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Not sure what to do here...


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So I've spoke to Iain before about this and he wasn't sure what was going on either so I thought I would post here if someone else had any input or advice.


For some reason I don't think my router's congestion control is working, not sure why or how though... Anyways, everyone in my house got new phones (iphones) and they are backing up to icloud at night which is essentially flooding my upload (12Mbps). This is done automatically once the phone reaches 100% charge. Okay so set my CC upload to 70% and that should fix it? Nope, it still makes my ping go crazy. I basically can't play if something is uploading, such as a phone backup.


So I tried unchecking share excess for my upload which would severely limit my upload speed per device. Figuring that only having 1.5 Mbps upload wouldn't effect much with so much headroom for everyone else. Well that doesn't work either. So I'm at a loss here, what should work doesn't and I don't know what else to do...


Here is a screenshot of 100% CC sliders, share excess unticked for upload, nothing is in hyperlane, and you can see my pingplotter results... The left side shows when my connection is basically idle, the right is when I start an upload on my PS4. Should there be that much jitter with something uploading at only 1.5 Mbps? Also, if I do a speedtest this is my result with share excess unticked.


This was one of the screenshots I sent to Iain after he said to drop it to 50% and see what happens...




His reply:




TL;DR - Basically if anyone in my house uploads anything, no matter what setting I use my ping spikes and in-game I am skipping all over the place. It just so happens that the phones run their backups almost the same time every night which is when I'm gaming.

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I have just tested mine to see if upload is effected like yours running a speed test up and download @ 70% each way CC share excess reset distribution while running pingplotter the pings only shows 1ms of jitter.


I would suggest you turn off your duma for 5 minutes and retest.

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I have just tested mine to see if upload is effected like yours running a speed test up and download @ 70% each way CC share excess reset distribution while running pingplotter the pings only shows 1ms of jitter.


I would suggest you turn off your duma for 5 minutes and retest.


Did that and also a factory reset... What is your upload speed?

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17mb when CC'd to 70% its around 11mb


Have you tried with share excess ticked and reset distribution ?


This is what happened with share excess ticked, 50% CC upload and the iphone was backing up...



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Switch from reactive to preemtive then back to reactive


And also waggle the sliders as sometimes in the past for me they have shown a lower CC but have been stuck on 100%


A long shot and i doubt you would but is the other routers wifi on at all?

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Switch from reactive to preemtive then back to reactive


And also waggle the sliders as sometimes in the past for me they have shown a lower CC but have been stuck on 100%


Already done lol which switching algorthims and wiggling the sliders seemed to work and I thought I was crazy... But sadly it turned out the iphone backup wasn't run that night.

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So I see you have your devices set to auto iCloud back up,which will back up every day when plugged in and connected over wifi, you can turn off auto back up on iOS devices ,I have mine turned off you can back up once a week if you wanted to,I'm not sure if the back ups can be scheduled ,I'll check that

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So I see you have your devices set to auto iCloud back up,which will back up every day when plugged in and connected over wifi, you can turn off auto back up on iOS devices ,I have mine turned off you can back up once a week if you wanted to,I'm not sure if the back ups can be scheduled ,I'll check that


Oh yes, that's definitely an option.. But it's not just the icloud backups. Basically if anyone in my house uploads anything, no matter what setting I use my ping spikes and in-game I am skipping all over the place. It just so happens that the phones run their backups almost the same time every night which is when I'm gaming.

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Oh yes, that's definitely an option.. But it's not just the icloud backups. Basically if anyone in my house uploads anything, no matter what setting I use my ping spikes and in-game I am skipping all over the place. It just so happens that the phones run their backups almost the same time every night which is when I'm gaming.

I think that if you turn off the back up and then turn it back on at a different time it will do the back ups every day at that time,have a read if this as I think that's what it's saying,so if that's the case then the back ups can occur when your not gaming


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I think that if you turn off the back up and then turn it back on at a different time it will do the back ups every day at that time,hav a rad if this as I think that's what it's saying,so if that's the case then the back ups can occur when your not gaming



It's not how it works, it will run no matter what time it is as long as the phone is at 100%, charging and on wifi... But as I said, it doesn't have to be the phone backups... Any upload, no matter the settings I try will make me lag in game.

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Ok ,but this may help a little towards it. your device may not be backed up to iCloud at the same time every day, but once 24 hours has elapsed the iPhone will make a backup as soon as it is plugged in and on Wi-Fi with the screen off. For example, if your iPhone backs up to iCloud at 10:00 pm tonight, but you don’t plug it in while on a Wi-Fi connection until midnight tomorrow night, the next backup will occur at midnight—basically as soon as you plug it in—and future backups will continue to run at midnight on subsequent days as long as the iPhone is plugged in, connected to Wi-Fi, and has the screen off at that time

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I guess the best test is to take the duma to a friends house, that way you can at least eliminate some things that will help towards finding the root cause.

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Can someone on the newest version test something for me?


Does performing a factory reset make you go through the initial setup tutorial again, which shows you what every feature is?

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So it's safe to say something is wrong with my router, so now what?


Speedtest done on my phone...


Reactive, 70% on both CC - http://i.imgur.com/ORmKy2a.png


Preemptive, 70% on both CC - http://i.imgur.com/ZuCeqYO.png


Preemptive, 50% on both CC - http://i.imgur.com/Fdb5NMC.png


Something is definitely wrong, I checked super turbo mode and this was my speedtest..




I get 180/10 lol with turbo mode enabled I can't load a website.

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The only reason I could think of that would result in the congestion control not working would be:

  • Super turbo mode is enabled
  • There are 1 or more devices connecting to the ISP hub/a router before the duma - either via wifi or wired. 

I would double check the only ethernet cables connected to your ISP is the one connecting the ISP hub to the duma.


Ensure the wifi on that hub is definitely disabled as well.

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