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Sky And Native IPV6

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First of all as o 17th of February 2019 I took ownership of an XR500, which is great.

Secondly, I am running Sky Fibre which supports NATIVE IPV6 - I have done "Auto Detect" put puts it to 6to4 tunnel which is incorrect as the title suggest their FULL NATIVE IPV6 now.

I am not using a Sky branded router however I run an external modem (Vigor 130) + XR500 using DHCP Option 61 (works I can get WAN access IPV4), when using an Asus router using Merlin's build I could get FULL native IPV6 support. I have read on various non-Sky forums that Netgear are missing certain options that allow full on native IPV6 support, non of the options currently in the FW allow me to get an IPV6 address natively only 6to4 tunnel which I will have to put up until a work-around is found.

Any chance these options could be passed on and looked at for future reference?

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 I also have noticed the XR500 currently doesn't support Native IPV6.. Which is actually surprising really.. My ASUS always pulled Full Native IPV6.. Netgear is behind the eight ball on this one.. Granted there might not be a big call for IPV6 yet as a gamer but the time will come.. Plus im not sure if features like buffer bloat work with IPV6 on the XR500..  Hope you get your other issues sorted.. Good luck!


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9 hours ago, Tripper said:

Same here i can't get ipv6 and I have sky

The only "temp" way of getting IPV6 at the moment if you're running a stand-a-lone modem (NOT SKY ROUTER BUILT IN MODEM) such as a BT Openreach or Vigor <> XR500 is by going to SETTINGS > ADVANCED SETTINGS > IPV6 > DROP DOWN MENU TO AUTO-DETECT. This is the only solution thus far until an Native IPV6 option is added into future firmware updates thus eliminating the need to use 6 to 4 on Sky, I just hope some devs are taking a note.

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15 hours ago, Netduma Admin said:

This would be one for NETGEAR I'm afraid as their code handles this area, but this is helpful to know for our own hardware. Thank you.

Is Netgear the ones we need to contact about Native IPV6?  That is something that needs to be highly looked at.. Ive had that capability with my ASUS router for two years.. So I was shocked that the XR500 didn't even have this feature.. Also lets say we did already have that capability with the XR500.. Is DumaOS compatible to work with IPV6 using your buffer bloat feature?  These are things I have concerns on.. IPV6 is the future.  

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1 hour ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Yes you would need to request it from them. At the moment we don't have full IPv6 support on DumaOS for Netgear hardware or our own so thats something we'd need to work on also.

Thanks Fraser! :) 

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