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seriously what is going on

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Everyday now it seems to be something new, first i connect outside my filter, then I'm getting kicked constantly, cant find a game with more than 2 people and now nothing comes up on the geo-filter. Is this a netduma issue or BO3. i thought this was going to be fixed yesterday. Game plays fine without geo enabled

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  • Netduma Staff

do i just need to reboot again..bleeding edge is ticked


You could try rebooting, but I'd just wait for some more cloud updates and the router upgrade and also updates for the game as everything is still fairly new.

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Well, I am not sure what the question is here, but let me try and address what you posted and see if that helps.


1) Connecting outside my Geo Filter.  This is being addressed and Fraser has posted about it.  Last I personally read they were testing and would push a fix.  


Now let's address the physical problem of that statement.  "I've placed my home with a very small geo filter around 'X' location and I keep connecting outside of the filter"

  • The game is running MOSTLY on dedicated servers.  That means that other players are being sucked into matchmaking on those dedicated servers.
  • If the other players in that geo-filtered region are playing on dedicated servers = THEY CAN'T HOST YOUR GAME.  
  • Now if you are in a lobby with 11 other guys, and NONE of them are running a Duma except you, guess what happens when they all jump off to join a dedicated server host.
  • Surprise.  They are all playing on a dedicated server that you blocked by placing your geo filter in a location that did not include the server they are playing on.

How is this not working as intended?


2) Can't find people in the area I placed my Geo Filter for lobbies with P2P games.


  • See above.  The other players are all getting matched on dedicated servers with rare occasions getting P2P hosted games.
  • You are being left "without" a game because you are physically blocking the server it's trying to put you on.  This is working as intended.

What you are experiencing is a wish versus reality.  You are trying to force P2P games while the rest of the players are being matched, and moving, to games on dedicated servers you have blocked.


This is not a NetDuma problem as it appears you are getting the benefits as it has been intended.


If you don't want to get booted:

  1. Move your Geo FIlter over one of the many dedicated server locations and include the surrounding area.
  2. Turn 'Strict' Mode off - This allows for connections outside of the Geo Filter when the matchmaking wants to place you somewhere other than inside the filter

I held the Illinois dedicated server for about 15 games (62ms ping, pretty consistent) last night with my NetDuma placed over Illinois, with a one state radius, and 'STRICT' mode ticked (I live in Seattle).  The games were playing great, so I just stayed there, game after game.  Proof here - post 15


The game is a week old and NetDuma has been scrambling to update us via the cloud as quickly as they feel comfortable giving us a usable product.  A little patience will go a long way on this one, given the shear magnitude of the game/players and patches that Activision/Treyarch have been putting out.





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Would it not be better crossy just for netduma guys to come and say that the neduma is not working well at all????????????? with blops3 know matter what my setting are

it puts me in lobby's outside my setting. I am getting better lobby's with it turned off. 

just starting to think you all about the money instead of coming out and just saying its fucked but we are working on it keep the faith instead of pulling wool over our eyes.  

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  • Netduma Staff

Would it not be better crossy just for netduma guys to come and say that the neduma is not working well at all????????????? with blops3 know matter what my setting are

it puts me in lobby's outside my setting. I am getting better lobby's with it turned off. 

just starting to think you all about the money instead of coming out and just saying its fucked but we are working on it keep the faith instead of pulling wool over our eyes.  


To say that it isn't working well at all would be untrue though. Just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work for others (works for me on Bops3, and even for those that it isn't working on Bops3 atm, it works for them on other games).


They've been working hard to fix it up. In numerous threads they've acknowledged that the problem you're experiencing is happening and that they're testing a fix for it.


Your statement about them being all about the money has kind of pissed me off as it would be difficult to find a company that has tried so hard and listened more to their customers than them.


Don't want to sound like a dick here, but they've been working hard on it, what else can they do? Games been out just over a week, they've already done cloud updates and written an update to fix the bugs. Kind of unbelievable that people expected it to work straight away and then get upset because it dosn't.

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What wool?  At what point did anyone say the router would be optimized day one for Black Ops 3 and you will never need anything else?!?!


They immediately said it wouldn't be supported right out the gate and that they would be working on it.  They are testing another update currently.


If you bought a car, and it didn't get you first in the weekend oval at your local racing circuit, would it be the car makers fault?


Tuning takes time.  


Doing it right takes even longer.

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come on you should have just come out and said we are working hard to sort it not posting link after link to info we have all seen to many times.


If you've seen those links that many times, you should have seen that they were working on it hard as it's been stated many many times.   Everyone needs to chill and quit acting like kids when their mom tells them they can't have candy today but can tomorrow. 

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For everyone that reads this if the game works without the netduma atm than by all means use it off and until Duma guys have optimized solution for the router remember they aren't a army company and only a handful of people. They have supported us from day one beta testing phase and have not let down one bit. Quit your moaning as testing takes time so they don't send out faulty updates. It's very simple to be patience and if anyone says Duma is bad your just plain dumb.


Have a nice day & Happy Gaming.

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Well, I am not sure what the question is here, but let me try and address what you posted and see if that helps.


1) Connecting outside my Geo Filter.  This is being addressed and Fraser has posted about it.  Last I personally read they were testing and would push a fix.  


Now let's address the physical problem of that statement.  "I've placed my home with a very small geo filter around 'X' location and I keep connecting outside of the filter"

  • The game is running MOSTLY on dedicated servers.  That means that other players are being sucked into matchmaking on those dedicated servers.
  • If the other players in that geo-filtered region are playing on dedicated servers = THEY CAN'T HOST YOUR GAME.  
  • Now if you are in a lobby with 11 other guys, and NONE of them are running a Duma except you, guess what happens when they all jump off to join a dedicated server host.
  • Surprise.  They are all playing on a dedicated server that you blocked by placing your geo filter in a location that did not include the server they are playing on.

