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Help needed getting Hybrid VPN working please!

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I did the router firmware upgrade to my XR500 this evening and successfully connected my PureVPN account to the Hybrid VPN module. No issues there! When I put my laptop on there and hit whatsmyip.com, I got my regular IP address back, I was expecting to see the same IP that's displayed in the log output window. Can someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong? I'd be happy to provide any logs/screenshots necessary for triage. 

Thank you very much in advance!

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UPDATE: I read the "Understanding Hybrid VPN" post, and changed my laptop HVPN settings to "Do no VPN these services", reloaded what'smyip.com, and the IP's now match :)

UPDATE 2: I've lost 85%ish of my network speed while connected through HVPN,:( is there anything I can do to optimize the connection?

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  • Netduma Staff
9 hours ago, Kazamario said:

UPDATE 2: I've lost 85%ish of my network speed while connected through HVPN,:( is there anything I can do to optimize the connection?

Aye as Big Dog has said, running a VPN causes a massive drop in speed in almost all cases. The only way to mitigate the loss in speed is to upgrade the CPU of whatever is running the VPN client (in this case, upgrading the the Nighthawk XR700 would improve your speeds since it has a quad-core CPU, but you'd still only reach 100mbps).

It's the massive drawback of VPN's, coupled with the increased latency you get for routing your traffic through another server. That's why we designed Hybrid VPN, so you can exclude any device and service you want from the VPN and avoid those drawbacks. If you're downloading on a device and it doesn't require the VPN, just exclude it. I'd recommend excluding most of your devices aside from whatever you feel you need to protect!

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so why bother putting Hybrid VPN on the xr500 if it couldnt handle it....?

even with just one device active on the Hybrid VPN, the router drops speeds significantly.

i gave up on the Hybrid VPN anyway and settled for pc client based setup.

Hybrid VPN also periodically causes internet failure for a few mins and then reconnects.... 



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It can handle it, we've put it on the R1 as well even though speeds will be slower. The Hybrid part means selecting the individual services on that device that you would want VPN'd such as Skype or a game and so theres plenty of bandwidth from that and the rest of the device can use the normal connection and full speeds.

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