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[REQUEST] up limited bandwith

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Guest Killhippie
On 11/17/2019 at 12:45 AM, santa78 said:


In the settings it is impossible to put above 1000 mbits, except now in France we have operators that offers 10Gbps.

Can you update the limit?



You would need a port that could handle 10Gbps and the XR700 could do that but not the XR500. Also QoS etc would be pointless at those speeds. That's something to ask Netgear as well, as its a Netgear router running DumaOS. I'm sure the Netduma guys would be happy but it may be a Netgear setting as that speedtest feature is Netgears I think...

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Wow I'm jealous! Realistically we could up the limit yes but is there a practical need to do so, not really due to the reasons above. I will mention it to the team though as assuming they're fine with it im sure its a quick change.

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Thanks for you response.

Yes i see the XR500 doesn't have a 10 gbps port, but i suppose the restriction is same for the XR700 and I plan to migrate to the XR700 :)

After I do not know if the QOS will be useful.

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Guest Killhippie
19 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Definitely no need to use QoS with 10gbps, there is no way you'd saturate bandwidth that big if you're just a normal user of the internet.

10Gbps pipes are the kind of thing small niche ISP's have, although they would gave multiple ones. You would never saturate that pipe unless you ran your own small ISP ;)

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After Free is only a 10 Gbps WAN port via the delta, your Lan ports only manage 1 Gbps. To get 10Gbps on your XR500, you need a professional router that can do it ... and in memory it is difficult to bypass the freebox

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1 hour ago, e38BimmerFN said:

You also need 10Gb LAN port adapter on your PC as well. also a PC that can handle and process at 10Gb data flow too. 

Hmm when you put it like that, seems it's quite a costly exercise.

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For the consumer market, some 10Gb HW is still kinda spendy. I see some Mfrs are slowly coming out with 2.5Gb support on some routers and such. There are some switches being seen.


I think ASUS and a few others are now out with 10Gb adapter cards:



Impressive heatsink and fans on some of these cards. 

Im not sure if a quad core PC would be enough to handle 10Gb. Probably 8 core or higher at least. 

As you can see, prices are not cheap. Maybe for those who can afford it and hop over. 

Everyone should recall and remember when we all went from 100Mb to 1000Mb several years back....hmmmm? 



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Ok, well we made the jump from 100Mbps on device/LAN networks around 2005/2006 was when the consumer market opened up for 1000Mbps products. I think I finally made the change around 2007/08. Somewhere in there. My first 1000Mbps product was D-Links DGL-4500 gaming router. I remember buying some cheap Trendnet PC adapter cards for the few PCs I had back then. Then bought a HP Pro Curve 1400 series 24 port 1000Mbps switch that is still in service today. 

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