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Iw servers


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Seems to be back to budget cod. Notice no version numbers or letter showing ur on a server

me nfxcrew and MrRelentless had quite a few games last night together and most of the time we was on bo3 servers.

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I have noticed mostly P2P but is there a way to know for sure. They I could tell last time is the "e" at the end of the IP in Bo3 COD menu screen and of course I learned the locations on XB1. I don't know the PS4 locations yet.

Does duma tell you if it is a dedicated servers or P2P?

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Tell me if I'm wrong here but if you trace it with the Duma it will go from you, to a server, then possibly another server, then the game host? Also if you're connected to a server you can only temporary ban, not rate low, then deny....correct?

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Given the fiasco with getting a game at all looks like they allowed a lot of P2P with some dedicated servers in there. Once they've worked on fixing the issues as Greco says I imagine they'll go back to dedicated servers

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I HAVE LOST TOTAL FAITH IN IW!.  THEY FRICKEN SUCK!  2-3 years of planning and they come out with a shit product like Infinite Warfare.  Servers suck BIG TIME.  Nothing but PROBLEMS.  Activision should can their asses!

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I am taking a more positive approach to this. I figure I will wait until the game launches to see if the connection is still an issue. I am finding overall the game fun even though I expected better, but whatever, see where they take it.

Right now the connections are pretty trash in beta but it appears to be because of the P2P I am experiencing. Would love to hear other settings to take advantage of that if anyone has any. Still have to read through the comments, maybe some of you already posted them. I did notice when I hooked up to a couple of nearby dedi the hit detection was on point. Only noticed this on a few games so far since I didn't know how to tell which was a dedi until recently.

Understand why people dislike it, I kind of did too on day one and most of day two. Kind of growing me know, I imagine because I am learning the maps and new mechanics of the game. Lots of stuff they need to fix but still liking the game.

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I havent noticed that Slipknot. tbh I feel like the scorchers are pretty useless just like the rest of the scorestreaks in the game. The only way this game will be fixed is if they fix the shoot first die first problem, better connection games, buff the scorestreaks big time, and balance out the weapons a little better. Thats the only way that this game is gonna be good. If not, right to modern warfare we go :)

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