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Martin D

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100000000000000 times experimed with Traffi priioritazion , 100000000000000000000000 times experimed with  QOS...

the whole 3 months only experiments , where is some concrete advise ? do this, do this , do that.

this is nonsense.

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You're obviously getting the closest server and you've optimized QoS so local congestion isn't a factor so whatever is causing the issue is out of your control unfortunately and could be down to the ISP routing, the server itself for example. If it's the server then you can try forcing further away servers as they may make it more stable.

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little remark, today I played 9 games all of them against German players on Frankfurt´s server , I beat all of them in a row.

it was still bad gameplay, but I can not explain.

I am Totally confused from this stupid gameplay EA is offering us.

please , lads  from NETDUMA , help us to find the solution.



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  On 1/25/2021 at 2:56 PM, Martin D said:

little remark, today I played 9 games all of them against German players on Frankfurt´s server , I beat all of them in a row.

it was still bad gameplay, but I can not explain.

I am Totally confused from this stupid gameplay EA is offering us.

please , lads  from NETDUMA , help us to find the solution.




Did forcing different servers help at all?

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I think no matter what you do the connection on Fifa is always going to be less than desirable.  It has always been this way ever since I started playing back in Fifa 08 or Fifa 09.

I've gone through many different ISPs, different routers - it's always the same.  It's rare to have a completely delay free matchup, the vast majority of the time the gameplay feels heavy, players taking extra touches...defenders running an extra second when you've told them to stop running a certain direction.

One piece of advice I can give is to try and always play at home, for whatever reason I get a better experience when doing this.  You will know if you're playing at home if the kit select screen loads faster than normal (check a youtube video to see it in action).

I'm sure using a router like this helps a little bit but I think it's mostly a problem their end with their servers that you simply cannot fix from your side. ☹


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/10/2021 at 10:18 PM, Musinho said:

@Martin D did you try what fraser recommended?

What is the status with your connection now? Did you find already a solution with good settings?

Waiting for your feedback.



I spedt tons of hours  trying different setting no positive results at all, sorry .

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The issue is down to FIFA lag compensation. 

You might be connecting to the Frankfurt server, but your opponent may be from further away and connecting to the Frankfurt server. 

Then the further away connection gets lag compensation and it feels like you are playing through mud. 

EA don't want to fix this as they want to keep the paying customer user base as large as possible. 

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Hi all,

yes, as everybody know, the FIFA server are a piece of shit.

What you can only do is and play with the GEOFILTER.

As you can see, if you are joining into FUT application on xbox or playstation you will see all server around the globe and exactly here you have to try which server is better for you.

Yes of course, you will have maybe a higher ping but at the end you have to check which server is the smoothest for you.

For example I leave in Germany and I'm 250km away from the Frankfurt server, yes I have very good ping around 12-25ms but against some opponents it's no possible to play, based on delay etc.

Therefore try another server and check which is good for you. Sometimes Stockholm(Sweden) I have better experiences. What you can also try is via VPN.


Give it a try.

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  On 2/20/2021 at 2:58 PM, Martin D said:

Guys from NETDUMA since new update of R2 i am not able to play FIFA totally (delay like 3 seconds on the same servers ), sorry but I think you have something f...ed.


The update wouldn't have affected anything in that regard, adjust your QoS settings to try and get better gameplay - some people throttle their connection so worth a try.

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Hei Fraser , regarding Traffic Prioritization Selector , I can not see FIFA 21 , which one should I use for FIFA ? please do not answer me that I should try , it will take another 2 months 🙂

Thanks for  your help.

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Maybe, just use under traffic priorization devices and select directly the PS4 and select always.

But to be honest the delay doesn't come from that also any router will not help you for that. What you can only try is, what mentioned above. Check different server in Europe or check VPN. Today is Sunday and it's Corona Lockdown, therefore many people at home.

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