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Blacklist Dedicated

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Will blacklisting dedicated servers ever be supported?  Seattle and New York Dedi's here in the states play like absolute trash for me consistently.  Especially Seattle.  I hate that thing.  Feels like I'm always 1/2sec. behind everybody all the time.

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You can not blacklist dedi's but you could move your geo home location to avoid said dedi set to strict and turn off your ping assist (set to 0) so not to connect outside the geo.

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Will blacklisting dedicated servers ever be supported? Seattle and New York Dedi's here in the states play like absolute trash for me consistently. Especially Seattle. I hate that thing. Feels like I'm always 1/2sec. behind everybody all the time.

I despise that Seattle server too. Even at 40 ping I still connect and I'm east coast.
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You can not blacklist dedi's but you could move your geo home location to avoid said dedi set to strict and turn off your ping assist (set to 0) so not to connect outside the geo.

That's normally what I do when I'm at my wits end, but I get placed on that Seattle server so often (over 80%) that when I have it excluded, it's very difficult to find a match.  In fact, I connect to dedi's almost 100% of the time, it just so happens it's mostly that pos in Seattle.  I have better luck with p2p, but I rarely get them.


As an aside, I recently watched a video from Driftor reviewing the NetDuma and on his version it had different colors for different kinds of hosts.  What's the latest version?  My hosts colors are always the same.

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  • Netduma Staff

As an aside, I recently watched a video from Driftor reviewing the NetDuma and on his version it had different colors for different kinds of hosts.  What's the latest version?  My hosts colors are always the same.


He has admin mode which allows you to see servers in a different colour. It was used for optimising the cloud but now, as everyone can see server IDs it is obsolete :)

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  • Administrators

Hi Ford, if you get lobby botting with strict mode on & ping assist off. Please click the padlock ID's and post them here: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/1723-cloud-incorrect-locations/


We will optimise the cloud for you. 

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I haven't seen any peer to peer games lately here in Europe.

Can somebody confirm this?

I havn't played a p2p game in the UK for months now. The dedi's are pretty much hit and miss but still better than without the R1

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