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Inconsistent Upload speed

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Over the past 2 weeks I have noticed that when I run a speed test on my Xbox One my Upload speed is all the over the place, one test will say 95mbit the next will be at 57mbit I have Fios internet 100 up/down, the duma is plugged into the ONT since I only get internet from Verizon, and my upload has always been consistently at 109mbit upload when I speed test but now I have never hit over a 100. I have check all of my settings in the duma to see if anything has changed and everything looks normal, I have slid the upload and download bar in congestion control from 100% to 1% and back up to 100% with no change, shared access is still ticked on upload and download, hit rest distribution, I have rebooted the router and xbox multiple times by pulling the power cord and hitting reboot router in settings, I also have the duma in non gaming mode when testing with the same results. When I test my speed my on the computer wired from speedtest.net and verizons speeds test  my upload is in the 90's but still not the usual over 100mbit. One thing I have noticed is when I watch the total usage bars in network monitor during a speed test the download will stay at 100% for a couple of seconds and upload will not maintain a consistent 100% it will hit 100% then drop to 87% then back to a 100%. Any Ideas?

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  • Netduma Staff

First off, this is a list of what we would recommend for your speeds:


- Pre-emptive Algorithm
- 100% anti-flood
- Share excess enabled
- Reset device prioritisation & apply
- Ensure the ethernet cables you're using are correct.
- Do a wired speed test from a PC
Could you also put your Xbox One on hyper traffic. Have you got the Xbox One wired in? If not, that could fix the problem. If you have got it wired in, try out different ports on the router. It sounds like you have your congestion control correctly set up; but some screen shots would help us to support you further.
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A few points that may be viable in this scenario....


A lot of ISP use burst technology for bandwidth, watch a YouTube video and you will see the bandwidth burst in peaks.






When I watch my graph I also see bursting during some moving of data it is normal.


The xbox test is not reliable it is sending data to the US so the ping times are in the hundreds for me in the UK and the speeds are never correct for me.

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This is true but my upload has never been below a100mbit when I tested it from the Xbox and now I can never get above 100 for my upload but my down load is always a consistent 101-99mbit from the Xbox, so it's weird that my upload is all of a sudden all over the place.

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Alright so on the computer I followed you're link and I got between 94 and 90 on both up/download, I tested 3 times. On the Xbox I took it out of hyper lane and got a 90-93 on the upload with then when I put hyper lane back on my upload jumped all over the place for 3 test first one was 92 then 57 and the last one was 68 so it must be the hyper lane causing some effect on the upload speed test, the download stayed normal with hyper lane on/off.

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I would not worry as hyperlane was invented by Iain for small gaming packets to leave and enter your network before any other devices packet on your network.


Shifting all the bandwidth needed for a speed test from the device in the hyperlane must to much for it at a guess.


When I download a game or an update etc I turn off hyperlane of because it creates jitter and that would upset my son.


I have made a suggestion for the hyperlane to sense a big upload / download event and switch off while the transfer happens, I hope this gets implemented.

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As a user I have these settings you posted Fraser always, I have just tested the speed test from the console to the Xbox speed test.


Device prio off, share excess, congestion control slider 100%


With hyper lane on.


DL 33.76 UL 14.64


With hyper lane off


DL 50.43 UL 14.62


So hyper lane does effect the Xbox speed test but Justin I would not worry hyper lane is for gaming packets not speed as gaming uses very little speed.


Do as I do and turn it off when updating a patch or DL a game :)

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Yea I have always had reactive on and IPv6 disabled but I will test again when I get home but the upload speed was much more consistent with hyper lane off last night and it's weird how my upload is affected but with you it is your download speed when hyper lane is on.

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@Fraser:  It would be interesting to get more details on how hyperlane exactly works without divulging proprietary information along with limitations.   I have 300/20 bandwidth.  While gaming I noticed that the PS4 only uses about 500k max bandwidth.  With just my son on the network, he notices a considerable slow down when trying to stream Netflix or watch youtube videos while I am gaming.  He states that he can tell exactly when I am in a game and not in a game.  I understand the prioritization on hyperlane, but I would not expect it to have that dramatic effect considering my bandwidth.  Shared excess is ticked and I have reset/updated distribution.  

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I was able to test again and it seems like the hyper lane is affecting it, turned it off and ran 3 speed test all 99UL turned it back on and got 76, 99, and 84 so it makes it jump around for some strange reason but my DL continues to stay normal with it on/off.

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I was able to test again and it seems like the hyper lane is affecting it, turned it off and ran 3 speed test all 99UL turned it back on and got 76, 99, and 84 so it makes it jump around for some strange reason but my DL continues to stay normal with it on/off.


I had some major issues where my Xbox was in hyperlane (not in a game or downloading, just sat at dashboard) and was causing absolute carnage on my laptop. Pings where spiking every few seconds by huge amounts, epic slow down, etc, the moment I would turn my Xbox off it would return to normal. I tested it for hours.

I did a factory reset from miscellaneous settings in the end (not ideal I know) and it resolved the issue completely.

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  • Netduma Staff

Use hyper traffic if you see it working for you; we'd always recommend you use what works and turn off what doesn't. As far as we know these hyperlane issues are quite rare, but it might be addressed in our upgrade. Sticking on topic, are you still having issues, or does turning off hyper traffic give you the results you were looking for?

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It makes sense that would occur, it's only meant for low latency traffic. So when a speed test happens on the console it won't handle it very well.


When streaming etc is done it pushes it behind the gaming traffic and causes a slight delay for it. In combination with anti-flood at 70/70 does the same occur?


I'll get Iain's clarification on this.

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It makes sense that would occur, it's only meant for low latency traffic. So when a speed test happens on the console it won't handle it very well.


When streaming etc is done it pushes it behind the gaming traffic and causes a slight delay for it. In combination with anti-flood at 70/70 does the same occur?


I'll get Iain's clarification on this.

I'm not sure I never do a speed test with the anti-flood on lower than 100% but ill check it out and see what happens.

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