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How to remove offline devices from router?

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Guest Killhippie
On 2/8/2020 at 7:34 PM, RedBull2k said:

I made the tool for myself and over the last couple of years it has evolved, first i made for the r1, then when duma os came out, i had to remake it all, and learnt new things. So i havent made it to fix a mess i made it to help me, i mearly mentioned it a year ago or so, but never mentioned it again untill a couple weeks ago, there were forum useres who requested a copy of it, but at that time it was not user friendly or anything like that it was just for me, but im ok in sharing. So i had 2 weeks off work first full 2 weeks in many years, and had the time to actually make it to a point i could share it, and with some feedback and more time it evolved slightly more. Im not sure whats available in the sense of scanning for virus,trojan,malware,spyware, etc. but anyone can feel free to test it in a Sandboxie or simular. I am familier with github i have landed on that site while researching, but im pretty sure the format i script/code in is not compatible. The only other feedback i get other than comments in forums, the site i use to get the server information have given me a free licence for 50thousand requests for lookup per month. so i will know how many requests have been made.

The app does not install on any router, its a standalone exe that registers a activex so i can use its functions. This is just a hobby, and i dont require anything to be trusted, just a use at your own risk. 

My intention is not for it to be a supplement, my intentions is if you have a use for it then you can use it. its a use at your own risk kinds thing which i had stated in the other topics. basicaly almost everything its doing it can be done by hand. 


I know its not installed on the router, nevertheless .exe files can cause harm if they contain malware or pass private data back to a third party server and I have no idea who you are (no offence) or what your code contains, hence my reticence since the app interacts with router to remove extraneous devices which means it could possibly cause issue with GUI or corrupt it which is why I was suggesting asking for the code to maybe be published on GitHub.Take Voxel for example he publishes the GPL Code for the R7800 he creates on GitHub with no issue. My point is it would be good to see your code in full so people know its safe, that's all (if you are worried about it being stolen maybe patent it) I have no wish for your app to be removed, but people should not need to use other tools or use a virtual machine which is the safest method to check out firmware they are downloadin, especially when removing offline devices should be done by the router anyway.


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You have good points. But I have nothing to prove, its a take it or leave it kinda thing, I have no reason to publish anything to github or alike. But if you are interested in how I accomplished it I'm happy to give pointers.

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Guest Killhippie
42 minutes ago, RedBull2k said:

You have good points. But I have nothing to prove, its a take it or leave it kinda thing, I have no reason to publish anything to github or alike. But if you are interested in how I accomplished it I'm happy to give pointers.

I don't ever download files unless they come from a trusted source. Have nice day.

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I got the RX500 about 8 months ago and been loving it, but the last 2 months or so it was acting up and causing as much issues as an apple router (I had that before) and it was really disappointing cause the first 6 months it was amazing how it managed my peoples workflow and gaming with streaming etc, but I decided to really get into it and couldn't get it fixed since after rebooting it within a couple hours it'd just crap out. I checked these forums for new info and boom 🤯 the ghost devices issue appears, I had the same thing with over 150 devices showing in the "offline" area and my current 40 or so on the respective area. I did a hard reset and for the last 12 hours it's been working great 👍 it would usually crap out within a couple hours. 

I hope Duma OS 3.0 adds a way to remove those pesky ghosts. 

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7 minutes ago, ENDWARO7 said:

I got the RX500 about 8 months ago and been loving it, but the last 2 months or so it was acting up and causing as much issues as an apple router (I had that before) and it was really disappointing cause the first 6 months it was amazing how it managed my peoples workflow and gaming with streaming etc, but I decided to really get into it and couldn't get it fixed since after rebooting it within a couple hours it'd just crap out. I checked these forums for new info and boom 🤯 the ghost devices issue appears, I had the same thing with over 150 devices showing in the "offline" area and my current 40 or so on the respective area. I did a hard reset and for the last 12 hours it's been working great 👍 it would usually crap out within a couple hours. 

I hope Duma OS 3.0 adds a way to remove those pesky ghosts. 

We hope it does not have them!! I had Apple routers before, always found them good, basic but trouble free.

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53 minutes ago, ENDWARO7 said:

I got the RX500 about 8 months ago and been loving it, but the last 2 months or so it was acting up and causing as much issues as an apple router (I had that before) and it was really disappointing cause the first 6 months it was amazing how it managed my peoples workflow and gaming with streaming etc, but I decided to really get into it and couldn't get it fixed since after rebooting it within a couple hours it'd just crap out. I checked these forums for new info and boom 🤯 the ghost devices issue appears, I had the same thing with over 150 devices showing in the "offline" area and my current 40 or so on the respective area. I did a hard reset and for the last 12 hours it's been working great 👍 it would usually crap out within a couple hours. 

I hope Duma OS 3.0 adds a way to remove those pesky ghosts. 

We totally understand how frustrating that issue can be so I'm sure you'll be happy with 3.0 :)

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  • 1 month later...

Well Its a been a few months, i see there was even a Third party tool developed by @RedBull2k Good job mate, your work is appreciated by users like me, but i don't get why you don't git hub your tool, its not like your intent on selling it, and others may have improvements to add, community driven stuff is where its at and as a bonus it removes any doubt against your character.

I hear you @Netduma Alex When you Say your not allowed to talk about up coming features, however we as a loyal customer base would feel allot better supported if we had some indication as to what you are trying to implement, such as a glimpse of your road map for 3.0. I am sure you have a skilled marketing team that could see the benefit in telling customers what fixes and features they should expect in future editions of DumaOS.
By the way, do you have a planned release date on 3.0? (i think current is V2.3.2.56)
As we said to @Netduma Fraser last year the obvious feature to implement is a DHCP Lease Time and a mass delete button for all offline devices (though this may have undesired consequences for some smart devices which hook unhook often so a use at own risk alert dialogue should exist here)
The white list was another option, where you could make sure the above functions not remove these devices you have tagged in the white list.

