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netduma lags alot

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I do thank you for the offer but I think some of us no matter how much money or time we throw at gaming will always be at some disatvantage gaming. I don't know if its Isp throttling, some kind of buffer bloat or what the hell it is. Nothing seems to work. I see throughout this forum or on twitter people posting how well this has worked for them, other forums some change in settings or a port forwarded and boom it works great. Im just doomed by something that I think I may have given up on. Maybe Im just frustrated. But the amount of time, even before the duma I have put into this is unbelieveable! Im tired. Thanks again for the offer.

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If you're playing on Xbox One try setting your Netduma's MTU to 1480 in Settings > WAN & LAN.

​You have nothing to lose, if it doesn't help after about 3-4 games, just change it back and see/decide what you want to do.

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I do thank you for the offer but I think some of us no matter how much money or time we throw at gaming will always be at some disatvantage gaming. I don't know if its Isp throttling, some kind of buffer bloat or what the hell it is. Nothing seems to work. I see throughout this forum or on twitter people posting how well this has worked for them, other forums some change in settings or a port forwarded and boom it works great. Im just doomed by something that I think I may have given up on. Maybe Im just frustrated. But the amount of time, even before the duma I have put into this is unbelieveable! Im tired. Thanks again for the offer.


Well I'm sorry to hear that! 


I'm very happy to set up another 1 on 1 with you. 


I'm going to close the thread as it is quite long so its hard to manage and see what has been said, you're very welcome to make a new thread and/or PM me for a 1 on 1 so we can see if theres more we can do. 

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