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Internet Diagnosis host filtering page Geo-filter in game ping graph upload and download bandwidth - 50/5mbps

Please help with this issue. I am still lagging in games. So far I see no difference in lag  from before NetDuma.


How do I get my ping, jitter, spikes to exceptional.









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  • Netduma Staff

Hi Thisiscisco,


The only, way to get your jitter and ping to exceptional is to contact your ISP and explain the problem (although your connected isn't too bad - just a bit spiky).


Are you playing AW? If you are try ticking strict mode, moving PA down to about 40ms and also make sure you have bleeding edge cloud selected in Settings >> Miscellaneous :)

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Hey Crossy,


What exactly do I explain the problem is with my ISP?


I noticed that everytime I shoot the ping spikes up to 60+. it also seems that the lag has become worse than before.


And no, I'm playing COD Ghost at the moment. Starting on Thursday my time I'll start playing BO3. Any suggestions on the settings for that game? Or is that not known yet.



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Hey Crossy,


What exactly do I explain the problem is with my ISP?


I noticed that everytime I shoot the ping spikes up to 60+. it also seems that the lag has become worse than before.


And no, I'm playing COD Ghost at the moment. Starting on Thursday my time I'll start playing BO3. Any suggestions on the settings for that game? Or is that not known yet.




I would do the Internet diagnosis test at different times of the day and collect the results. You can then take it to them and tell them that you're experiencing fluctuations in ping. They will probably look at it and say it's not too bad. Say you play online games a lot so the fluctuations are causing a lot of issues there.


What are your congestion control settings on? 

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Hey Cisco I see you live in So Cal too? I live in the OC. I play on the Xbox One and PS4. Add me bro:


XBox One GT: TeH C1SCO K1D

PS4 GT: C1SCO_K1D_Rocks

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My congestions control settings. 



Bandwidth is set to 5/1.

Algorithm - Preemptive

Download/uplaod cap set to 70%


Talking to ISP because I shuold be getting 50/5. 



I just got off the phone with my ISP and ran some test. I am not getting the speeds I'm paying for when connected to the NetDuma, I get 5/1. Or is this how its suppose to work?

Once I connect back to my ISPs Modem I'm getting 60/6. 


It does not seem that the NetDuma will work for me. Is there a way for me to talk to someone on the phone to try and fix the issue?



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1. I would input 60/6 as your bandwidth.

2. Change preemptive to reactive

3 Unselect deep packet processing if selected.

4. Run all speed test wired

5. When you do the speed test make sure the congestion sliders are at 100%.


Also follow this wiki for optimal speed settings.


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I have tried everything suggested but my game play is still lagging. Not sure what to do now. I have gone through the Guides, FAQ and WIKI. I've played around with the PA, Ticked and untiked the strict mode, ticked bleeding edge cloud, and nothing. I'm still lagging.


First couple of games, it seemed like it was working but I guess it was just a placebo effect. 



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The Netduma cannot fix the spikes that your ISP is having you have 33ms jitter in that test alone it may be worse than that over time.


Use Ping Plotter pro , free for 30 days you can leave this on while not using the internet to test over long periods of time and post the results back so we can tell you the out come.


Type into the target and press go.

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I have Cox up here in the OC. I think they all have issues and once you get in touch with their customer service reps they read from a script. You have to go above those folks to get real help.

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Running Ping Plotter now. 


If it is my ISP, Does anyone know an ISP that does not have a ping issue or Huge jitter jump with in my area?


Would Port Forwarding help on the NetDuma?


La Jolla, CA.

I have Time Warner.


This is on the ISP level so port forwarding on the router wouldn't work unfortunately.


As Alex says when you do contact them, a few things:


Do not mention our router - They will tell you that is the issue even when you provide evidence to the contrary. You'll save yourself the headache if you don't mention it at all. 

Tell them the spikes/jitter is causing you issues when gaming online which you often do. 

Get them to escalate it to a higher level tech as the one you talk to will almost certainly not be able to do anything

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The duma can't fix a busted game ( AW ) and it can't fix jitter on your ISP's end either.


Your best bet is to do what your doing,document the issues and pas it along to your ISP and hopefully they can help you out.

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The duma can't fix a busted game ( AW ) and it can't fix jitter on your ISP's end either.


Your best bet is to do what your doing,document the issues and pas it along to your ISP and hopefully they can help you out.


I know it can't fix a busted game like AW, Which is why I don't play that game. But isn't the Netduma's job to fix Lag? By not connecting to long distance host and using the Geo-filter. 


If it mentioned that no matter what you do, in the end its your ISP, and the NetDuma can't help with Lag. 


*Get an ISP with Consistent connection or deal with lag.*


Straight from the Website 


Still seeing Lag! Not Fixed.
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Well if your ISP sucks and has severe node overload,which can and will cause severe jitter and huge ping spikes,don't you think that's something you might want to address with your ISP.


The duma is great but your gaming will still be effected by jitter and ping spikes.So again I'd document your issues and show your ISP your findings,they are not gonna look into it or fix it unless they know there's an issue.


You have unrealistic expectations of the router and are you not connecting to host inside your GF.If you are then the duma is doing it's job by getting you into games that you set with your GF.

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