As you can see we are well aware of features we already expected and do not have. what we are politely asking for is not simply "I'm sure you'll be happy with 3.0" but rather why will i as a customer who is facing the difficulty mentioned here be happy with it, From your response, i have to take the initiative that all of the above are being promised because they have not been categorically denied. Or rather no difficulty have been stated as to why these features wont be available.

Again I like your product i recommend it to my customers however when a customer comes back to me and says "you recommended this and i have X issue" as a technician i say well i addressed this with them on their forum and they promised a fix, and that fix does not come around this hurts my reputation as much as it does yours, because they are unlikely to come back to me for business if my recommendations cause them frustrations.

P.S I understand presently the world is in turmoil and that will put a delay on everything, and even with the obvious "coders work at home" thought we all have family's etc to deal with in this trying time, I do not expect a fix during this period as that would be unreasonable, my concerns are purely addressing the previous few months under normal business conditions. I wish you all well and hope you and your family's are safe.

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We've just announced the Geo-Fencing feature for the Geo-Filter that we're planning to release and we'll be rolling out announcements for further features/updates as time goes on. There is no planned release date at the moment but should be having a beta soon. I can confirm there is a delete offline devices button implemented in 3.0. I totally understand your concerns which is why we'll be proceeding with a beta so that any concerns that haven't been addressed/fixed can be brought up and so that the final release can be as polished as possible.

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11 hours ago, lordlangford said:

Well Its a been a few months, i see there was even a Third party tool developed by @RedBull2k Good job mate, your work is appreciated by users like me, but i don't get why you don't git hub your tool, its not like your intent on selling it, and others may have improvements to add, community driven stuff is where its at and as a bonus it removes any doubt against your character.

Thanks for the appreciation, Im not familier with github, and sharing of code is not something i want to do. I think sharing of any code or selling can/will bring more harm and can create more problems. community driven stuff is all well and good but if you have to many chiefs and not enough indians then whats the point. any doubt in charcheter is fine and welcomed becasue im not forcing anyone or asking them to use it. however i do get feedback on a weekly basis from ipinfo as im using their free api for ip lookups and im currently getting about 10000-12000 per month in ip lookups. Which says to me there is a very strong use/need for it. It would be good to see it implemented in 3.0 like they have done with delete offline 


2 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

I can confirm there is a delete offline devices button implemented in 3.0.


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Guest Killhippie
21 hours ago, RedBull2k said:

 I'm not familiar with github,

Here is description of Github via Wikipedia, its used by many many coders like Raymond Hill who produces Ublock Origin and firmware developers like RMerlin and Voxel so people can see the code and make sure its safe to download, and also offer suggestions for push forward development where applicable. Above all if your code is on there people know its legitimate and not malware. :)


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Guest Killhippie
1 hour ago, RedBull2k said:

The program i use is not compitable with github

quick macros


Can you explain how, as Github is just a repository for code, since all code is a language it can be published. Here is a link to Voxels Github for the R7800 Fork which is very complex, if this code which linux can be posted there along with Ublock Origins code as seen here which is completely different I would imagine you could find a way also hopefully. I mean even Microsoft has its own Github page :)




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Ive just come across this issue. I’ve got multiple devices including my mobile that annoyingly randomise MAC address every time it reconnects to wifi resulting in exactly this scenario. Mine looks double as bad as yours from just 2 devices. That part Is totally unusable to the point of the page crashing now when I try and load it.

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9 hours ago, dan801 said:

Ive just come across this issue. I’ve got multiple devices including my mobile that annoyingly randomise MAC address every time it reconnects to wifi resulting in exactly this scenario. Mine looks double as bad as yours from just 2 devices. That part Is totally unusable to the point of the page crashing now when I try and load it.

Hey, welcome to the forum!

This is something we'll be fixing, easiest way at the moment is to either factory reset or reboot and then delete each manually unfortunately. In our next update there will be a button to delete all offline devices.

9 hours ago, acoop133 said:

I raised this issue late last year... and they still havent released any fixes for it....

You'll be able to delete all offline devices with one click of a button in 3.0.

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Not really an option to factory reset every couple of weeks. I’ll wait for version 3 - but it’s turned into COVID-19 - news snippets of hope that they are testing a cure but in reality there won’t be a vaccine for 6 or 12 or 18 months.

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18 hours ago, dan801 said:

Not really an option to factory reset every couple of weeks. I’ll wait for version 3 - but it’s turned into COVID-19 - news snippets of hope that they are testing a cure but in reality there won’t be a vaccine for 6 or 12 or 18 months.

Sorry for the inconvenience, good news is incoming. Keep an eye out for announcements.

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  • 7 months later...
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18 minutes ago, skarz said:

Any update on this?

Hey, welcome to the forum!

You can find the DumaOS open beta for the XR500 here: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Pro-Gaming-DumaOS-3-0/bd-p/en-home-beta-npg-duma

Which has the option to delete all offline devices.

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35 minutes ago, deolsunny533 said:

I have no idea why we can sort by everything else except the two that would be most useful... However when sorting by name there appears to be very few duplicates if any.


Hey, welcome to the forum!

Could you help me understand why you think sorting by MAC address or IP address is most important to you? I would have though people searching for a device would do so by online or name. I don't know any of my devices by MAC address. 

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16 hours ago, skarz said:

Update when?

As in, another beta build? We never have dates for updates as they're always subject to change, we're working on it currently - NG are trying to resolve the DHCP issues and we're trying to resolve the QoS/IPv6 issues.

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