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Bo3 streaks


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I guess it depends on many factors, your connection to host, skill level, map knowledge etc. I can manage 5 or 6 kills in a row sometimes more and so select my streaks accordingly. I choose ones that I can attain.
It is a shame that after cod 4 the game introduced big kill streaks like a nuke etc so you will always get the bell ends hanging out in corners or camping an objective to get the big streaks.
I play HC and will leave somebody alone camping A for up to 3 deaths before I respawn and chop the back of their head off. (But then I am a grumpy old git)
Try selecting a streak like UAV or counter UAV that gives you extra points towards your next streak from your team mates getting kills.

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How hard is it to rush in bo3 and get high score streaks I get close and then there is allways them bell's in a corner

i am 1 of them bells.........campernation baby!!!!!!! :)

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For me very much lobby dependent and connection dependent. I have gone on terrors where I would cycle my Talon, Wraith and/or Raps two to three times, while rare, it has happened for me. In those games, I some how found a lobby where I was playing some obviously lower skilled players and likely I had the superior connection, just based on how their reaction was. These were games where I wasn't playing defensively either, I was literally just sprinting around the parameter of the maps and picking everyone off as I encountered them. Bare in mind, I am not great at this game, maybe slightly above average if that so I think anyone can do it if you put the time in.

More realistic for me in regards to getting the higher score streaks is to play the push pull method where you aren't extremely aggressive but you still play a rushing role, just with more caution. If you push up too fast and too aggressively, that is usually when you end up in 1 v 3 or more and even the best players will have a hard time beating those odds. You also risk flipping spawns on your team and getting shot in the back due to a random odd spawn. The push pull works the best but it takes a bit longer to get your score streaks and you have less time to cycle them, not sure if that matters though. I still have not broke the 70 threshold in regards to amount of kills and most games where I do really well, even when I cycle SS it is usually a 40 or 50 kill game for me with a very rare 60 or so kill game in there. Not the norm but those are best games I have had.

Here are my normal SS for what this might be worth. I don't get all my SS every game and usually don't play expecting too. I just go for kills/objectives and if I have a good game, it is just icing on the cake. I have recently stopped manually controlling the streaks but if you want to increase your score streaks run a UAV, Cereberus and Wraith or Raps. Get to a safe place and control your Cereberus Manually, you will get a lot more kills doing it manually. Same goes for Talon if you choose that over Cereberus. Also, you might want to run Ghost as it will hide you while you control your streaks if that is your goal.

1. UAV, Talon, Wratih (probably most common for TDM and KC)
2. UAV, Cereberus, Wraith or Raps (more for DOM games where I can set my Cereberus down on B)
3. Talon, Wraith, Raps (Only if I am feeling really confident but I am not normally able to get to the Talon without a UAV)
4. UAV, Talon, Hatr

UAV has helped me tremendously with getting Higher Score Streaks, I recommend highly plus it helps your team out.

Easiest modes to get high SS if connection and game selection allows for it is KC and DOM. The only catch is these modes tend to be a bit more competitive. Fracture might be another one but I stopped playing that due to the amount of shotties in there.

Maybe that was too much info but hope it helps.


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i am 1 of them bells.........campernation baby!!!!!!! :)

Not my preferred play style but I like some of his videos. Cracks me up how he is able to pull those high kill games off. His style isn't really corner camping though, from what I have seen he basically camps his spawn or area and does it very well by paying close attention to the mini-map. 

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I almost exclusively play Domination on PS4, and I rush too. Let's assume normal connections for host and players. I know that this is a big assumption.


Playing solo or with 1 or two friends: I tend to run lower streaks (1) UAV, 2) CUAV, hellstorm, lightning strike or sentry, HATR). Because of the randoms, I find that I have to rush more aggressively in order to capture/defend flags. Because I am often on their side of the map, I usually will get a few kills and start up my streak. At that point, I will trail back a bit and start holding down area(s) to see if I can reach my higher streaks. If I get killed, I rush more aggressively and start it over.


Playing with a good party: This is how I usually play and run Wraith, HATR, RAPS. I play with some real slayers mostly with 2 k/d or better. We hold down different areas and push flags together. Therefore, it is easy to capture flags - i.e. match begins, cap A, Cap B push to C, flip spawns and capture C. After this, we push past B and capture A again. Rinse and Repeat. Going this route, we quickly build up streaks. We will also have 1 or 2 people who are taking it more conservatively in order to build up to the first HATR. By middle of the first round (worst case end of 1st round or beginning of 2nd round), we usually have the first HATR and streaks going. Once a HATR is called, it leads to several other HATRs. Often, we are fighting to call in our HATR. With real try hards, it may take the first round to figure out their play styles and adjust.


Once you get your streaks, the streak points often lead you quickly be ready for the 2nd set. You can still rush but just take it a bit slower. Google TheXclusiveAce how to rush youtube video. He has some good points on how to do it.


If we play some a full team of try hards with good stats, we usually lower our streaks.

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I'm one of those constantly jumping players and I'm running the Wraith, RAPS, Mothership in TDM at the moment... Or I was until the game decided that party chat would make the game start dropping frames every 5 seconds.


I've noticed that a lot more people seem to be camping really hard lately which does make it more difficult to get the high streaks.

Usually use Awareness, Dead Silence and a silencer on the gun.

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I play TDM or KC and I always rock my cerberus, wraith and r.a.p.s.


I get them a lot, the trick is to know how to use the cerberus in the game.


Watch the UAV and be opposite of where the cerberus is on the map.


Pretty easy for me to get all three SS once I get my cerberus.


I play with the Brecci and run in gun aggressively (yes I get a lot of messages complaining)


SPM in KC is 386 at the moment but its going up

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