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PS4 slow via Netduma?


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Greeting Techno gurus,
I have an excellent connection when connecting the ethernet cable directly from the cable modem to my Mac.
960 Mbit down
147 Mbit up
1 ms to backbone
When I check the connection speeds on the PS4, connected with the same ethernet cable as above via the Netduma router, it only gets 60 Mbit down and 0.86 Mb up. The 60 Mbit down is fine, but it is the up speed that concerns me.
All other devices are consuming about 300-400 Kbit total at the time of testing.
The router is set to Hyper-Traffic with the PS4 and PSN.
Turbo mode and Super Turbo mode active.


Is this a known problem with PS4/PSN?
Any thoughts?
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From Duma's FAQ about speed 


It is recommended that you use a computer with a wired connection to carry out a speed test. Consoles, phones and tablets can often provide inaccurate results. To find out your true speed, please always use a wired computer.



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Greeting Techno gurus,
I have an excellent connection when connecting the ethernet cable directly from the cable modem to my Mac.
960 Mbit down
147 Mbit up
1 ms to backbone
When I check the connection speeds on the PS4, connected with the same ethernet cable as above via the Netduma router, it only gets 60 Mbit down and 0.86 Mb up. The 60 Mbit down is fine, but it is the up speed that concerns me.
All other devices are consuming about 300-400 Kbit total at the time of testing.
The router is set to Hyper-Traffic with the PS4 and PSN.
Turbo mode and Super Turbo mode active.


Is this a known problem with PS4/PSN?
Any thoughts?



PSN speed test in network settings is completely unreliable and wrong most of the time... Also, you shouldn't be testing while the console is in hyper traffic because it's meant for low bandwidth traffic. If you add your PC to it and try testing the router will slow down and you probably won't even be able to access it while testing.


As long as your PC is getting your full speeds through the Netduma, then it's fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ive noticed this too but its good to know the consoles aren't exactly reliable when it comes to testing but my question is even if they aren't reliable in test will it still access the down speed that isn't on the speed test like say for instance I got 150 down on my console but when I test it says like 112 but say when Im downloading a game will it access the amount I put on the console or only the amount it reads thru the test?

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Ive noticed this too but its good to know the consoles aren't exactly reliable when it comes to testing but my question is even if they aren't reliable in test will it still access the down speed that isn't on the speed test like say for instance I got 150 down on my console but when I test it says like 112 but say when Im downloading a game will it access the amount I put on the console or only the amount it reads thru the test?


Downloads will usually download at the fastest rate they can so I would assume so. I have heard there is a rate limit when downloading though but hard to know for certain.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Yes it is normal that the ps4 speedtest show incorrect results since it is just to test if you properly are hooked to it.... sometimes the speedtest will take 2seconds but more often it takes 10 seconds and can you believe that the 2sec test will not show proper results compared to the longest ones

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Oh and i forgot.... not only after each setting changed you have to apply/save and refresh your browser you using to change duma settings... when lile i said you have found a sweet spot... you close your ps4 and every components hooked to the duma either via cable or wifi... then you hit restart duma with your browser then right after having the confirmation pop up from the duma sayin it will restart and dont use it before waitin 1 min...right there you close your component you use to do settings(in my case its my computer and it is the best way) you close it...no restart... Close... then you wait a minute to be sure the duma is fully operational and then you can power on your components (also known as devices) and voilà...you now have properly applied settings and by closing your devices before the duma restart except for the computer that will close at the same time of the duma or right after the bip sound...it will ensure the duma boot freely and flawlessly with nothing able to disrupt it !!! And knows that when you close a component (a device) you help it clearing it memory wich make it more clean and powerfull as it is supposed to be when new...plus if they have updates like almost every devices available it will clear old data that may and will interfere with the newest data... so your devices will work as intended and it will be like that for way more time than others. It is the case since the begin even if some dumbass said otherwise...and will remains like that till the end of time... cuz that is how technological things work !!! You should at least restart your devices daily !!! Yes also your modem and router since in case you don't already know... every isps update each and every night !!! No it is not always big updates like you want to update your gpu... since you all gamers the best exemple is... it is the same thing call of duty as exemple is doin... each and everyday they update things either on their servers... on your side of the servers...or both... or they sometimes brings bigger updates wich will tell you to restart... or via your console like a dlc or big patch in the game ...!!! But even the lil updates that you don't see... have been applied on their side so if you don't restart modem and router and devices they will bring the old data with them wich will provoke problems and troubles that you will not have to deal with if you had restart everything !!! Plus like i said... at least a RESTART by day but... if it is big updates or patch ect... whatever the device name(game... Console... Computer..cellphone...tablet... Tv...gpu...chipset...bios...ect ect ect... you should always CLOSE (shut off) and let it with no pwer for at least 30 seconds then power on that device so you will properly apply those changes and clearing the old data so your devices will flawlessly operate like they was created for !!! That will result in a better experience on all your rigs and setups and that will help finding what is wrong today when yesterday was flawless and you didnt changed settings

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