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Hi I have Internet speeds of 15mbps download and 1mbps upload speed I did input my Internet speeds into the netduma also anti-bufferbloat sliders I have set them to 70% download and upload I have set that to 70 % as well. I have seen people change these values around. Is 70% optimal for a low bandwidth connection.  Any tips on how to get the best connection out of netduma for games. Thanks for any reply 😊

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Guest Killhippie

It depends on how many devices are attached, how many people are online at any given time. I would suggest maybe using Pingplotter, but I have 52Mbps down and 15.8Mbps up and for myself 85% works fine. You need to experiment to find your own 'sweet spot' so to speak as each persons network will be different.

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Hi thanks for reply my dad only uses it for YouTube and my mum for emails and website viewing. Tried ping plotter and it gives me packet loss on my router but if I cmd and ping my router or Google it give me zero packet lol 

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Hi Alix,

Try setting the Anti-Bufferbloat option to Always, and then see if your connection still has packet loss in ping plotter.

If the packet loss is fixed, then you need to make sure that your gaming devices are added to the Traffic Prioritization menu. If you have problems, tell me what games and consoles you're trying to play.

There's a guide to optimal settings here, so have a read and make sure you've not missed anything: http://support.netduma.com/support/solutions/articles/16000077073-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-qos

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Hi tried your suggestion still got packet loss in both router's using ping plotter. Cmd doesn't pick up packet loss. I play call of duty black ops 4 and other call of duty games, fortnite 😊

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As far as I'am concerned blackops 4s in game ping graph is very accurate at reporting packetloss and jitter as I had a problem myself.

Try running pingplotter at the same time while your in a match and check the game graph

Any packetloss should show up

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Hi thanks for your time do you think I have set up netduma right I set both sliders to 70%. Ping assist set to 30 also have strict mode on and auto ping host on too

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7 minutes ago, Alix said:

Hi thanks for your time do you think I have set up netduma right I set both sliders to 70%. Ping assist set to 30 also have strict mode on and auto ping host on too

That sounds like a good setup! Make sure ALL devices are connected to the router and none to the ISP hub otherwise won't be as effective.

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Any devices in your house should be connected to the DumaOS router via WiFi or ethernet. No devices should be connected via WiFi or ethernet to the modem/router given to you by the internet provider other than the DumaOS router itself.

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Hi have main router downstairs connected to powerline adapter  for upstairs this is connected by Ethernet. Then upstairs I have powerline adapter connected to to the netduma by Ethernet . I did setup dmz for it to work upstairs I have a open nat type 

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Okay so there are other devices connected to the router downstairs then? In that case QoS won't be as effective but the Geo-Filter would still work just the same. If possible I would advise keeping both routers downstairs and plugging the powerline adapter into the Netduma downstairs. Turning off the WiFi on the internet provider router and connecting them to the R1 instead.

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I have one Ethernet plugged into the main router then the cable goes into the powerline adapter then signal gets transferred to the other powerline adapter upstairs then I plugged cable out of the powerline adapter into the netduma straight into xbox one s 

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39 minutes ago, Alix said:

I have one Ethernet plugged into the main router then the cable goes into the powerline adapter then signal gets transferred to the other powerline adapter upstairs then I plugged cable out of the powerline adapter into the netduma straight into xbox one s 

Are there devices connected to the main router? If so I would recommend the setup I mentioned above and have the powerline upstairs go straight into the Xbox

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2 hours ago, Alix said:

If I brought down the netduma connect it to the main router by the lan port then connect the powerline adapter to the netduma what is the advantages on doing this?. Also I will have to disable dhcp won't on the netduma 


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Fraser's right in what he's saying

But you could try simplifying the set up with speeds your getting and just try running everthing though the duma wireless just as a test to eliminate any issues with the net adapters?

Depending on the size of the house

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Hi did a test upstairs with the netduma that is plugged into the powerline adapter ran a cable from netduma into laptop went to dslreports.com and got a score A. 

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The advantages are that the R1 can control all the devices in the house and therefore prevent lag/buffering on all your devices regardless of what they are doing. No you wouldn't disable DHCP, you've done the DMZ already which is what would be required.

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