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Battle Beaver Customs Controller Review by LUKASZ.


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BBC Controller Review. 


Hello there guys.


So I will split this review in to 7 sections mainly focused on features this controller provides plus a bit about customer service as for my that factory is also included in the product.





The Smart Triggers.


Smart Triggers are basically a advance version of trigger stops in my opinion. What they do with the trigger is actually making it like a button. I would say the go further then that. Those implemented here are really focused on you just pressing the trigger and activating them on 100% and believe me you just need to slightly touch them and you get those 100%.


In my own feel the triggers feels as close if not faster then clicking the mouse button. Personally so far this is my Favorited feature.







Here is a short video how fast you can ADS with them Left side is BBC on right is Scuf





Here is a short video how fast you can burst fire with them Left side is BBC on right is Scuf









Like a sad above this is by far my favourite feature. Though i have one worrie which is that they can ware out under my heavy hand pressure as its seems like they are on hard solid if you know what I mean they sort of feel that after some time you may press them inside and lose the very sort time to activate ads and fire.





Aluminium Tub Sticks.




So I have got myself a Aluminium Sticks. I don't think I need to describe it in a grate deal please see the attached picture to see them. One thing to mention is that they are higher than ps4 stock sticks.



Here is a picture of how high they are:




Here is a picture of the shape of them:





Now one thing to mention is that the are very slik there is not much grip and I found my tumbs sliding of I a lot and the actual place you are placing your tub on its very small it fits greatly my GF tub but its way to small for my see the picture.





Now the next stop is how about the quality of them. So it seems like they are made whole for aluminium and are just in one peace if you know what I mean. They feel very solid. See picture below of what I am capable of doing with sticks. I don't think I can damage these ones like that but i can never be sure.





So following up on the fact that they are to small for my tub I went to my KF shelf and check all of the one a had like 3 or 4 types. Unfortunately they are way to small to fit a KF on them just like that.


That is not to say that you cant get them on. My very simple and effective solution was to use a bit of these on the bottom of KF and fit in on tubs stick works grate see the picture bellow,






The Increase Tension Sticks.


So as the title says what it does is increase tension of the coming back of the stick. I know that’s sound wired so here is the link to video explaining that.


I am a fan of bigger tension on the sticks as that helps me get better aim. Why hmm.. my tub movement is strong and sharp sort of speak so there for its very difficult for me to do that fine adjustments to my aim. I have been on a search for some sort of solution and what I was using up to this point was those.



The only problem with those was that they warred off so fast. Now for me the increase tension offered by BBC is essentially same thing just a lot more solid. I personally prefer that.


Now one thing to mention is that by increasing tension you are making harder to press bot R3 and L3. Yes I had made that stupid mistake of increasing both stick tension. What that means is no more panic knifing you punch only when you intend to do it. I found that my knifing kills got a lot less. And also because of that running stick tension increase after 3h+ of gaming I can feel it on my tumb.




The Buttons On The Back.


So this controller is equipped with buttons on the back which act same way as Scuf Paddles.




And here is my biggest disappointment. Why? Ok First the quality of those buttons fells like they are made from very cheap plastic that will wear off quickly. For me it feels like a very poor finish. Here I had done another mistake as they offer you 3 options of button placement and I had chosen slightly to low one still ok. And second I think that they are to high as it takes to much time to push the down but again that is a personal preferences.


The Overall Finish.


So I just got the stock blue controller without any shells trims etc. provided by BBC. So therefore this controller feels just as a stock controller to me only thing that feels really premium in terms of finish is those aluminium stick. And also as I mentioned above 2 things that worries me is wearing off of those Smart triggers and buttons on the back.


The Customer Service.


Now this is a funny one. At first before purchase I had tried to contact them with some questions etc. I got to say it took them a very long time to get back to me on those questions via Twitter and email  etc.

Now since I had placed my order and paid for it things different turn my question got answered fats and any sort of question was answered sort off after purchase the service was top notch.


The Shipping.


So after my controller build time it took about 7 working days to shipped it form USA to getting it at home. Very fun I didn’t have to pay any incoming tax etc. The international service its only one option and its via US post and then in UK by Royal mail.


Thank for Reading



And here is me using this controller last night 30-6





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Awesome review lukasz!  I was wondering how you were liking at, so it's glad to hear I didn't steer you wrong... LOL :)


I hadn't noticed any concern about the bottom buttons, but I haven't gamed for the amount of time you have been.  Now I will be keeping an eye on it when the Beta drops so I can update this thread.


