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Favorite Beers


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Even though I'm from the good old USA, I like my beer. I know a lot of folks on here are from across the pond but I figured I'd start a beer thread. Post your favorites if you'd like. I may even be able to get some out of the country beers to try. My favorites will be shown below. The Bud Light Platinum is just plain tasty for a light beer. The Pantius Droppus should be appreciated just for the name alone. It's from a local brewery and is just amazing. It's an Imperial Pale Ale that is just delicious and hard to get.


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The only reason I'm posting this is because I believe it should be above the fitness thread that's imposing upon the beer thread. Besides, lots of nutrition in beer. They have that wheat beer now so.....

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Shiner, local? Im in texas but not near shiner. Then again texas is a state of mind so i guess it is local. Shinerbock is popular enough you can almost get it anywhere.


Hitachi is superb but 5 dollars a bottle is cray cray.

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I hardly drink now , but i used to drink wife beater as its known here, it never made me angry like it could others ... Stella , but i tried Bud Light and Coors light and they are so nice to the taste :)

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Zennon I mentioned wife beater in front of friends families and they had never heard of it ... It made for an awkward few mins while I tried to explain it to the family. 

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I've signed up to a beer club which sends me 9 beers every month.  I've just had a camomile one and it's so bad, I want to cry.


Think I'm done with fancy beers for now. I'm going back to stick to my Heineken from now on.

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I've signed up to a beer club which sends me 9 beers every month. I've just had a camomile one and it's so bad, I want to cry.


Think I'm done with fancy beers for now. I'm going back to stick to my Heineken from now on.

I have to say the name would be enough of a warning for me. Be careful of next month's Stank Club Lite.


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