPIRACY said:

I don’t see any other threads on here regarding Halo Infinite so here goes…

Obviously the Halo Infinite servers or game code (or both) are total garbage so probably not much we can do our end about the desync or the other weird crap going on in games.

With that being said, does anyone have any recommended settings for the R2 that could improve things from a player perspective whether it be Geo Filter, QoS, TP or anything else we can configure on the R2?


@Netduma Liam @Netduma Fraser  Please move this thread if it’s not in the correct forum. Thanks 👍

I don't have a huge amount of experience in Halo Infinite just yet, so can't offer too much help in terms of what's worked for me. 

That being said, we've made some really good improvements to QoS for the next firmware version so you should find that helps!

Hopefully the community can feedback with what helps them!

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On 1/4/2022 at 11:39 PM, rdgbasilio said:

The DumaOS is really a game changer! Halo Infinite is another game now. The shots connects faster than ever. Awesome works guys!

What are your settings in DumaOS for such an improvement?

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On 1/4/2022 at 3:47 PM, GBDJG said:

These are all my settings.

However big team battle has a problem and just wont load lol.

Sometimes when playing ranked you can get crazy high ping with the geo set it may take some time but by forcing these servers i always get low ping.

If your on xbox DMZ or port forward your single xbox port.

Upload share excess in my QOS makes my connection by far the best i still not sure why after all theses months lol





What are your QoS settings in full? I’ve never found it makes a blind bit of difference to me in any game tbh.

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On 1/4/2022 at 3:09 PM, Netduma Liam said:

I don't have a huge amount of experience in Halo Infinite just yet, so can't offer too much help in terms of what's worked for me. 

That being said, we've made some really good improvements to QoS for the next firmware version so you should find that helps!

Hopefully the community can feedback with what helps them!

What will these changes entail and how will these changes impact/improve the performance in game?

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19 minutes ago, K0NSPIRACY said:

What will these changes entail and how will these changes impact/improve the performance in game?

A lot of background improvements which will make it more efficient and there’s aspects we can’t go into at the moment.

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On 1/6/2022 at 2:29 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

A lot of background improvements which will make it more efficient and there’s aspects we can’t go into at the moment.

Ok thanks. I’ll look forward to these changes/improvements 👍

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On 1/7/2022 at 8:35 AM, K0NSPIRACY said:

Ok thanks. I’ll look forward to these changes/improvements 👍

Hey KONSPIRACY, Are you on Halowaypoint?  Could have sworn I seen a name like yours floating around on the forum..



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On 1/15/2022 at 12:42 AM, Zippy said:

Hey KONSPIRACY, Are you on Halowaypoint?  Could have sworn I seen a name like yours floating around on the forum..



Yeah I post on HW forum most days…I seem to spend most of time trying to educate people that accuse players using a geo filter as cheating! 😂

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On 1/4/2022 at 12:47 PM, GBDJG said:

These are all my settings.

However big team battle has a problem and just wont load lol.

Sometimes when playing ranked you can get crazy high ping with the geo set it may take some time but by forcing these servers i always get low ping.

If your on xbox DMZ or port forward your single xbox port.

Upload share excess in my QOS makes my connection by far the best i still not sure why after all theses months lol






The last part seems to be cut-off. Can you also put in traffic prioritization settings if you have that enabled


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14 hours ago, K0NSPIRACY said:

Yeah I post on HW forum most days…I seem to spend most of time trying to educate people that accuse players using a geo filter as cheating! 😂

Oh yes! Thats how I spotted that over on Waypoint. Good job on putting the fires out over there.. Ive been keeping a close watch on that. People really have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to the Geo Filter..  People really need to stop and think before they make posts like that with such poor misinformation. Its shocking tbh.. The word Fake News comes to mind. lol..

I may post on there to help as well.. If I do you will notice my gamertag.. ZippySkippy.. A true classic. Ive had that gamer tag since Halo was born! :) 

My biggest issue with the game is this weird Desycing issue.. Something ive never experienced before. Or at least not experienced to this level anyways..



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10 hours ago, Zippy said:

Oh yes! Thats how I spotted that over on Waypoint. Good job on putting the fires out over there.. Ive been keeping a close watch on that. People really have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to the Geo Filter..  People really need to stop and think before they make posts like that with such poor misinformation. Its shocking tbh.. The word Fake News comes to mind. lol..

I may post on there to help as well.. If I do you will notice my gamertag.. ZippySkippy.. A true classic. Ive had that gamer tag since Halo was born! :) 

My biggest issue with the game is this weird Desycing issue.. Something ive never experienced before. Or at least not experienced to this level anyways..



Tell me about it…I’ve tried my best to stay polite but it’s hard work when they genuinely haven’t got a clue what they’re talking about!

Any ideas if the R2 can help with our connections or at least get better hit reg…or is this the best it can get until this desync business is sorted? It really is a frustrating nightmare to play at times.

Where are you based? I’m in the UK and I’ve been playing since Halo CE too…my main GT is K0NSPIRACY but I’ve been playing on my secondary K0NCEPTUK until all these network performances are sorted out. Feel free to add me.

