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Teams video calls interfering with my traffic prio?

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11 hours ago, CRarsenxL said:

The main question I have is, if I enable DMZ for my device while prioing a lot of ports, will it leak into the other devices while it’s on ? Or only when it’s off ; cus if it’s only when off, I don’t really mind it

How do you mean leaking into other devices? In terms of traffic prioritisation?

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7 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

How do you mean leaking into other devices? In terms of traffic prioritisation?

It triggers when it’s off. Meaning it’s prioing others devices. 

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5 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

No, DMZ shouldn't have any affect on this as this all occurs within QoS.


Any PF/DMZ rules will cause this. I have already confirmed this

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So this means, that if another device is using the same port, duma os is going to prio it. That has to be what it is. Because the issue occurs when I PF any port that cod uses.


Upnp is different Bc UPNP is on only when the console is on/playing cod.


(It will still prios other devices using that port at that specific time as well)


I will do a test where I kick off everything on the network and see how many packets exactly it should be. Then compare afterwards.


I can make a full video explaining this better if needed. This is affecting all duma os routers. 

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Just out of curiosity, I tried replicating this on my XR500 since it's an odd problem.


So PS4 1 in DMZ and traffic prio Duma Classified games enabled


Play a game on PS4 number 2 with traffic prio off.


For me it doesn't trigger. 

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1 hour ago, Bert said:

Just out of curiosity, I tried replicating this on my XR500 since it's an odd problem.


So PS4 1 in DMZ and traffic prio Duma Classified games enabled


Play a game on PS4 number 2 with traffic prio off.


For me it doesn't trigger. 

No not duma os.


prio 1-65535 TCP UDP for source and dest 

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Mine does it as well.


It's not a bug as such such I think. When you place a console in DMZ all traffic gets directed towards the host in DMZ. As far as I can tell it's some TCP systems service that triggers it. I tried TCP 1024-65535 as well and it still happens every now and then. It's also only counting packets on the download counter suggesting it's a service from outside causing it.


DumaOS classified games is UDP 1024-65535 for that reason.

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12 minutes ago, Bert said:



Mine does it as well.


It's not a bug as such such I think. When you place a console in DMZ all traffic gets directed towards the host in DMZ. As far as I can tell it's some TCP systems service that triggers it. I tried TCP 1024-65535 as well and it still happens every now and then. It's also only counting packets on the download counter suggesting it's a service from outside causing it.


DumaOS classified games is UDP 1024-65535 for that reason.

Regardless, it shouldn’t be happening.

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22 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Thanks for the info both of you, we are currently testing it to see whether we can replicate it.

Has the team been able to replicate?

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