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What is your congestion set at Clonic im a virgin 150 dwn owner..and i run mine at at lower setting and works ok 18 dwn 22 up.

That gives me 24 down 2.46 up. 17ms.

Seems to work ok ,but its only me online at all times in modem mode.

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And you're not wrong, I got some of my mates to run some tests where they are and Virgin really is a stinker for jitter in some (most) places (especially when compared to BT Infinity - although only one of my mates has that so it's a very small sample).


I literally took my network to pieces, all the way back to entry point from outside and put everything back together following the wiki and some of your and Crossys(?) posts I'd been reading - it's sooooo much better now. I'm still suffering some jitter issues occasionally and I'm in no doubt who the offender is (dirty Virgin Media). But it's a hell of a lot better.


And the server issues didn't help with testing my initial setup of course.


I didn't actually test with ping-plotter yet because my Mac has no ethernet port. When I work out how to get around this (to test wired) without paying £50 or whatever it is for a thunderbolt adaptor then I'm pretty sure that it will confirm what you originally told me


I left Virgin quite recently as it was almost impossible to get a stable connection, unless I played early morning, mid afternoon. As soon as the Network got busy, kids coming in from school etc it went to crap in a bucket :)


I have gone with BT, and although I still get bad games it is nowhere nears as bad, and I am actually finishing most games instead of quitting because of the "jitters" :)

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I have gone with BT, and although I still get bad games it is nowhere nears as bad.

That is when you are running into virgin users and their jitter kills the lobby ;)

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Yeah dont have any jitter problems with mine,well least i dont think so,seem to do ok on it,when i test it everything comes up excellent and only good for ping,im always a full greenbar and even on Destiny im a green bar so i know Virgin is traffic managed but its not that bad.I also have Bt adsl and its always showing packet loss.

I think its a much of muchness,ive played latley on blops3 and im surrounded by yellow bars,and the occasional red,but those yellow bars are impossible to kill.

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Yeah dont have any jitter problems with mine,well least i dont think so,seem to do ok



Have you tested with PingPlotter at peak times for say 30 mins ?


That is a good way to see how your line is.


its also great for testing your congestion control settings when you download at full speed and then move the sliders until you have hardly any jitter, to sort out any local congestion that may occur if you have others using the network.

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What is your congestion set at Clonic im a virgin 150 dwn owner..and i run mine at at lower setting and works ok 18 dwn 22 up.

That gives me 24 down 2.46 up. 17ms.

Seems to work ok ,but its only me online at all times in modem mode.


I change my congestion before every gaming session, based on the info in the buffer bloat thread.

Usually I end up with it throttled to about 60% down and 80% up but then I use device priority to cap my X1 at 5 down and 0.7 up.


Seems to work a treat for me, when the neighbourhood goes to bed jittery issues seem to improve significantly too.


But that's my ISP and I can't fix them unfortunately.


I actually don't notice any ill effects at all when other people are online in the house, so the congestion (and hyper lane I expect) side of things really is very good.

Before I had the Duma I could instantly tell when someone else got online but now I can't - which is awesome.

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I actually don't notice any ill effects at all when other people are online in the house, so the congestion (and hyper lane I expect) side of things really is very good.

Before I had the Duma I could instantly tell when someone else got online but now I can't - which is awesome.

Yes the dumas CC and hyper lane are some thing else :)

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