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Two Problems

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Hi everyone, just joined the group and I'm in need of assistance. I've got two issues. Number one, I keep running into this problem were I lose all settings after a power reset. Whenever the power goes out during a storm or whatever, my duma loses all the setting I have previously entered. Has happened multiple times. Number two, I still continue to see lag and poor connections. I'm not sure if it's my shitty rural internet or something that I don't have setup right. I want to like this router but I just can't seem to get it to work for me on a consistent basis. I mainly play AW on both ps4 and xbox one, and the game seems to play much better on Xbox as far as connection. I have the duma hard wired to my Centurylink Router and then both my consoles are hard wired to the duma. I followed the optimal settings instructions and things still don't feel smooth. I have a 10 down and 1 up home internet connection. Could this be the reason for the laggy gameplays? Any help would be much appreciated.




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1. Make sure you tick enable cookies in settings / miscsllaneous when you have set up the duma reboot it from settings / misc / reboot to save them.


2. Can you run a Netduma network diagnostic and post us the screen shots of the top and bottom of the page so we can see if you have an under lying problem. How to take a screen shot

Are you using the congestion control to stop others on your network from lagging you out? Congestion Control

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  • Netduma Staff

Hi Luke - Welcome to the forum :)


The reason you are losing settings is because they are only hard saved once every hour. As Zennon said, reboot it from Settings >> Miscellaneous after you've made the changes so that if there is a power outage the settings have been saved.


Are you able to post the images from here?

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What is probably causing the lag is your upload is quite  low and the preemptive algorithm is conservative, your upload is probably only slightly above whats is needed for gaming. I am assuming right now you have preemptive selected.  To mitigate lag try the device prioritization feature and prioritize your console with preemptive on and see if this improves. With this I am assuming you have other devices on your network as well. 


Or and this is not said in the wiki you could try using the reactive algorithm even though your bandwith says you need to use premeptive.  The pre-emptive algorithm is meant to be a better algorithm for gaming overall as apparently it deals with congestion better and also jitter.  But it can be very conservative if you have very low bandwith.  See if this helps but only do this after trying the first suggestion above.

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I have to say I used to have 6mb down and 1mb up for years and never had a problem with the upload being to low infact the games would always pick me to host because of my low ping with low jitter.


But as Buck says reactive was the best on my line at keeping the ping spikes right down over preemtive.

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What is probably causing the lag is your upload is quite  low and the preemptive algorithm is conservative, your upload is probably only slightly above whats is needed for gaming.



How so?


My modem stats show a constant 50kb max transfer rate with psn party chat playing AW, was similar for Ghosts aswell. In game stats show a connection 650kb/s, tethering of 4g mobile shows connection of 3500kb/s but the actual throu put is still 50kb/s max.


With online games 3 things matter the most:


Connection to host by all players

The games lag comp techniques

Your ability to predict the other players movements.


It only takes 1 player with poor ping/jitter to the host and it throws the hole lobby out. Seen it a million times, that 3 or 2 bar person is getting all the help.


Too many players are reactive in their play style, slow it up alittle be pro active in your game of choice and even bad lag in games can be a win and enjoyable.

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Luke260 your Netduma diagnostics are great good steady line, the geo is good and you're in game ping is spot on, all good :)


The only thing I do different is I only have one console enabled at one time when I am using said console, maybe try that out.

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  • Netduma Staff

Thanks guys for the quick replies. We have fixed the resetting of the setting issue. Now I'm working on the getting the info you have requested.attachicon.gifInternet Diagnosis.pngattachicon.gifHost Filtering.pngattachicon.gifHost FilteringInGame.pngattachicon.gifpingGraph.png


The only thing I would recommend changing it maybe reducing the GeoFilter to the range of two snaps using the snap button and also reduce ping assist to about 40ms :) The in-game ping that you had was really low - was that a laggy game? Also do you have congestion control set to 70/70?

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Everything looks pretty good, I would suggest disabling the device you're not using at the time as Zennon says. Your radius is quite big and will definitely land you some games which aren't as good. You can put the distance to the smallest and use the snap button as Crossy suggests (button on the right of the magnifying glass) which will give you an optimum distance for games. Your ping to game is pretty optimal for the connection you have. Would definitely advise prioritising the console as well :)

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Thanks everyone, played last night for awhile, connection played pretty good. Then I reduced the geo filter to about have as much and moved ping assist down and that seems to be working pretty good for me now. I do have one question though. Since my upload speeds are below 1 down should I still set the congestion control to 70? Thanks again, can't wait to move here in a few years and get a better/more stable connection. 

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Thanks everyone, played last night for awhile, connection played pretty good. Then I reduced the geo filter to about have as much and moved ping assist down and that seems to be working pretty good for me now. I do have one question though. Since my upload speeds are below 1 down should I still set the congestion control to 70? Thanks again, can't wait to move here in a few years and get a better/more stable connection. 


Great news! Your upload is quite low but putting to 70% should still give you enough to play with, especially if you prioritise your console to around 80% :)

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