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This router dominates lag well not on my side. i have to keep change the settings and sometimes it runs a little better but that was also the case before i had the router. So is this router really works????? or we just sometimes think it does. Most of the time it lags just like without the router.

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I believe it works. I will never go back to gaming without it. If you don't believe me remove the router and play a day or so and tell me what you think. This router has a learning curve it is not just plug-and-play. I have had it for about a year and I am still learning things about it. Goodluck.

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It helps but the settings need to be tuned to fit the game. Black Ops 3 with its patches/hotfixes and just the game engine will never be perfect anyway but the Duma has helped as the only useful weapon to me before was the Vesper due to its high rate of fire. Now I can use Man o War no problem, burst fire weapons etc. Halo 5 I got today just to get some use of of my Xbox and it was smooth as silk online. 

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i did the factory reset but still i can not win any gunfight i have to shoot people from behind or shoot some noobs to win 

Your pictures show you are getting fantastic ping to the host and that you have a good connection. That's all this router is setup to do, reduce lag caused by ping to the server/host. Unfortunately you're still going to have BS moments in COD...that's just how the game is. 


This router is also not going to make you a God at this game or any game. You still need to aim and be good at the game in order to do well. I'm not saying you're bad at the game, but I think we think we're much better at these games than we actually are (this is me).


I can almost guarantee if you didn't have the Duma, you'd be connecting to a host in the US and it would 1000x worse.

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Crossy what must i do now?

I was in the same boat as you and kept getting the same answers from everyone else. Frustrating I know. People think because everything looks to be perfect on your end, you shouldn't have any problems. What helped me was adjusting the sliders for an A for bufferbloat and an A for quality. Do the DSL report and get your to A's.

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Honestly, my connection is better when I'm playing with at least 4-6 people in my party.... My ping is 90% of the time spot on under 60ms and stable..but I still get rekt and feel like I'm 0.5 seconds behind....It really IS the game, not the router.

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Remember it's all about finding what works best for you. Some people like using PA exclusively, some like using it with the Geo, some like just the Geo. 


Judging by your last few responses is seems like you're a lot happier now, as such I will close this thread.

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