Really nice review man!  *Thumbs up*



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Nice review lukasz,so in your opinion the BB beats the scuf hands down ? You know i'm still thinking about getting one read and liked JD's review and suggestions and now yours,so is it a little better than the scuf or a lot better ?


Again nice review

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Awesome review lukasz!  I was wondering how you were liking at, so it's glad to hear I didn't steer you wrong... LOL :)


I hadn't noticed any concern about the bottom buttons, but I haven't gamed for the amount of time you have been.  Now I will be keeping an eye on it when the Beta drops so I can update this thread.


Really nice review man!  *Thumbs up*



thanks sensej hehehe. in the end of the day its me who made that choice. So if i was to be unhappy with the purchase a could be mad on at my self. Now i can get back on our different topic.

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yup amazing controller...and great review!!! not trying to thread jack but, I'm moving to ps4 so if I figured Id offer my x one BBC controller to you all here first before going to flea bay. DM me for details.

no worries buddy. Thanks for you time to ready the review. 

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Nice review lukasz,so in your opinion the BB beats the scuf hands down ? You know i'm still thinking about getting one read and liked JD's review and suggestions and now yours,so is it a little better than the scuf or a lot better ?


Again nice review

Now the big boy. I was making this rev thinking about you a lot in that sense.


To answer your question will use me 7 section system.


1. Triggers. Now I just love the BBC triggers and hear hands down win but if you keep on the Sucf Triggers at L1 and R1 you are getting a bit closer.

2. Aluminium Sticks hmm.. Scuf does not offer any of these so i don't think there should be any compering here like i sad i like them. Plus i Think they are unbreakable so a big Plus over scuf here.

3. Increased tension tottaly win here on a aim stick just love those again scuf doesn't have that but you can alternatively use something different like these pointed out in rev.

4. Buttons on the back and the range of placement of them gives you ultimate ergonomics for your hand and i also heard that they are keen to place those buttons in crazy locations you specifically ask for.

5.  Finish hm like i sad i had the stock version so nothing to special about it.

6. Now customer service bit the Scuf one a lot even though that slow response time before you purchase.

7. Shipping similar.


So i am changing To BBC for now as for my self this is better controller but again this is my preference.

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lmao :D It's already been revived once, next time I'll let it go....

yebs my scuf was in repairs twice since i got it and this was a very bad experience the whole repair etc.

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Great review! In my case scuf thumbsticks have been broken on 2 controllers. Thanks God, I can buy it after 4 weeks.

I am Glad i could hep buddy.

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Sorry, my English is very bad, I mean I can buy scuf thumbsticks separate in 4 week because now is just preorder. But I think about BBC too. Now I'm playing on ps4 with Xbox one scuf with standard thumbsticks + cronusmax. There are some deficiencies but no the ways.

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Ok I see Buddy.


You know in the end of the day what ever works for you its best for you i think if the ergonomics of paddels on scuf would suit my hands a lot better i may stuck with them though that made me search and i came a cross BBC and all the extra stuff you can get.

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Hmm... The problem is the only copy of it is the one on this forum so i dont know if its apropiate and alowed to me sending to bbc a link to my review of it on netduma forum.

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Hmm... The problem is the only copy of it is the one on this forum so i dont know if its apropiate and alowed to me sending to bbc a link to my review of it on netduma forum.

I think Duma's position was to not post anything negative in regards to naming specific companies around gaming/development, as they would like to build in roads as they grow.


This is a positive experience with a company that could easily tie into the market that both products are aimed at (serious gamers with money). I would think they will be okay with it, but let's let one of them weigh in first thing Monday morning.

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  • 9 months later...

Just an update (May of 2016) for anyone searching for information on Battle Beaver Controllers.


Last month, on the 16th, I ordered a new BBC for my XB1 as I decided to transition off the PS4.  Fuck that system and all the problems with BO3 on it.


This morning I got a shipping notice, so from order placement to shipping, it was (1) Month and (1) day.


That is all.



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Great review. I love my BBC.  I got two remap buttons on the bottom and increased tension in both joysticks.  If I had to do it again, I would only get the increased tension in the right joystick.  Having said that, it did not take long to get used to the increased tension in the joystick.  

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