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On 1/19/2022 at 2:30 AM, K0NSPIRACY said:

Tell me about it…I’ve tried my best to stay polite but it’s hard work when they genuinely haven’t got a clue what they’re talking about!

Any ideas if the R2 can help with our connections or at least get better hit reg…or is this the best it can get until this desync business is sorted? It really is a frustrating nightmare to play at times.

Where are you based? I’m in the UK and I’ve been playing since Halo CE too…my main GT is K0NSPIRACY but I’ve been playing on my secondary K0NCEPTUK until all these network performances are sorted out. Feel free to add me.

I know its hard. Waypoint can be a very toxic forum. Some just dont want to understand reasoning. Once they have something in there head you cant get them to reason the situation.. Which is unfortunate..

Ive been trying ways to help with the hit reg on Halo Infinite but its very hard to get anywhere with this Desync issue..  The R2 is doing its job. We just need to have 343 do there job!  There have been suggestions as to where its coming from. One possible cause could be MS Teredo Tunnel. Something ive told 343 to check into myself several times. As tunnels are never good at handling UDP type traffic. And tunnels are very sensitive to latency.. Meaning the tunnel can really artificially add latency to shocking levels.. Im still confused why MS hasnt done away with this tunnel yet. I mean I get why they are using it. But that was suppose to be a short term fix. But its still being used. Personally they need to shut it off and just use IPV4 to connect until they figure something out better. Or fully use IPV6.. They have some half baked method there currently using.. Which is a mix of both. Which again doesnt make much sense. Personally revert to IPV4 only and shut the Teredo down..  ;)  If one looks back before the tunnel was introduced by Xbox/MS we never had these type of issues at all.. If anything one would think gaming would have got better over time with evolving tech. But nope! lol.. Ive done alot of digging into this and the above mentioned is my opinion.  But I do have another support ticket in with 343 on this matter mentioning the above. Of course they say they will get to the bottom of this. But how long is this going to take  :( The fun factor of a new game is wearing out fast! And the population is taking a hit..

I personally wont play any ranked games until this is sorted out.. Its way to frustrating going into a game and have shots not register and completely getting shot around corners. And having animations not being registered makes this whole game a messy nightmare.. No matter what the issue is I just hope it is something that can be actually fixed. Thats what worries me the most. I have a funny feeling that this may not be a easy fix. Or if even fixable..

Its cool to see another long Halo fan! I dont blame you for not using your main gamer tag. My alternat is SHAKERSofSALT..In my Bio I had Prepare to meet your shaker! lol.. ha ha the good ol days.. I live in central US. Even though you are in the UK maybe we can party up sometime for a few fun games. Likely more when this is sorted out.. Ive played a few games in the UK.. my ping was around 100ms.. Which isnt horrible tbh.. Something you might also want to try is force a server that is farther away. Sometimes that tneds to help with this Desync issued. But I find it hit and miss.. 

All fingers are crossed for a fix!


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Yeah as much as I love America and can’t wait to go back there again, I do my best to avoid playing on US servers so it’s best that we give that one a miss! 😂

I actually did some minor tests last night…I usually set geo filter set to cover the 2 EU servers in Dublin and Amsterdam but wanted to test and determine if the desync issues were as bad if I only connected to Dublin despite both of them giving me ping of approx 20ms.

The only conclusion I can draw from the test was that the game is trying to force me on to Amsterdam servers in approx 80% of games. When set to Dublin only the geo filter shows the server it tries to connect to then fails to connect at the loading map screen because the Amsterdam server is outside the geo filter range.

I managed to get about 3 or 4 games in on Dublin server before I got bored of failing to connect, so restored the geo filter to both servers and didn’t get any connection issues again. This makes me ask why is the game forcing me on to Amsterdam servers when I’m much closer to Dublin geographically despite the ping being about the same?

In terms of desync, I have no conclusive evidence to suggest either server was worse than the other and it is clearly not ping related, however I noted the names of the players that I seemed to have most desync issues with during the games, and every single one of them was on PC. This is just an observation and I’m not claiming crossplay is the cause of desync but it is a very strong coincidence and needs investigating. Is there any way to prove one way or another if desync could be caused by players on multiple platforms?

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Hey KONSPIRACY,   I can also say this issue isnt ping related. My ping both on the Geo and in Game on the monitor show the same ping.. And the ping remains steady. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Even the tick rates for Client and Server both look good as well.. The only strange thing I do notice is my send rate to the server is a nice smooth line. My data rate im receiving is choppy. Look like the server is sending info and then quits.. Then sends info then quits. Does this at a faster rate but I see where possibly the server is desyncing..

 Ive also noticed when playing the game and have my Geo in Spectating Mode the game rarely ever picks the closest server to me.. If I was to play 10 games I might get the closest server twice.. If im lucky.. But thats about it.. There are 3 servers I usually ping. first one has a ping of17-20ms, second one 27-30ms, third one 37-40ms, and on a rare occasion I get put on the fourth one at about 47-50ms. The game seems to love to put me on the third one most of the time. which is the East Coast server.. Which make no sense to me..

