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Pet hate with cod players


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Well tonight I have had a mixed bag of gaming, My usual brother in arms has been busy so I tried a few solo.

Man there are some A holes that play cod. The connections were bang on the money every game (I seem to have the sweet spot in my settings) but some of my team mates left a lot to be desired.

I play mostly HC dom these days and friendly fire happens, I get it. I occasionally kill a team mate and get killed by them but to have someone team kill the whole team at the start of the 2nd half is a real A hole thing to do,

Add to that getting team killed for playing the objective is also kind off annoying. I topped our team on points with most captures most games , 2nd place had 42 kills 12 deaths and 1 capture. GRRRRRRRRRRRR

Oh and tried the ARX steel bite on some of the bigger maps, man that is a one pull of the trigger at any range on HC, it's a beast despite it been painted pink!!!!!

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We're at the end of AW's life cycle... So, what players are left are resorting to just being arse holes because that's more fun than the game itself. Happens in all games near the end before the new (yearly) version is released.


Also, as much as we don't want to admit it... Kids (teens, pre-teens, 20sometings) are video games main audience, good or bad. There are a lot of us older gamers who grew up with the gaming industry, but we are not the primary audience they market to, unfortunately. So, you will always have the immaturity that goes along with age (or lack of) given this is who makes up video games core player base.

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