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Even the forum is better here.


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The forum and it's members here are amazing. I frequent The cod forum a lot and it's always full of hate. I love it here. Thanks to the netduma guys and the forumers (not a word, I know), you make it a better place.

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Yup,full of help instead of hate :) Also real nice that you can ask a question without feeling like you will get a torrent of abuse for not knowing the answer in the first place.

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The forum and it's members here are amazing. I frequent The cod forum a lot and it's always full of hate. I love it here. Thanks to the netduma guys and the forumers (not a word, I know), you make it a better place.

It's because there are actual moderators here.

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I love it here too, thanks to all the cool members :)

I have not seen a post thats really needed to be moderated though , very like minded people here, I never usually speak on forums because of the bashing.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

I'm glad you guys feel like this is a place you can come for support or just for a chat/discussion :) 

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Believe it or not there are members of the COD forum that are members here.Well i know at least one that was a huge help on the COD forum's and i use to read his stuff all the time,learned a ton of things about lag and lag comp and what it does and doesn't.


The COD forum has gone to s**t,it's turned into nothing but people taking shots at each other.New members would never feel comfortable posting there now.


But i agree this forum is great for info and support.I never feel stupid for asking a question on here because the staff and members are humble and willing to help out above and beyond.That's the difference between this forum and the other ones.

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This is a great forum and I have nothing but positive experiences here, both with the fellow posters/owners and the staff.  This is a great example of a much needed product that just happens to have really awesome technical support.


All Hail Duma!!

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This is a great forum and I have nothing but positive experiences here, both with the fellow posters/owners and the staff.  This is a great example of a much needed product that just happens to have really awesome technical support.


All Hail Duma!!


It's true.  You come here for the product and stay for the support ;)


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@ cranium2001 yeah i haven't seen falcon around for awhile or esmorgue.But the person i was referring to was our very own Adam.I learned so much about lag and lag comp from that dude,super smart  and very underutilized on the other forum.

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FalconR6 is probably the guy you're talking about. He shows up here sometimes as well. I've been staying away from those confrontational threads myself.

Pay that guy is just a paid shill so you're wrong ;)

(Private joke)

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