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Anti-flood ("the sliders") is a feature of the router that restricts the total amount of bandwidth that devices in your home can use. Counter-intuitively this stop your ping rising when other devices are using lots of bandwidth and consequently lag because it stops packet queues growing locally.

If you don't throttle using anti-flood other devices can saturate your local connection causing large queues. The time spent in those queues increases your ping significantly and manifests itself as lag.

It may decrease your bandwidth but it is not one to one.  If you bandwidth is 100Mbps and your sliders are at 90% upload/download your bandwidth is not going to be 90Mbps exactly.  It doesn't work that way. Those sliders are mainly for decreasing congestion on your network.

Also using the sliders should not make the whole lobby lag. 

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If I'm in a party of 5 and I use the sliders to throttle my speed does this affect any of the party members? Like slow down there internet speed. Or make the whole lobby lag.


Nope. It's exactly as Buck Nasssty said.




Still no. Just a few assumptions and misunderstandings in that thread.

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It only affects devices in your home, it cannot affect others. However, what I think you're getting at: If you throttle your connection so much that you barely have enough to communicate with 4 other people and play a game then you may perceive each other lagging. Jittering around on screen, laggy voices etc. If that is what is happening you do not need to throttle so much. 70/70 should be fine.

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Yes, like Fraser said (and in that other thread) you can push it so low that you will cause yourself problems (stuttering, breaking party chat, etc).

Your party might see you lagging but they themselves will not be caused to lag.

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It only affects devices in your home, it cannot affect others. However, what I think you're getting at: If you throttle your connection so much that you barely have enough to communicate with 4 other people and play a game then you may perceive each other lagging. Jittering around on screen, laggy voices etc. If that is what is happening you do not need to throttle so much. 70/70 should be fine.


Just to add to this... When I was playing BO3 and throttling (which I personally believe helps) it seems like the game would put me in completely different player groups and servers. Maybe they have a special playlist for people with garbage connections? Who knows. But, my friends didn't like it very much because they would be lagging alot on their non-throttled connections.


This is also one of the main reasons why I say your bandwidth has more to do with how lag comp works in COD rather than your ping. My throttled connection in one of these "bad connections" playlist games was perfect for me, yet my friends who had a normal connection would complain about lag.

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Is this true? Has this been tested? I get accused of having a cheating device because I use the sliders.


It's been discussed here before. Everyone has their own opinions on it. I wouldn't say it's cheating... However, from what I can see it did put me on different servers on BO3. I haven't played IW to tell you... I also didn't use the Netduma to do it, I connected my tp-link router between my netduma and PS4 and used their bandwidth limiter. I have gameplay of it also and you can see how insane the connection is.


In this first video you can see I'm being limited to who I could play with. This was taken back in BO3 prime days and there's no reason why the lobby wasn't full. This was recorded through my PS4, but I can tell you on screen while playing I ADS and shoot but the recording didn't pick it up.



This video is just rape with a 200 kbps upload rate...


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Looks normal to me. This does not show evidence of lag. It's has to be seen through the enemies perspective, or your party members.


...I never said I lagged lol

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Well this post is about party members that lag when I use the Anti-flood feature.


And like I said, if I was throttling down to 200 Kbps which is far lower than any normal person should be doing the game would put me in completely different player groups and servers. Maybe they have a special playlist for people with garbage connections? Who knows. But, my friends didn't like it very much because they would be lagging alot on their non-throttled connections.


So just as Fraser said, unless you are throttling your connection down to almost nothing... Anti-flood has nothing to do with making other people lag.

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Well this post is about party members that lag when I use the Anti-flood feature.

I've messed around with about every setting on the duma, still do.Just to find out if I change setting x what happens or what happens when I use this group of settings on my network, does it make gameplay better worse or same...always looking for change good or bad.


What I noticed was when I throttled my connection down hard,100-125 Kbps, I would have trouble finding lobbies until I turned my GF off and then I would find lobbies but they were't the normal lobbies I usually played in.And it seemed like the entire lobby was full of less then ideal internet connections ( speed wise ) I did notice that every time I did this it was the same results, so it was something that I could replicate on a consistence basis.And yes I would lose chat function due to my extremely low speeds and lag myself out but the other party members didn't notice it thru their gameplay.


And my guess your friends lag for a completely different reason, that or your squashing your connection beyond the point of reasonable.So I would throttle less, maybe start with 70/70 and tweak from there.

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I only throttle to 25%, and my upload speed becomes 5 up and 30 down. I think the problem is the a friend of mine has a upload speed of less than 1 megabyte, but because I have a NetDuma I get blamed for this person lagging.


We've already told you, with your connection being at 5mb up and 30mb down it has NOTHING to do with your friends lag.

That's more than enough for the game to play, that's roughly what I have BEFORE I use the anti-flood sliders.

If they are lagging then it's their internet that's causing it, unless you're using the Geo Filter to drop your party into weird lobbies on the other side of the world or something similar.


When people talk about 'throttling' in a negative way, they are referring to pushing the bandwidth to the very limit that you can use for gaming in the hope of causing the game to give you an advantage against 'lag-comp'. Personally I think that's all bollocks but everyone has an opinion on it and they are entitled to have one of course.


As you still have 5mb/30mb, most wouldn't even consider that you are 'throttling', not with the 'trying-to-manipulate-lag-comp' negative connotations at least.


You can adjust the sliders on-the-fly of course, in-game...

As far as I know, this won't cause a drop in connection that will get you kicked from the lobby.


edit - as your friend has 1mb up (still more than enough to game on), it's most likely that someone else at his house has jumped online and saturated his connection. It wouldn't take much to do it. A youtube video would crush his gaming no question.

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I mean, have you looked at your ping time on the server you connect to and how much jitter (the wiggle from 25ms to 27-28 ms) you have on it? You should have your friends runs ping plotter and rule out their own connections before they blame you. Either that or they are sharing low bandwidth between to many people in a house. Variables bro, always account for variables. I've owned my duma for over a year almost and i just got my settings dialed in due to a non grounded wire coming from the terminal to my home as well as a old splitter for dsl/phone. Trust me, THIS ROUTER WORKS. You just have to get through the variables.

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