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Black ops 3 Settings Adjustment?

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I updated the router to 1.03.5 and i seem to still be having the same problems with Black Ops 3 with the servers. Is there a new settings adjustment i should try out for the new update? It's sometimes connecting me to a dedi, and sometimes to a host.

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IDK, I upgraded as well. Strict GEO & 35 ms Ping Assist... 180-250 ms ping lobbies and extended times to find games.


Not clear if its Netduma causing, at this point I'm blaming it on the most recent big upgrade for BO3 as problems weren't nearly as bad before patch.  :(

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  • Netduma Staff

same for  me shit router


If you got a problem, make a thread asking for help. Don't just expect it to work when the problem is 99% user error. Explain what the problem, don't just come on here mouthing off. Getting fed up of reading things like this from a minority of new users....

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Agree Crossy,if your having issues read the wiki and then if you still can't get it sorted post the issues your having.


Did it occur to you that the issues may lie in BO3 and the updates they put out,not necessarily with the duma ?


Most of the issues people have with the duma is not having it set up correctly,that's what the wiki and the forums are for,sorting issues your having with the router.There are plenty of really smart people on this site who are more than willing to help in anyway they can but "same for me shit router" isn't really a great way to introduce yourself to the forum and ask for help.


If you have an issue make a new thread and explain the problems you're having but at least attempt to do it in a better way.

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I updated the router to 1.03.5 and i seem to still be having the same problems with Black Ops 3 with the servers. Is there a new settings adjustment i should try out for the new update? It's sometimes connecting me to a dedi, and sometimes to a host.


What issues are you having exactly? The game will put you on whichever it prefers, if you're asking to prevent one or the other theres no real way to do that. Unless you move your location to avoid a specific host.


IDK, I upgraded as well. Strict GEO & 35 ms Ping Assist... 180-250 ms ping lobbies and extended times to find games.


Not clear if its Netduma causing, at this point I'm blaming it on the most recent big upgrade for BO3 as problems weren't nearly as bad before patch.  :(


Is your location over land? Are you also taking that ping from the game itself or the duma? 


same for  me shit router


Cool thanks for the feedback, if you start a thread with your issues we can advise you. Otherwise we can't do anything and you'll grow more frustrated.

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Well put Crossy! There's just no helping some people!

That looks like a Phillies logo, anyway I have ping assist off and my geo is set to include Kansas to the east coast. What other settings have you guys tried because it has been working pretty good for me, and I'm not good at cod.

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Crossy's right. Sorry about that. I just wanted help asking if there was a certain setting that could possibly help the lag since usually when the router gets updated, there are new features. Didn't mean for it to come to where it did. 


Fraser, I Updated the router and when I updated it, I think i messed something up where its now connecting me to dedis again. I remember you made a post back maybe a couple weeks ago that fixed that particular problem. Will that still work now that the router is updated? Or is there another setting i could try out to see if that fixes it? Again i apologize for bringing the problem to where it is.

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And back to what Crossy said about the wiki: I stopped going to the wiki because whenever i had a particular problem with the lag or something else, it usually didnt help with what exactly the problem seemed to be. That's why i opened up the thread so that I could have people like you or Fraser to help out. I had no intentions to bash the router which that is not the case, I love this router and my gaming has improved because of it. So is there a setting that I could try again to fix this?

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