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Issues with R1 playing BO3

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Waited for update and expected lag free games from this router. I get looked at I'm dead. There's something with set up that professionals are using to set up that get an extra advantage in this game. The time to kill by others is instant, but it takes 15 rounds for me to kill them. MTU setting were adjusted lower to have advantage in BO2 and Ghost, AW it was this router for Geo location, Now that majority of match making is set close to you already, what makes the router work? I see youtubers that use the R1 with lag free games and the speed is a lot slower for reaction. The game for me you can't even react. When I use my Asus or nighthawk routers the game plays similar but I don't die as fast. So I asking is why haven't the updates work like intended, I've looked at every forum and used suggestions that everyone has posted in the last 2 months. People say it's the game, but I disagree, cause if that was the case then majority of youtubers using the R1 wouldn't have success. Pls advise

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Dude bufferbloat test helped me http://www.dslreports.com/speedtestI lowered my speed till I get an A . Also see Lukazs post of his settings. Might help. BO3 played great for me till this week I was back to dieing before I could react, dumping a ass load of bullets to only get turned on. I made a few small adjustments, not sure which helped or if it was luck but yesterday and lastnight it played great. I will say I watch peer ping because if someone drops in with serious High ping I just quit because I will end up rage quitting in the end dealing with shitternet.


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Then why are so many other people having issues with BO3 that have the R1? Some have great connection and others are having serious issues. You should try lowering your MTU and play, you'll experience a completely different game.

I had an eye operation, I havent played in about 13 days but before that BO3 with my R1 was absolutely awesome.

In a 5 hour session, I had 3 bad games.


As for the MTU, I manually set it to 1500 for WAN & LAN in Settings > Miscellenous of the router and never looked back.

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I had an eye operation, I havent played in about 13 days but before that BO3 with my R1 was absolutely awesome.

In a 5 hour session, I had 3 bad games.

As for the MTU, I manually set it to 1500 for WAN & LAN in Settings > Miscellenous of the router and never looked back.

I'm the same way, the only bad games I get is when the servers are to crowded to support the game fully..then I widen my geo-filter, gain an extra dedi or two and just accept that it's not going to play great, but still better than grabbing host across country or out of country..

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I manually did both 1500 for mine as well and didn't do anything new. I tried putting my download to 100% and upload to 10% and did a little better until I started lagging again. Once I start not wanting to rage quit and play this game again, I'll get screen shoots out. My ping been 33 to 51 to 113 in game. A lot of spikes in game as well.

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Can someone confirm that BO3 on Xbox one in Europe plays only on Ireland dedi server. Because I only get games from it. If I exclude Ireland on the geofilter then I dont find any games. Im forced to play with pings 60-100ms to the dedi in Ireland.

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Same for me. We need a better update for BO3, mayority of us bought this router because of COD games and the router doesnt cut it

It's got nothing to do with the updates or the router dude,get real.The router does exactly as it claim's.It connects you to a close host that you set with your GF and allows you to control local network congestion with in your home with Congestion Control.


So what exactly isn't the router doing to help your BO3 experience ?


I think you along with others are confused about what the router does and doesn't do.It won't turn you into a COD god if your a below average player or even an average player.


And about those youtubers...you realize they lobby shop and play all day long to get enough for a few vids.Have you ever seen a youtuber go 5-25 in a video on their channel ? Yeah there's a reason for that


If your having issues post screenshots of the requested info and we'll see if we can get it figured out.

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