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Bufferbloat and Ping Test Underload Results

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 Seems like the only way I can get my Ping underload with best results is by placing the sliders really low, I get the best results when I move the sliders under 30%, Only issue with this is I'm not getting my full speeds and limiting everything to 200 download and 100 upload.

Games and devices seem to be running solid even with these lower speeds but what's the point of having Fiber speeds if I can't get a stable connection at those speeds?

PingPlotter results seem really stable when I use this config. I get no packetloss even when running 6 videos In HD and running a speed test at the sametime. When I run the test with sliders at 100% I notice packet loss right away. That shows me the QoS Is doing its job.

Does DumaOS use any type of  Smart Queue Management?

Screenshot (2).png

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Screenshot (6).png

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As you have a gigabit connection, it's less likely that you'll experience local congestion anyway as you have so much available to you. It makes sense that you see good results with the sliders so low as Connection Benchmark can then essentially create congestion, then control the network queue.

Do you experience any Connection issues in game with QoS disabled?

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No real issues when QoS is off when gaming

Only thing I do notice with it off is I get crazy packet loss on Ping-plotter when flooding the line during a test, Right when I turn it back on and move the sliders to 50% I get no packet loss even with a speed test running on max and multiple HD videos running at the same time 

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I think probably the best bet here is you have a value that you know works really well and the only issue is you want more of your speeds - even though you don't necessarily need them as it works well so I'd suggest just setting Congestion Control to Auto Enable. That way when you're gaming absolutely nothing will affect you but when you're not you'll get the full power of your connection. If you're just watching videos then the packet loss won't affect you anyway - give it a try and see how it works out.

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Waveform good for testing bufferbloat?


https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat?test-id=7c5ba88e-10ce-4933-9e90-9828c3146527   test 1

https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat?test-id=c188e275-2acf-4368-b2a2-b19c797fc8bf    test 2

https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat?test-id=d7335d7b-86d9-44ac-9cc9-9b48bc106275 test 3

https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat?test-id=55e6ae9a-b1a1-44da-9ab9-e9a57a8a9ecf test 4 


Getting good results on the test besides the spike on download that hit 237ms on test #1 and upload almost 300ms spikes on test #2

Test 3 & 4 had the worst spikes and was all over the place. one spike was over 4000ms on test 4

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what's the best way to run ping plotter for testing? Just ping google.com and flood the network?


should I just be on the look out for spikes on the graph and packet loss? what hops should matter the most out of the 11?

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5 minutes ago, Kwee said:

what's the best way to run ping plotter for testing? Just ping google.com and flood the network?

Yep pretty much! Doesn't need to be any more complicated than that - try also a local news website as well as the Google servers can sometimes give weird results

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I just notice I'm receiving 100% Packet Loss when running on Ping plotter. I'm using IP passthrough in DHCPS FIXED so maybe that's causing the issue? When I installed the router it did change my login to and my WAN IP starts with a 23. instead of 192.


 I'm using AT&T BGW210-700 Modem with 1000 up and down that's connected to the network box in the house with the ONT in the garage. The house is using Cat5E cable if that matters



when I ping the 23. wan IP I don't get 100% packet loss at all. Also getting 1-2 Packet loss in Blackops Coldwar 


Thanks for all the help.

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If your router is located at there won't be anything to ping at


Your WAN IP will never start with 192 unless you use DMZ instead of bridge mode.


Both 10.x.x.x and 192.168.x.x are subnets that are 'reserved' for internal networks.

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Will you guys introduce some type of SQM in the future? Seems like QoS is only good at managing upload buffer bloat and not download. 


Seems like SQM clears up all my issues with OpenWRT, It's just tough spending $400 on a router and getting poor results. I will say I really enjoy all the other features it's just the bufferbloat issue is not helping for a smooth internet experience.  




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6 hours ago, Kwee said:

Will you guys introduce some type of SQM in the future? Seems like QoS is only good at managing upload buffer bloat and not download. 


Seems like SQM clears up all my issues with OpenWRT, It's just tough spending $400 on a router and getting poor results. I will say I really enjoy all the other features it's just the bufferbloat issue is not helping for a smooth internet experience.  




Thanks for letting us know! We're always looking to improve QoS and the algorithms that power it so it's very possible!

How do you currently have QoS configured? We'd be more than happy to assist in optimising it further if you're still not getting great results.

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21 minutes ago, Netduma Liam said:

Merci de nous en informer! Nous cherchons toujours à améliorer la qualité de service et les algorithmes qui l'alimentent, c'est donc tout à fait possible !

Comment avez-vous actuellement configuré la qualité de service ? Nous serions plus qu'heureux de vous aider à l'optimiser davantage si vous n'obtenez toujours pas d'excellents résultats.

Hi In 3 years nothing has been improved on the qos of the xr500;) you have added a lot of buggy gadjet in the beta 3.0 versions but on the qos which is the base of a router nothing has been improved ...

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The issue with SQM is that the hardware simply isn't fast enough to do it at gigabit speed.


I don't think there is any consumer platform available at the moment that will run SQM at 1 Gbit outside of a x86-64 router.


Fot gigabit connections I usually turn it off anyway.



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10 hours ago, Kwee said:

Will you guys introduce some type of SQM in the future? Seems like QoS is only good at managing upload buffer bloat and not download. 


Seems like SQM clears up all my issues with OpenWRT, It's just tough spending $400 on a router and getting poor results. I will say I really enjoy all the other features it's just the bufferbloat issue is not helping for a smooth internet experience.  

Can you provide the screenshots of PingPlotter and the results you got? Then we can determine what is happening. Is QoS not applying to your download?

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If you do auto setup and choose manually, make the spikes at 10% and allow it to throttle to 30% what percentages does it recommend? If you then test with it do those spikes disappear?

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The thing is when I set it to 100% I still get massive spikes under load on the connection test and other bufferbloat test.

waveform showed a spike at 4000ms on download underload, that test always freaks out when I set my sliders maxed out but it shows good results when I lower the sliders on QoS


Screenshot (13).png

Screenshot (14).png

Screenshot (16).png


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