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small problem with Netduma R1.

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Hello, good evening.

since a week, I have been running of small issue with my new Netduma,

the issue is that whenever I disconnect the router from power cord - for a fresh reboot - some setting which I previously done before the reboot get cleared and restored to default values.

for example, I set my bandwidth to 200/80 down/up on congestion control, rename my console on the router from (nameless device) to (PS4) and changing its type to (game console).  Directly if i disconnect the router from the power cord even after one hour of applying the settings. the things back to default ( nameless device - general purpose - 100/10 down/up speed).

the issue is really frustrating because I need to re-setup everything each time I disconnect the Duma from the power cord.


any suggestions?


thanks so much in advance. :)

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Enable cookies in miscellaneous settings.


And stop pulling the power cord out. Reboot from miscellaneous settings.


Does that means to have the router connected and lighting all along the day and night for weeks?

It will at least get the router heated up with time ?


thank you, both of you Mr. ColonicBoom & Mr. BIg_DOG ...

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Mine has been on Apart from reboots since February 2015 :)


Aha ... so the right thing to do is to keep the router connected all the time. okay, that is fine .  I got it now.

never to unplug Netduma again !


Thank you so much ... all of you .

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Aha ... so the right thing to do is to keep the router connected all the time. okay, that is fine .  I got it now.

never to unplug Netduma again !


Thank you so much ... all of you .


It's not that you should never turn it off, I might unplug everything if I'm going away for a few weeks and nobody is staying at the house.

But in general I don't unplug mine at all unless I'm moving the network equipment around or something like that.


Don't worry about it getting hot, just make sure your Netduma is in a place where it has proper ventilation and it'll be fine.

Don't do anything silly like covering it with a book to block the lights!

Don't put it on something that might insulate it (like the carpet).


You're very welcome

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Routers are designed to be always on and as such require very little power so it's perfectly fine to leave it on!


I'll close the thread now as your issue has been resolved. Feel free to open another if you have any further questions/issues.

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