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Chaiyoabc last won the day on April 30 2022

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About Chaiyoabc

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  • DumaOS Routers Owned
    Netduma R1

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  1. It’s not the QOS. it’s not all fancy setting. But it is very basic things for a good start. it is the WAN IP address! I have been noticing a lot late when I do well, literally get average 5+ KD in mw3 for last 10 games. It is because I randomly get a good set of IP from my ISP. I know you guys all have qos setup, port priorities and what not. But one thing I would like to remind you is to check your own IP address when you do well in online games. Log it. Jod it in a paper. Because that IP will not last (unless you pay extra for fixed IP) forever. And when you feel that you are behind enemies, shoot first die first, even your router setting is the same. Take a look at your ip and see if it changes. You will notice the pattern and know what sets of ip is good for you in my case, my ISP, AIS have two sets of ip. it starts with 182.219.xx.xx this is good io for gaming while bad ip for my ISP often start with 58.136.xx.xx how to change IP? Easy. Reboot your router once you get good ip, log it and don’t restart your router. Good luck finding patterns!
  2. Thanks, I have never tried prioritizing 1-65535 tcp will try it! One more thing to add. If you feel behind enemy or lag/delay in hit detection. try reboot isp and ndm routers i think it helped alot!!
  3. I used to set manual port forward 3074 src 3074 dst but it always is ‘inactive’ so I kinda assume that pf is not working right now
  4. I disabled ipv6 completely. May be that was why everything has been working well idk
  5. You had it all wrong my friend. I watched your Youtube video and all I facepalmed the whole vid you gotta understand that Netduma geo-filter is to block high ping servers and force you within good ping server. It cant control isp route whatsoever. all to do to fix that is using vpn. Exitlag provides you better route so that was why U had good ping for now best thing to do is wait until hybrid VPN is working and you can buy any vpn that support openvpn with config file and another best thing to do now is to contact your isp and tell them you have bad ping to mumbai server. If you can get mumbai server ip that would be even better. last thing to do is just change isp . I think you should ask in Indian community which isp probide the best ping to mumbai Fifa server good luck from Thai fellow.
  6. Guys I found the way to make Upnp works again. I downgraded to 4.0.16 fw and upnp works like a charm
  7. Its just you plug in netduma to your standard isp router. And don't forget to set dmz to your netduma ip address from your isp router. Otherwise it would show double NAT. and for the other Asus router… it didn’t matter at all. It is just there for internet browsing usage. I turn off when I game
  8. no matter how many times I restart. It has not been working for 2-3 days now. But it works on xbox though. last week, it was still working
  9. How do I fix this? it aways show 'Waiting for Host' then 'Not Stabliazed'
  10. I had it back to normal now. What I did was just unplug it physically how do you recommend to make a reboot? Unplug or Interface Reboot?
  11. I have experienced this myself and gotta say I am really disappointed after I rebooted. My router seemed to be back to normal… for 10 seconds. Then it went offline and went back online for around 10-20 seconds… and then it will go offline again now its doing this in loop I have no idea what to do right now. May be a replacement would be nice
  12. After factory reset. Its working !! And for the first time ever I can feel it is better!!
  13. Ok, I will do the factory reset tomorrow
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