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Denied Servers and Players

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I wasn't 100% certain on this so I asked the devs, they said that in order for the Allow/Deny list to be active (as in, doing anything) you need to be in filtering mode.

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I'm sorry Alex but please explain to me why you need more time to "declare this a bug"? I've been previously told and read in these very forums that this issue was previously duplicated already. There are literally many posts going back months stating this issue and similarly related issues on these forums and Netgear's. In a previous post in this thread by the OP, Kahari, he mentions this is been an issue for close to a year with NO FIX YET. That time is now 11+ months. Here's recent thread on Netgear's forums echoing my sentiment. 

You posted in this thread that the issue has been reported to the devs and they are aware. Fraser has also said the same. So how is it not declared a bug yet? It simply doesn't work as advertised! Unless I'm reading this wrong help me understand the distinction between "the devs are aware of the issue" vs. "we can't declare this a bug yet". Are you guys not reading the threads on these forums? The issue is documented as far as I'm concerned. It's time to stop fooling around and fix it. Period!

So have we been lied to here? Has no one in fact brought this up to anyone to fix after all this time? What's the point of having forums for customers who bought a expensive product to report broken features only to have them ignored and not brought to the attention of the devs? The malfeasance here is beyond ridiculous. 

Is the motto here "Buy our broken product now and maybe we'll fix many months later...if and when we fee like it"?

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I imagine what has happened here is that the devs are aware of the issue but after thinking or looking over the code that runs the feature that there may be more avenues to explore. I have provided Alex with an example test which I think should show the issue more clearly if it's possible to reproduce.

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  • 2 weeks later...


For about 2 weeks, I've noticed something when it comes to the denied server feature. (This is what has been going on for me anyway) First, I did a power reset on my router. After this process,  I noticed that I connected to EVERY DENIED SERVER (within that radius) that I previously denied. It's like it just cycled me through each and every one of the DENIED ones ONLY. (It didn't connect me to any of the servers I allowed during this process just to be crystal clear) One by one as I connected to a denied server, I denied it once again.  (Very frustrating because there were so many servers I previously denied..) After I denied every "already denied server" within that radius, I finally connected to a server I had allowed. At this point, I noticed that going forward, the feature started working. It continued to block every denied  server I recently denied, and only connected me to servers I allowed,  but ONLY within the radius I had it set for.(See pictures 1 and 2 below) In other words,  If I expand the radius and it connects to another server I denied, (for instance in NY etc.) it will connect to that denied server. I'm wondering if I should just completely expand the radius to cover all servers and as I connect to the ones I originally denied, do the same process as before. This would be a frustrating and time consuming task (Because I have so many denied servers) and I shouldn't have to do this because once its denied it should stay denied.....(as originally advertised) but......I may have to try this and see if it will work. The only problem is if you do a power reset on the modem or have a power surge or outage, (after doing all this work) this process of denying every already denied server would have to be done all over again.

So you guys are not out of the woods as far as getting this feature fixed and completely working, but I figured I would give an update so you guys can inform the devs. I'll update as I continue this process.

Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at 8.20.01 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at 9.06.13 AM.png

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I'm having trouble discerning a pattern here. Are you saying that the server blocks only seemed to work if you blocked them while they were within the radius?

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Yes currently. But only after I went through the process of re-denying them. Before that, it connected me to every denied server (within that radius) and the block feature did not work at all.

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So here's my latest update:

Up until this past Tuesday, the deny server feature seemed to be working ok.(As long as I had it set to the specified radius..in my case Call of Duty from the profile selector. *See Pic 1) But on Tuesday it all went to crap when I tried expanding the radius and connected to other servers. So I did the same thing which was deny the servers as I connected to them, but thats when things got weird. When you deny a peer or a server, it moves it to the bottom of your Allow Deny List. So as I denied the servers, it would block them and move them to the bottom, but would change the name I saved them under. (See Pic 2) For some odd reason it renamed the denied servers "Georgia Lag." I marked one of the servers with a black star so you could see what it was originally named and has the same ID. As you can see, my entire list of denied servers now reads "Georgia Lag!" This is a problem....

Now I don't remember which servers I denied. (guess it doesn't matter too much as long as the system blocks them) but I should be able to tell, and it should read accurately what I originally saved them as. This is really getting ridiculous running into bugs and problems with this router, and we still have no update or solution.

Pic 1.png

Pic 2.png

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When you pinged the server was the name box blank and then when you rename it and save it appears with the old name in the list? It's unlikely but could you clear your browser cache/cookies please, it could be caching the name for some reason and see if it does it again please.

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Sorry just trying to completely understand. When you ping it, it has the name you gave it already e.g. texas but then when clicking deny/allow it goes into the list as Georgia Lag every single time? Have you tried the cache wipe?

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Yes when I ping it, it has the name I saved it as. But when I deny it, it goes into the list at the bottom and saves it as "Georgia Lag." I did the cache wipe and the servers are still saved as Georgia Lag.

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This week I've noticed that the ping of some of my allowed servers sky rocket during peak hours. Haven't seen any servers spike like that in a very long time. It's labeled "Illinois Lag 6" because I recently labeled and denied it. But it was  originally an allowed server. It's normally pinged at around 22 ms.

Screen Shot 2019-07-29 at 9.06.40 PM.png

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  • Netduma Staff
10 hours ago, Kahari said:

I’ve seen it during normal hours as well.

There's only a couple of possibilities here - either it's becoming extremely congested at certain times of day due to player load, or there's a graphical error happening. I'm doubtful of a graphics error, but you never know.

I'd try to rule this out by hard refreshing the page or pinning the Ping panel to the dashboard and checking there. If it's still consistent after that we can rule it out.

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