How is this not working as intended?


2) Can't find people in the area I placed my Geo Filter for lobbies with P2P games.


  • See above.  The other players are all getting matched on dedicated servers with rare occasions getting P2P hosted games.
  • You are being left "without" a game because you are physically blocking the server it's trying to put you on.  This is working as intended.

What you are experiencing is a wish versus reality.  You are trying to force P2P games while the rest of the players are being matched, and moving, to games on dedicated servers you have blocked.


This is not a NetDuma problem as it appears you are getting the benefits as it has been intended.


If you don't want to get booted:

  1. Move your Geo FIlter over one of the many dedicated server locations and include the surrounding area.
  2. Turn 'Strict' Mode off - This allows for connections outside of the Geo Filter when the matchmaking wants to place you somewhere other than inside the filter

I held the Illinois dedicated server for about 15 games (62ms ping, pretty consistent) last night with my NetDuma placed over Illinois, with a one state radius, and 'STRICT' mode ticked (I live in Seattle).  The games were playing great, so I just stayed there, game after game.  Proof here - post 15


The game is a week old and NetDuma has been scrambling to update us via the cloud as quickly as they feel comfortable giving us a usable product.  A little patience will go a long way on this one, given the shear magnitude of the game/players and patches that Activision/Treyarch have been putting out.





what dedicated server?....i dont even know if i'm on one. what happened in the past was you never had the option to hit the update button if you were on a server. 

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Wow I thought I was the only one who was an emotional wear my heart on my sleve type! Please lets all , both sides, take a deep breath here! We all want this shit to work! At the moment something is a miss. I'm sure sometime soon we will all be happy and taking warm showers together!

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Damn, there is some impatient kids on here. Just disrespectful too. Ian, Fraiser and the gang are working as hard and quickly as they can. The update will be live WHEN ITS READY. Not a moment sooner.


Now, grow up, grab a redbull (or monster), a bag of Cheetos and get on pornhub and rub one or 6 out and relax. It'll be here soon enough! Geezzzz

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If you can't update then that usually indicates that you are on a dedi or in game in the top right hand side of the screen after the number 30.#### whatever numbers show up if there is a letter e after the number you are also on a dedi

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BTW in my opinion, duma company is the most hands on customer friendly company I've ever invested money in.. If they say they are working there best to fix the issue then I believe them.. Btw do you guys think we are stuck with dedis this cod? Seems to be the main source of lobbies

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BTW in my opinion, duma company is the most hands on customer friendly company I've ever invested money in.. If they say they are working there best to fix the issue then I believe them.. Btw do you guys think we are stuck with dedis this cod? Seems to be the main source of lobbies


Where do you live?  I'm on the East Coast and don't get into any of the 4 dedis that should be in my filter range.  Have in all past CoD's but not once in Ops3.   I'm hoping with the update that i start seeing them.  P2P isn't all that.  Alot of people that shouldn't be host are picked and you deal with so many host migrations or people dashboarding that alot of the time you're waiting just to play the game due to the quiters. 

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Where do you live?  I'm on the East Coast and don't get into any of the 4 dedis that should be in my filter range.  Have in all past CoD's but not once in Ops3.   I'm hoping with the update that i start seeing them.  P2P isn't all that.  Alot of people that shouldn't be host are picked and you deal with so many host migrations or people dashboarding that alot of the time you're waiting just to play the game due to the quiters. 

^This! I'm in Vermont and cannot connect to a dedi except for the awful Seattle one. All I get are player hosts which seem to be OK most of the time, but the problem is when that host leaves I get kicked. This is the worst when playing with a party as we can hardly stay in one lobby for more than one game and gets annoying really quick.

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The game is still new and the duma crew is working to optimize it on their end.


And to the people bitching about it being the duma,what are you gonna bitch about when the duma is optimized and you find out it's the game,which it is.


This company is pretty straight forward,when they make a mistake they admit it and fix it.But the comment about it being all about the money,that was a dick move.You haven't been around long enough to have any proof or validity to a statement like that.That might be how other companies run but Netduma isn't one of them.

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isn't there a dedi in like Georgia? I swear I connect to the same place over and over there. I will have to look more closely.

Someone also told me to check for a dedi in Kansas but I can't locate that one either. I've put my filter directly over both Kansas and Georgia as i've heard there are two there but can't seem to find them. There used to be multiple dedicated servers located in the northeast that i'd connect to in AW but either Black Ops 3 isn't using them or i'm just not connecting to them. 

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Someone also told me to check for a dedi in Kansas but I can't locate that one either. I've put my filter directly over both Kansas and Georgia as i've heard there are two there but can't seem to find them. There used to be multiple dedicated servers located in the northeast that i'd connect to in AW but either Black Ops 3 isn't using them or i'm just not connecting to them. 

Alex I'm not that far from you being near Philly. Are you on xbon and are you going to be on during the day monday? We could always hook up and you could join my game and see what results we are getting. I can tell you I rebooted everything my modem then when that was rebooted reboorted my router then connected my router to my modem and then rebooted my xboxes unplugged and all. I no longer connect outside my geo (when I use it) . Places I believe are servers do still give me the update button but I think that will be fixed in update. I should be on for parts of the day Monday if you wanna try and hook up. Sorry for spelling and typo's Im sick as hell and no glasses.

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