Interesting what you have said about cross play.. When one of my friends joins our fireteam and he is the only one on PC and the rest of us are on Xbox the game goes into full on Desync. Like hard core! So maybe the issue does have something to do with cross play..  



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Yeah it sounds like we’re pretty seeing and experiencing the same things…just like everyone else playing the game!

How do you monitor the send/receive data rate? Also what’s the difference between just having geo filter on and the spectator mode?

I’m going to try run some tests tonight connecting to servers with slightly higher ping to see if there is any change…that’s if there are any with 50ms ping over this side of the world.

Is there any way to test the crossplay desync theory? All my friends play on XSX but one of them is still on the Xbox One so haven’t really tested if desync is more prevalent when he’s in game…but my theory is that they may have bit of more than can chew by trying to accommdate so many platforms with varying specs (which obviously applies more so to PC).

Edit: forget any further testing…the next lowest ping is 86ms to East Coast US. Everywhere else is over 100ms.

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Yes we are experiencing the same then..

To monitor the send and receive rates of the game go to the Geo Filter. Once a game starts it will display the ping/tic rate and also show send and receive rate in kbps. But also pay attention to the graphs..  You have to scroll down and they should show on the bottom right of the Geo Filter page.. Its in the same box the ping is displayed.. Hopefully im making sense..lol..

Spectating Mode basically dosent filter. When using Spectating Mode the game picks your servers as it normally would. Whats nice about it is you still get to see the servers picked by the game on the Geo map..  Its handy if one just wants to see what servers one would naturally get put on by the game.  Thus why its called Spectating. :) Your just watching the servers at that point.

Also ive been going into Network Monitor and clicking on my Xbox. Ive been clicking on Download and notice the graph shows some very erratic behavior. Its not very smooth like my send rate. Not sure if thats actually showing us anything but I find it very odd.. My upload is nice and smooth.. All this is only when playing a game.

One thing I also find strange. My tic rate one game will be 92 for both client and server and the very next will be 62 for both client and server..  Such odd tic rate numbers though.. Ive heard some are getting tic rates at 128.. But ive never experienced that yet.

I dont know how one could test this theory with cross play. Even if my friend would join we would need some proof as to what we are doing and showing results of our tests.. But graphs I dont think would be enough.. Im wondering if the reason is that 343 hasnt capped the tick rates correctly.. Like what happens when im in a game when someone is getting a 128 tick rate and im like at 62.. What kind of effect would that have?  What kind of tick rates are you getting?  A PC player that has a fairly loaded gaming PC would likely get those higher number tick rates with a good monitor.. When my friend that does join who is the only one on PC he doesnt experience the Desync as bad as the rest of us in the same game. Plus we are all from a 100mile radius of each other.. So maybe cross play is the issue.. Hummmm



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8 hours ago, K0NSPIRACY said:

@Zippy take a look at this and feel free to post some information:


Thanks for your previous post too…I’ll try to some testing when I get chance and post any data I find.

Oh my gosh man! That is so toxic and so much fake news in that thread I dont know how you can keep your cool.. I see how people have so little clue what they are talking about. This is what happens when 343 starts grasping at straws.. 343 has created this nightmare. Lets see how they can get out of this.  Geo Filtering is not the cause.. Specifically any Netduma or Netgear router with DumaOS on it is not at all the issue. Pure and simple! With all the cheating hacks in that game and all the desyncing issues and server connection issues there are they need to focus on the real issues and get it done!

The only option 343 has now is to add selectable servers. Thats the only way to keep them honest..

This games population is already on a sharp downward trend from an array of issues and such. Infinite has one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel.. What more does 343 need before addressing the real issues..

I will keep an eye on that thread. Looks like I may need to post there as well to help!



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@Zippy would appreciate it if you could…I actually feel physically and mentally drained after today, and I know that shouldn’t happen after simply posting on a forum. I think it’s best if I stop posting or reading crap on there for my own sanity.

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, K0NSPIRACY said:

So is it time to quit this piece of shit broken game? Forced servers, forced crossplay…think it’s time to buy a PS5!

well in theory @K0NSPIRACY they have pretty much conceded defeat and have implemented their own geo filtering matchmaking options.

What's funny here is COD automatically searches for lower ping games by default and if your local region is low populated it goes to the next close area.

So 343 has finally come to the 21st century with their matchmaking options but only time will tell if it works or not.

I have felt for so long that 343 didn't care of players outside of the USA that suffered from terrible ping as long as the USA players had host, and great pings it was bad luck for the rest of us. I feel this change it a win for other players from all over the world that suffered from terrible pings and hopefully we can finally enjoy consistent decent ping games because that's all anyone every really wants. 

Geo Filtering is not cheating its ensuring you connect to local servers and have the best ping to provide you with a good gaming experience. If the game developers implemented this from the start everyone would be much better for it.  

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