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i need to avoid the seattle server but i cant


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https://gyazo.com/b3c87277f5bd9d9e1fee1cab4181f139i still get put on this dedi its terrible strict mode on with the geo filter enabled

 my 360 is broken this is the only game i can really play on the xbox one at the moment until i find my scuf key to adjust my triggers to play other games

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It's my understanding that having ping assist set to anything other than zero, can connect you to a server outside your geofilter as long as it pings under your assist setting.


You are correct sir.  If you untick 'strict' and have a "Ping Assist" of 20ms, ANY 19ms or faster ping host in the world would be available to you based on those settings.  If you JUST want hosts in the Geo Filter (Dedicated servers sucking you out notwithstanding) you should set your radius and keep 'Strict' checked.

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