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host filtering


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why is it when i switch over from playing call of duty on ps4 to xbox the lag be totally different on xbox i go check my host filtering and its always outside the home area i select, doesn't it save when i put it to the area that i selected it to be i jus don't get it. What is the issue with that or it does that on its own?

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If you are getting hosts outside your radius on your Xbox but not your PS4 it sounds as if the geofilter is not actually enabled for your Xbox.


If you have the geofilter enabled, strict mode enabled and ping assist set to 0 you will never connect to a server outside your radius.

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ok i jus went back to check my geofilter and it went back to default and i put it back to the area i live with the ping assist at 0. since i put the ping assist 0 does it take longer to find a match?

Ping assist allows you to connect to servers that are incorrectly located on the geofilter map (i.e a server that is actually in the UK may show as being in the US or vice versa) so it’s defiantly worth using. I would run an internet diagnostics test from the Duma to find out your base ping before setting ping assist, you can post a screenshot of the results here or upload a screenshot to imgur.com and post the link if you need help.


If settings aren’t saving when you leave a page make sure cookies are enabled in Settings > Miscellaneous

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as the good man said above, your settings will only be saved if cookies are enabled in misc settings! :D



oh F.Y.I please allow 2 minutes for changes made on the geo filter to take effect, this is an anti cheat feature.

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Your connection looks good. 


Please check you have definitely added your Xbox to the Geo-Filter so it is being filtered correctly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

after i enable the cookie do i have to click something when i check the box to enable cookies because it went back to default and had to change it back to my hoe area

All you should need to do is make sure the ‘enable cookies’ checkbox is ticked in Miscellaneous. Are you using Google Chrome as your browser and are you unplugging the R1 at all?

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Home location, radius size, ping assist, strict mode and whether or not the filter is enabled or disabled isn't affected by cookies. The only thing I've noticed affecting whether or not settings are saved is pulling the R1 power (or a power cut) if you haven't rebooted the R1 after changing settings. Try setting them up and rebooting as that should lock them in.

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  • Netduma Staff

no im not using google chrome im using safari but yes the R1 have been unplug due to kids running around the house and not paying attention of their surroundings 


Yeh you could try the PS4 browser. Unplugging the Netduma can cause your settings to wipe - especially if it's unplugged for a long time. If you constantly need to unplug it, you could save your settings as a profile and export them. Then whenever you need your settings again you just import it (using the Profiles page).

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