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Congestion Control Doesn't Effect YouTube?

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Hello Forum members and Mods,


I'm here to ask if anyone else has a problem with CC not throttling YouTube? It seems that everything else seems to work perfect but as soon as my sister's watch a YouTube video, my ping begins to become spikey which in COD gets frustrating. Does anybody have any solutions?

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What's your Device Prioritisation look like, is everything set equally with Share Excess ticked? Is your Algorithim set to Preemptive or Reactive?


If that's a dead end, try powering down your ISP modem, Nighthawk and R1 for 2-3 minutes and then power them all back on and see that all settings are still set, then get your sister to try YT again and jump in a game.


See how you go.

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It looks like you have everything setup correctly but you are still lagging when YouTube is being used. Will you try something for me. Uncheck share excess and do a test and see if you still lag.

I'm thinking it is your upload that is the problem.

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MrWhooz...agree with Buck just make sure when you untick share excess and run the test,make sure nobody is doing anything important on the internet.Otherwise you might have some unhappy family members... ;)

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Make sure you your cc values are set back to 100% and device prio is set back to normal be fore doing this test.


I was having the same issues as you, if you have Firefox download a add on called download them all https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/downthemall/.


After you have it installed try see if your isp has download mirror and dowload a 1gb or bigger file directly from there website. And dowload it threw the download manger linked above threw firefox. Also make sure no other devices are using the internet just block them threw the duma device manager... When the dowload starts wait 5mins and you will see the average speed of the download maybe it will say 1.80 average speed, then times it by 8 = 14.4.. And that will be you actual speed as speed test is very innacurate for me and always gave me a higher speed. Then input them speeds into your duma and do a reboot then try a youtube video..


This worked for me as my gf watches youtube all the time. Now I only get little ping spikes :)

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@Clinton92- I researched some speedtest websites and it showed my speedtest results were at a 10down (not 15) and a 1.12up. Ill enter these numbers and update you guys on the status of my connection. It turns out, cnet has article that discusses the most reliable speed test websites which are speakeasy(flash based), and testmy.net (HTML5-based).


SIdeNote: Thank you all for you input and recommendations, i truthfully appreciate it!

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