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Hitmarkers with netduma is not normal !!

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I followed to the letter ALL your advice for my ADSL2 + connection

My download speed is 3.70 Mbps and 0.80Mbps amount

PING 21ms


Here is my setup: Modem Router netgear D6300 Netduma r1 +


NETGEAR: QOS is the netdgear off, I just put the Netduma MAC address with the DMZ on the netduma.


NETDUMA R1: preemptive algorithm; download uplaod 70 / 70.Share excess checked and reset device prioritization settle with distribution.

UPNP LAN and WAN Activer.IPV6 Disable.

MISCELLANEOUS In all is Coher EXCEPT Enable deep packet processing, Enable link-local IPv6, Access control panel from WAN (not recommend), Stealth Mode,

Turbo, Super Turbo mode (disables CC).

In CLOUD SETTINGS: Enable auto Bleeding edge cloud and cloud TICK.


For the research part, STRICT mode is ENABLE

 I try PING ASSIST 0, 30.50 ect ... and change the GEO FILTER at all distances, but nothing done, despite that I ALWAYS ALWAYS delays in my online parties.


I always have to put at least six bullets at the enemy to kill him, then queje see on youtube gameplay on netduma, the player put 1 or 2 bullets and the enemy falls, why not me?



WHY ???


Sorry for the keypad and thank you to your team for your work.

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If it was me I would check to see if this is an ISP jitter issue run netduma network diagnostics and pingplotter pro free for 30 days https://www.pingplotter.com/download.html


For ping plotter type into target and press go do this from around 6pm is usually when ISP congestion is at its hight.


It may not be this but you  have to rule this out before you can look elsewhere.

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Netduma test only pings around 15 times over a short period


I suggest ping plotter at dinner time tonight and into 9pm etc that is when an ISP may have congestion issues.


And they are times you are likely to play at.

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ok thank you, because I made the diagnosis netduma e software for 5 minutes, and tell me who do not have problems on my network .I did the test now 10:27.

  I just tested a few games on call of duty, and I must put a minimum 4 balls still the enemy now I earn NO, I said many fae has NO face ..

I invested 200euros and netduma only make things worse.

I have a better connection with my own netgear WITHOUT netduma.

  I'm disappointed

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Yes I connect wired , I pence that the problem come from lantence on my network , I do not question the netduma as my network latency is not good . For now I am told that the problem just my ISP .merci to the team for your work.
Now that do to the problem of latency on my network ? there have solutions with netduma ..?

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Connect you console wireless and play some games....i am pretty sure that your problem with hit detection will solved.

I 'm sorry it's not so good as I understand I use google translation.

 You tell me of joeur WIFI with my XBOX ONE connect to netduma ?

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Ping Assist ? or ping hosts in what I fall ?Ping Assist ? or ping hosts in what I fall ?

Ping Assist ? or ping hosts in what I fall ?



Was that the actual ping to the host you mentioned or the ping assist you're using?

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Max , your upload speed is absolutely terrible , just like mine.
Each time you do something in the game eg throw a grenade etc , it has to upload that data to the server to verify it.
The fact that your upload is so low means that there's going to be a huge delay in shots , movements (Shot around corners etc).

Are you able to get a better speed plan or ISP?

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